Thursday, September 30, 2010

Preseason: Rangers 5, Red Wings 1

Oh man, oh man, oh man. If only this was the regular season. The Rangers improved to 3-1 in the preseason by absolutely dominating Detroit's b-team, as my buddy Eric called them. The Blueshirts controlled the puck, controlled the pace of play, were strong in their own zone and put in some pretty goals. Who could ask for anything more?

Well, me, for one.

All I am asking for is that they play this way during real play, against real teams. It would be nice to believe that this stellar exhibition season is a sign of things to come but we all know that it is virtually meaningless. That being said, some notes on the night:

*All food and drink, from what I have seen, is more expensive at the Garden. Gotta pay for the renovation somehow ... sadly the real fans won't be around to enjoy the fruit of their money's labour but that is another post for another time. Granted, it may be worth all of the extra money as I heard Micheletti was atrocious yet again.

*There was a sizable crowd - more than there were for the Devils game. And the best parts of it? No Dancing Larry and only one Potvin Sucks Whistle.

*The most important thing to come out of the evening was a return to form by Henrik Lundqvist. After looking horrible in his first exhibition match Hank looked quite solid in this one. There were two plays where he extended his legs going cross crease where I gasped but he bounced right up and showed no signs of soreness. Thank freakin' goodness, we're screwed if we have to rely on Islander Biron.

*His counterpart, Jimmy Howard, was horrible. And because of that it is hard to judge the Ranger goals - he looked like he wasn't comfortable in the least. Granted, the defensive corps in front of him so clearly missed the steady presence of the greatest defenseman of our generation, Nick Lidstrom. Down the line though, you can see the Detroit defense will be in good hands with Jakub Kindl and Brendan Smith once they develop a little more. Very impressed with Smith.

*If it is tough to judge our offense because of their defense, then it was also tough to judge our defense because of their offense. Without Zetterberg, Datsyuk, Holmstrom and Cleary Detroit's forwards had little finish. Franzen was bad, Bertuzzi was barely there and Hudler was horrendous.

*But even with the Wings missing their top talent, I was still able to make some observations. Sauer and Valentenko are really making it tough on the Ranger brass for who to keep. Both played solid defense, limited the mistakes and contributed to the offense. In an ideal world, they would both be kept while Rozsival would join Redden down in Hartford. Rozy made several bad passes and he made a classic Redden play, fumbling the puck at the blueline on the power play without any pressure around him. I would rather deal with some growing pains with the kids than deal with more mental mistakes from the overpaid millionaire. MDZ was far better in his own end than he was in his previous appearance and deserves some accolades for that (see, I admitted it Bob!), as well as his ever-present offensive acumen.

*Todd White, have fun in Hartford. It wasn't like Erik Christensen was particularly good but White was weak. He needed to step up his game and, frankly, he didn't. Granted he was saddled with Prust and Boogaard but you would skill like to see more out of the veteran. He didn't see a second of penalty killing time but that isn't his fault, Torts needs to see if this guy can do more than a little north-south skating between two goons.

*Boogaard, by the way, will never again have the scoring chances that he had on this night and he couldn't score on them. So thus far this preseason he hasn't fought, he hasn't scored, he can barely skate ... and we have four years of him. Thankfully Ottawa has Jarkko Ruutu, Chris Neil and Frank Lessard so we are almost certain to see Boogaard do what he is getting paid for this weekend.

*Sean Avery didn't get an assist on Derek Stepan's goal but it was his hard work that kept the play alive. He has been nothing short of fantastic this preseason, shaking my fears that he would lose his job. Of course, I thought he would lose it to Fedotenko, and the two actually complimented each other well in this game.

*Frolov, Gabby and Stepan made for a good line so it would be nice to see them together come opening night. So here is the team I would like to see when the puck drops for real:

Dubi-Christy (Drury)-Cally

Whatcha think?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Quick Look At The Cuts

I vented a little bit on Twitter but figured I would add some analysis here...

Goal (1): Chad Johnson
Defense (1): Wade Redden
Forward (6): Dane Byers*, Evgeny Grachev, Kris Newbury*, Dale Weise, Jeremy Williams*, Mats Zuccarello
* Player must clear waivers prior to being assigned to Hartford
Wade Redden, hahahaha. If Wade ends up in Hartford I will actually be quite disappointed. As mentioned in this space multiple times, I really think he should head overseas. Why let his stink of failure infect the kids on the farm? They will start to believe that they too can play mediocre hockey and make big money, and we simply can't have that.

As for the rest of the guys, we are certain to see at least some of them down the road. It is disappointing Zuccarello was sent down but it is probably best - he can continue to adjust to North American hockey outside of the critical eye of New York. From all indications, he will make the show sooner rather than later. Grachev on the other hand ... well, I don't have the faith that others do but - as has been pointed out to me - he is just 20 years old so there is plenty of time. Weise wasted a chance to make the show but he also a youngster so patience and hard work may pay off down the road. Johnson definitely needs to get his head straight and stop giving up soft goals. Byers, Newbury and Williams will be the leadership core of the Pack/Whale this year. Both Byers (Hartford's captain) and Newbury showed that they can skate with the big boys if the injury bug takes its toll on the Rangers.

Defense (3): Garnet Exelby, Brandon Manning, Alexei Semenov
As I tweeted, I wonder where Semenov's wife will let him play now. His size is intoxicating but he simply isn't that good. Hands of cement, skates of cement ... Exelby seemed to have a head of cement and blew perhaps his last chance at a NHL job. Manning, well, who?

Goal (2): Martin Biron, Henrik Lundqvist
Defense (9): Michael Del Zotto, Steve Eminger, Matt Gilroy, Dan Girardi, Ryan McDonagh, Michal Rozsival, Michael Sauer, Marc Staal, Pavel Valentenko
Forward (16): Artem Anisimov, Sean Avery, Derek Boogaard, Brian Boyle, Ryan Callahan, Erik Christensen, Chris Drury, Brandon Dubinsky, Ruslan Fedotenko, Alex Frolov, Marian Gaborik, Tim Kennedy, Vinny Prospal, Brandon Prust, Derek Stepan, Todd White
Probably the biggest surprise here, for me at least, is that the Rangers kept Sauer in camp - and it is a pleasant surprise as I've been rooting for this kid to come through for a while. Still, it will be tough for him to make the next batch of cuts with the group of blueliners around him. The Rangers may or may not carry seven defensemen but if they do, there are three spots for Eminger, Hobey, McD, Sauer and Valentenko. Of those five McD is almost a certainty and Hobey has looked great. Valentenko's toughness has been impressive but the bosses surely want Eminger's experience around ... Wednesday night will be interesting.

Up front there are 16 players for 12 spots, maybe 13 or 14 depending on what Torts wants to carry. Vinny Prospal has lucked out with his injury - what timing - so he hasn't had to fight for his job. Rather than Fedotenko threatening Vaclav for his spot, it looks like he is battling Avery and maybe even Kennedy. Kennedy was far better on the wing than down the middle, and Boyle was better in the middle than on the wing. Having Kennedy, Boogey and Prust allows the Rangers to play matchups with their fourth line. I would say Stepan is certain to make opening night with Drury out. So at least one player will be cut and my guess is either White or Christy. Wednesday will be quite interesting ...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Preseason: Red Wings 5, Rangers 3

Another day, another preseason game. And sadly, a loss.

But seeing as the 5-3 defeat at the hands of Detroit was just another exhibition, the final result is of little consequence. What happened and how the individual Rangers played was what was important - and it was clearly a game of individuals for the Blueshirts. With a few exceptions, there was little line chemistry up front and there was absolutely none on the blueline. So just how did those individuals do?

The Standouts:
*Sean Avery: A night after his antics went a bit over the top, Avery reined in his emotions and played a smart game. He still harassed the Wings, but he managed to go penalty-free while remaining involved in the flow of the game. And he got a goal for his efforts and his willingness to work the front of the crease. I've repeated it again and again and again and again and again and again, if you pay the price, good things happen.

*Pavel Valentenko: Yes he was a step too slow. Yes he made mistakes. But when he saw Tomas Holmstrom camping out in front of the Ranger net he went after him. I will gladly take the two minutes shorthanded in return for the message being sent - get the hell away from our goaltender.

*Alex Frolov: During a pre-recorded interview, Avery said that Frolov was underrated defensively and I can see why. The Russian is responsibly in his own end and good positionally. In this game it resulted in the shorthanded two-on-one that got Arty a goal.

*Ryan McDonagh: Wade who? McD played nearly 25 minutes and certainly showed NHL ability. He suffered a bit from the rotating partners but once he settles in, he will be a capably and reliable part of the Blueshirt blueline.

The No-Shows:
*Both goaltenders: Martin Biron and Chad Johnson both allowed bad goals, with Johnson's horrible showing on the Holmstrom shot being the worst of the worst. That is two terrible goals in two periods of work by DosNueve so he has bought his ticket to Hartford. And, if reports are to be believed, he will even be pushed for his starting job there by Cam Talbot. Biron was still rusty but let's face it, it will take him time to get the stink of the Islanders off.

*Evgeni Grachev: Perhaps I have been a bit hasty labeling him Pavel Brendl II, I am willing to admit that. Grachev is still a kid so he still has time to avoid the bust label, but he isn't doing himself any favours. You can teach a lot of things in hockey, but you can't teach desire. A player has to have the drive to succeed and the confidence that comes with it if he is going to make the show. By all on-ice indications to date, Grachev doesn't have either.

*Alexei Semenov: Semenov is big. Semenov is slow. Semenov is going to develop a hump the way he skates. He lumbers around hunched over, making himself seem smaller than he really is - exactly the opposite of what he should be doing. Management is enamoured with his size but if Frankenstein can't play big, he shouldn't play at all.

As for some of the other guys, Mats Zuccarello is making strides towards adjusting to NHL play but he clearly isn't there yet. Erik Christensen had a back-and-forth game and his top-line position is certainly being threatened by Derek Stepan. As dynamic as Brian Boyle was against the Devils, he looked one-dimensional and outright incompetent at times against Detroit. Mike Sauer wasn't able to keep up with the Wings' pace but I really don't want to write him off just yet.

Torts said that a wave of cuts are likely for Monday and we will see who is standing after that. The building blocks are here for a respectable team this season but, as we just saw, the Rangers are still not even close to the elite talents in the NHL.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Preseason: Rangers 5, Devils 4 OT

On a day where the Rangers lighten our hearts with the wonderful news that Wade Redden was waived, it is hilariously sad that the Blueshirts blueline looked absolutely horrific in the face of the Devils. But all of that would matter if the Rangers played a NHL game tonight but the silly exhibition in Jersey was certainly not.

It was a ridiculous, disjointed, mess filled with individuals trying to make names for themselves - Rangers, Devils & referees. Apparently Paul Devorski and Chris Ciamaga were able to renew their officiating stripes by screwing over Sean Avery - like part of the hazing to get into the frat. 'Dude, I did it, the brothers did it, everyone has to do it...' Avery collected no points and 14 PIM while his potential replacement, Ruslan Fedotenko, had a goal and two assists.

The other free agents on tryouts were Alexei Semenov and Garnett Exelby. Semenov was the most sound of the defensemen but he really can't skate so it isn't like he could wander far. XLB was bad. Eminger was better but not by much - he is a borderline NHLer and he played like it. Definitely need to see more of Pavel Valentenko while Matt Gilroy was definitely impressive. Hobey certainly played with more confidence and poise than he had last season. The sixth defenseman, MDZ, well, you aren't going to like what I have to say about him.

I wanted the Rangers to draft John Carlson in '09 and I think this season Carlson will far surpass MDZ. And I think Bobby Sanguinetti, who MDZ essentially replaced, will have more points than the Ranger now that he will get NHL ice time. Outraged? Well it shouldn't be at me and instead at the youngster who did not appear to improve himself in any way in the offseason.

Del Zotto scored a gimme of a goal - Hedberg was grossly out of position (that he was missing a stick was meaningless, he got caught too high in his crease and overcommitted). But we knew he has offensive skills, what I wanted to see was an improvement in his own zone and the kid was even worse than his -20 self from last season. It was game 1 for him so maybe it was rust but he didn't show a single sign that he is ready to make that leap to reliable defenseman what I had hoped for. Check that, I had hoped for a Doughty-esque improvement but will settle for basic reliability.

Hank wasn't good but after a life of leisure all summer, it is hard to expect him to be. He will find his shape quickly once the games get real, at least that is what we need to pray for. No more hidden excuses for sub-par play - migraines, family, knee, whatever. Without Wade around to bail him out he will have to be that much better this season. Hahahahaha. Sorry, I had to.

On offense, if Callahan is the only one of the players in this 'game' to make the opening night roster I would be ok with that. Sure Avery got screwed but he also acted like a fool - dodging a real fight to get slap happy at a skill player is just pathetic, even if it is Kovy. He showed a nice willingness to go to the crease and cause havoc but it is hard to saw if Tortorella will see it that way. Torts seemed to like Kennedy's effort. I thought he skated hard but I don't see him as being a top NHL player - an AHL star for sure but NHL? He is small and his decision making doesn't seem to match his foot speed - how can he fit into the Ranger roster? His speed would be wasted with fourth-line goons, the third line is all but spoken for once Dru comes back and Kennedy doesn't have top six talent.

Speaking of... Arty scored a goal but he also scored last preseason too, the real test for him will be to see if he shows up during the regular season without a tough guy riding shotgun for him. Grachev was just as invisible as Jeremy Williams, which is pathetic. White supposedly begged the trainers to let him play but didn't play with any of the accompanying desperation. Byers fell down more than a few notches in my book by trying to catch Hepatitis before getting smacked around by Minor Leaguer Clarkson. Weise and Newbury did nothing that showed they are anything more than minor leaguers themselves. I think that just leaves Boogaard alone, which is where he will be most this season. For the second straight night he couldn't pick a fight nor do any kind of 'intimidating' that defended his teammates.

As of 1:30a the Rangers had not announced their cuts but I wouldn't be surprised to see Williams, Grachev and Byers bounced to Hartford with XLB cut outright. We shall have to see - which is the mantra for now. It's preseason and tonight was just the second exhibition of preseason at that - a start, nothing more. Lotta time to form opinions as the Blueshirt brass tries to form a team. The Blueshirts will be back in action Sunday evening at 5 in Detroit.

 Quick Look at the Cuts: Evaluating the Rangers' Preseason Roster Changes


The preseason in the NHL is not only a time for teams to assess their talent and prepare for the grueling regular season but also a period of tough decisions. As teams finalize their rosters for the upcoming season, some players will be celebrating their inclusion, while others will receive the difficult news of being cut from the team. In this article, we'll take a quick look at the cuts the New York Rangers have made during this preseason and explore the implications for the team as they gear up for the challenges ahead.

The Cutting Process:

Before diving into the specifics of the Rangers' preseason cuts, it's essential to understand the dynamics of the cutting process. NHL

Title: Preseason Thriller: Rangers Triumph Over Devils 5-4 in Overtime


Preseason hockey serves as a tantalizing appetizer for NHL fans, offering a glimpse into the upcoming season's potential while allowing teams to fine-tune their rosters. The matchup between the New York Rangers and the New Jersey Devils was a prime example of the excitement that preseason can bring. In a thrilling contest that saw the Rangers emerge victorious with a 5-4 overtime win, both teams showcased their strengths and weaknesses, leaving fans eager for the regular season to begin. In this article, we'll break down the key moments, standout performances, and what this game signifies for both the Rangers and the Devils.

The Game Highlights:

Kreider's Captaincy Debut: This game marked Chris Kreider's first appearance as the Rangers' captain, and he didn't disappoint. Leading by example, Kreider displayed the intensity and skill that earned him the coveted "C" on his jersey. His leadership on and off the ice was evident throughout the game.

Kakko's Offensive Explosion: Kaapo Kakko, the young Finnish forward, had a standout performance, notching two goals in the game, including the game-winner in overtime. His ability to find open ice and unleash his lethal shot was on full display, leaving Rangers fans excited about his potential for the upcoming season.

Devils' Young Talent: The New Jersey Devils showcased their young talent, with prospects like Dawson Mercer and Alexander Holtz making significant contributions. Mercer, in particular, stood out with his playmaking ability and vision on the ice.

Special Teams Battle: Both teams struggled on the penalty kill, with each conceding power-play goals. While it's still preseason, tightening up their special teams will be a priority for both the Rangers and the Devils as the regular season approaches.

Implications for the Rangers:

The Rangers' victory in this preseason matchup offers several insights into the team's potential for the upcoming season:

Kreider's Leadership: Chris Kreider's performance as captain was a positive sign for the Rangers. His ability to inspire his teammates and contribute offensively will be crucial as the team looks to make a playoff run.

Kakko's Development: Kaapo Kakko's offensive prowess was on full display, showcasing his growth and potential as a top-tier forward in the NHL. If he continues to develop at this pace, he could become a game-changer for the Rangers.

Defensive Challenges: The Rangers' defensive performance left room for improvement, with some defensive lapses leading to Devils' goals. Solidifying their defensive structure will be a priority for the coaching staff.

Goaltending Depth: Both Igor Shesterkin and Alexandar Georgiev had their moments in net, showing the Rangers' depth at the goaltender position. Having two reliable goaltenders will be crucial during the long NHL season.

Implications for the Devils:

While the Devils didn't come away with the win, there were positives to take from the preseason matchup:

Young Talent Shines: The Devils' prospects and young players demonstrated their potential, providing hope for the future. Developing these players will be a key focus for the organization.

Special Teams Work: Like the Rangers, the Devils also showed promise on the power play. Enhancing their special teams' efficiency will be essential for their success in the regular season.

Goaltending Battle: Goaltender Mackenzie Blackwood's solid performance highlighted the importance of having a reliable netminder. The Devils will rely on Blackwood to anchor their defense.


The preseason clash between the New York Rangers and the New Jersey Devils was a thrilling preview of what's to come in the upcoming NHL season. With standout performances from both established stars and emerging talents, it left fans on both sides excited for the regular season to begin. As these teams continue to fine-tune their rosters and strategies, the stage is set for an exciting season of hockey rivalry and competition.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Preseason: Rangers 4, Devils 3 OT

Sure it was over 80 degrees in New York today but even the heat couldn't stifle the excitement of hockey finally returning to the Garden. And while many of us would have just been happy to see some pucks, the Rangers beat the Devils in a - dare I say it? dare, dare - thrilling 4-3 overtime game.

Oh there was rust and sloppy play, don't get me wrong, but both teams came out strong and played fun, end-to-end hockey. Seven goals, two fights and one failure nicknamed Fatso made for a nice night out.

So I just turned on the television to watch Ranger Rewind and see if I miss anything and the voices of Sam, Joe and Chico doing commentary start making my skin crawl. Several people had texted me during the game to tell me they were the broadcast team but you just can't wrap your mind around just how annoying they are unless you actually hear them. Wow.

Since I can't bare to listen to them cackle, I will just do a quick Ranger-by-Ranger scouting report from what I saw from section 329. Besides, it was a preseason game, there is no point in harping on individual moments...

*Marty Biron: Was hardly tested and yet allowed two goals. He seemed to have a bit of rust that should shake off over the preseason. Still, at this point, I find it hard to root for the former Islander and Flyer.

*Derek Boogaard: He's big. And we certainly should get used to the theatrics of tonight where he lumbered around, threatened to fight PL3 and did nothing. He had a few big checks but I'm not sure they were lined up so much as the big man not being able to stop.

*Brian Boyle: Man was I ready to dump on him. He was so soft and he played so ugly we called him Susan last season. This time around, well, let's hope he can replicate tonight's effort down the line. A few big hits, a solid showing in a fight (despite being jumped by Mair) and one sexy goal. Brian Boyle. Wow. Keep in mind though that he played like this when he debuted in LA in February of '08 and then turned into Susan.

*Erik Christensen: Christy showed some flashes of skill and even had a moment or two of that chemistry with Gabby we saw last spring but he is definitely a ways away from regular season form.

*Brandon Dubinsky: Dubi disappeared for several stretches of the night but when you noticed him, you noticed him. Good size, good hands, good drive.

*Ruslan Fedotenko: Another performance like this and my worries that he will take Sean Avery's job will go away. The Tank didn't play like he had much left in the tank. He kept his legs moving but he didn't go particularly fast, didn't go far and didn't achieve much along the way. He did bump Mmmaaarrtttyyy, giving the goaltender his opportunity to try out for Canada's 2012 Olympic diving team.

*Alex Frolov: His opportunism was awesome - that steal and goal basically sent Fatso into cardiac shock. Frolov's skill has never been questioned, his drive has. He was willing to put his big body in front to block Brodeur and payed the price for it but whether it was just a good first impression or a sign of things to come will help determine just how far the Rangers can go this year.

*Marian Gaborik: My buddy texted me after the game asking where were those two goals back in April and I laughed. Upon further thought, he's right. But why couldn't he come up with those goals during crunch time? He was tired from the Olympics and other teams could key in on him and shut down the Rangers. If Frolov comes through, Gabby will have more of the time and space to score like he did tonight.

*Dan Girardi: I'm pretty sure he was the screen in front on the Zajac goal but that's ok. We know what he can do and he just needs to shake off the rust and re-find the chemistry with Staalsie.

*Chad Johnson: For 18 minutes and 14 seconds I was hugely impressed with him and upset that the Rangers went out and robbed him a chance of backing up Hank. Then he gave up a Michael Leighton-esque softie that forced overtime. DosNueve was strong on his skates, good with his positioning and anticipation ... and then let a goal go through his legs. Unacceptable.

*Tim Kennedy: Despite watching at least a dozen Sabre games last season, I really didn't realize just how small he was. Kennedy got bumped from the puck a few times and did absolutely nothing on the power play but he showed good quickness. He still has plenty to prove over the rest of preseason.

*Ryan McDonagh: Um, Mr. Redden? Your services won't be needed any longer, thanks. After a shakey start that saw him take a bad penalty, McD shook it off and played with a poise beyond his years. His timing was good, his decision making was good, his positioning was good ... my biggest concern will be if he can avoid hitting the post-collegiate wall the way Hobey did last year.

*Brandon Prust: Prust disappointed in the offensive end but came through in the tough guy department, even if he pulled that one-hand-on-the-glass nonsense that he did when he first came to the Rangers. He won his fight by decision but could be more than just a top middleweight, a solid power forward - something he showed alongside Arty and Shelley late last year.

*Michal Rozsival: Ya know, it is hard to find flaws in his performance. Rozy was reluctant to shoot but was far more decisive with the puck than he has been in a long time. As long as he keeps that up and avoids any kind of idiocy in his own end, he can avoid the derisive boos from the last two seasons.

*Michael Sauer: If there was one Ranger I wanted to see succeed it was Sauer and he disappointed. Sauer took himself out of position to make a few hits and also took a bad penalty. The rest of the time he quietly went about clearing the puck but if he is going to be one dimensional, he has to be perfect at that one dimension.

*Alexei Semenov: Lurch is big but not all that tough. He proved again he was quite capable at a simple style of defense but he showed that last season too. He is nothing better than a seventh defenseman, if that.

*Marc Staal: A clear case of rust. Staal was mostly solid but made a few mental mistakes that won't happen once he gets his skates under him.

*Derek Stepan: Like McD, Stepan had a shakey start but overcame it and showed a very, very good awareness of the ice. His passing was top notch and his positioning was pretty good but I'm not sure he is ready to be a prime time player just yet - have to see more over the next few weeks.

*Dale Weise: Another disappointment. Weise has good size and knows how to use it but he didn't seem to get his skates under him. He would get going, the play was turn in another direction and he had trouble adjusting. He was just a step too slow for my taste and will have to put the pieces together if he is to avoid Dane Byers' fate - NHL-caliber drive and strength but AHL thought processes.

*Mats Zuccarello: How can you not root for the little guy? The Devils went after Zuccarello on his first few shifts, giving him a rude welcome to the NHL. When he finally realized that looking for the ref to make a call was a waste of time, Zuke was far better. His stick seems to be taller than he is but he puck handled well and got off a few good chances. He will need to convert a few of them and keep showing his ability to adapt to the NHL game if he is to catch on but the talent is there.

Programming note: I won't be there on Saturday in Newark but should be able to do a quick write-up. Frankly, the only thing I want the Rangers to get out of it is a healthy Hank.

 Rangers Triumph Over Devils 4-3 in Preseason Overtime Thriller


The preseason serves as a tantalizing preview of what's to come in the NHL regular season, and the matchup between the New York Rangers and the New Jersey Devils didn't disappoint. In a thrilling contest that saw the Rangers emerge victorious with a 4-3 overtime win, both teams showcased their potential, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the start of the regular season. In this article, we'll delve into the key moments, standout performances, and what this game signifies for both the Rangers and the Devils.

Game Highlights:

Kreider's Captaincy: This preseason game marked Chris Kreider's debut as the Rangers' captain, and he led by example. Kreider's leadership, both on and off the ice, was palpable. His physicality, speed, and scoring touch set the tone for the Rangers.

Young Guns Shine: The Rangers' young stars, including Alexis Lafrenière and Kaapo Kakko, showcased their immense potential. Lafrenière's playmaking ability and Kakko's scoring touch were on full display, highlighting the Rangers' bright future.

Devils' Defensive Prowess: The Devils' defense, led by Dougie Hamilton and Ryan Graves, displayed its strength. They limited the Rangers' chances and contributed offensively. Hamilton's presence on the power play was particularly noteworthy.

Special Teams Battle: Both teams struggled on the penalty kill, with each conceding power-play goals. While it's preseason, tightening up their special teams will be a priority for both the Rangers and the Devils.

Implications for the Rangers:

The Rangers' victory in this preseason matchup offers several insights into the team's potential for the upcoming season:

Kreider's Captaincy: Chris Kreider's performance as captain was a positive sign for the Rangers. His leadership and offensive contributions are essential for the team's success.

Young Stars Shine: Alexis Lafrenière and Kaapo Kakko's strong performances indicate that they're ready to take on more significant roles in the regular season. Their development is crucial for the Rangers' offensive depth.

Goaltending Depth: Igor Shesterkin's solid performance in net reaffirms the Rangers' confidence in him as their starting goaltender. Alexandar Georgiev's presence provides valuable depth.

Defensive Improvements: While the Rangers' defense showed promise, there's room for improvement, particularly on the penalty kill. Solidifying their defensive structure will be crucial.

Implications for the Devils:

Despite the loss, the Devils had their moments in this preseason matchup:

Dougie Hamilton's Impact: Dougie Hamilton's addition to the Devils' blue line was evident. His offensive prowess and defensive stability will be vital for the team's success.

Young Talent: The Devils' prospects, including Dawson Mercer and Jesper Boqvist, demonstrated their potential. Developing these young players will be a key focus for the organization.

Special Teams Potential: The Devils' power play showed promise, with Hamilton quarterbacking it effectively. Enhancing their special teams' efficiency will be crucial.

Goaltending Dilemma: Mackenzie Blackwood's solid performance highlighted the importance of strong goaltending. Managing the goaltending tandem between Blackwood and Jonathan Bernier will be essential.


The preseason showdown between the New York Rangers and the New Jersey Devils provided fans with a taste of the excitement and competition to come in the regular season. With standout performances from established stars and emerging talents, it left fans on both sides eagerly anticipating the start of the NHL season. As both teams continue to fine-tune their strategies and rosters, the stage is set for an enthralling season of hockey rivalry and competition.

First Ranger Game Tonight!!

Sure it's only preseason but still ...


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Peepin' Foes Preview Edition: Master Post

A one-stop shop for my silly scribblings about the other teams ahead of this coming season ...

New Jersey Devils
New York Islanders
Philadelphia Flyers
Pittsburgh Penguins

Boston Bruins
Buffalo Sabres
Montreal Canadiens
Ottawa Senators
Toronto Maple Leafs

Atlanta Thrashers
Carolina Hurricanes
Florida Panthers
Tampa Bay Lightning
Washington Capitals

Chicago Blackhawks
Columbus Blue Jackets
Detroit Red Wings
Nashville Predators
St. Louis Blues

Calgary Flames
Colorado Avalanche
Edmonton Oilers
Minnesota Wild
Vancouver Canucks

Anaheim Ducks
Dallas Stars
Los Angeles Kings
Phoenix Coyotes
San Jose Sharks

 Peepin' Foes Preview Edition: Master Post


For NHL fans, anticipation begins long before the puck drops on opening night. It starts with the release of the upcoming season's schedule, followed by a careful analysis of opponents, rosters, and storylines. In this comprehensive "Peepin' Foes Preview Edition," we'll take an in-depth look at the New York Rangers' opponents for the upcoming season. From the juggernauts to the underdogs, we'll delve into what makes each team a formidable adversary and what fans can expect in the matchups.

Eastern Conference

*1. Washington Capitals: The Rangers' divisional rivals, the Capitals, always provide tough competition. With Alexander Ovechkin's scoring prowess and a solid supporting cast, they're perennial contenders. Expect intense battles when these two teams collide.

*2. Philadelphia Flyers: The Flyers boast a young and talented roster. Their gritty style of play and formidable goaltending make them a challenging opponent. Divisional matchups with the Flyers are must-watch games for Rangers fans.

*3. Pittsburgh Penguins: Led by Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin, the Penguins remain a perennial powerhouse. These matchups are always exciting, featuring high-octane offense and intense rivalries.

*4. Carolina Hurricanes: Known for their speed and skill, the Hurricanes are a rising force in the NHL. Their aggressive forecheck and talented young players make them a formidable foe for the Rangers.

*5. Columbus Blue Jackets: The Blue Jackets are known for their defensive prowess and physical play. Games against Columbus often turn into defensive battles that test the Rangers' offensive abilities.

Western Conference

*1. Colorado Avalanche: With a dynamic offense led by Nathan MacKinnon and a solid defense, the Avalanche are legitimate Stanley Cup contenders. Any matchup against Colorado promises excitement and skillful plays.

*2. Chicago Blackhawks: A storied franchise, the Blackhawks have experienced a resurgence. These Original Six matchups are always special, featuring skilled players and rich histories.

*3. St. Louis Blues: The defending Stanley Cup champions always command respect. Their physical style and strong defensive play make them a formidable opponent.

*4. Los Angeles Kings: The Kings, with a mix of veterans and young talent, are on the rise. These matchups provide a glimpse of the future stars in the NHL.

*5. Calgary Flames: The Flames boast a high-powered offense and strong goaltending. Games against Calgary often feature end-to-end action and plenty of scoring opportunities.

What to Watch For:

Key Matchups: Highlighting key individual and team matchups in each game.

Rivalries: Exploring the history and intensity of rivalries, including Rangers vs. Islanders and Rangers vs. Devils.

Young Talent: Analyzing the impact of rising stars like Alexis Lafrenière and Kaapo Kakko in the Rangers' lineup.

Trade Deadline: Assessing potential trade scenarios and their impact on the Rangers' playoff push.

Fan Engagement:

Fans play a crucial role in the excitement surrounding NHL matchups. Here's how fans can engage with the "Peepin' Foes Preview Edition":

Predictions: Share your predictions for each game and the season as a whole.

Rivalry Memories: Share your favorite memories and moments from Rangers' rivalries.

Fantasy Hockey: Discuss fantasy hockey strategies and how opponent analysis can boost your fantasy team.

Social Media Buzz: Follow the Rangers' official social media accounts for updates, highlights, and fan interactions.


The "Peepin' Foes Preview Edition" is your go-to resource for in-depth analysis and insights into the Rangers' opponents for the upcoming season. Whether you're a die-hard Rangers fan or a hockey enthusiast, this master post will provide you with everything you need to know about the challenges and excitement that lie ahead. Get ready to embark on another thrilling season of New York Rangers hockey!

Peepin' Foes Preview Edition: Washington Capitals

Well, well, well. Washington. Last but not least. My pal Poti. Yep. PotiPotiPotiPoti. PeanutButtaPotiTime. The man who "has the grit the team needs" was just rewarded with a two-year contract extension worth nearly three mil per season.


Tom Frickin' Poti.

Oh, and they have that Ovechkin guy too.

Familiar Foes: Captain Caveman is joined by Nick Backstrom, Alex Semin and Mike Green in Washington's packed arsenal of talent. Former Ranger Mike Knuble is still working in the trenches and the rest of DC's second stringers remain unchanged in Brooks Laich, Eric Fehr and Tomas Fleischmann. It is expected that Semyon Varlamov will take over the starting goaltender position as the Caps let Three-Or-More walk. If you've forgotten, Varlamov is the kid who helped Washington bounce back and beat us in Tortorella's Folly (the first round of the playoffs two years back).

N00bz: Seeing as Washington blew a 3-1 series lead to Montreal due to the red-hot goaltending of Halak, the Caps went out and added a goon in DJ King. Yeah, that makes sense. Whatever. In that playoff series All-American Hero John Carlson turned a lot of heads and is expected to make the defense full time, as should another youngster - Karl Alzner.

Last Year: Thursday, October 8th 4-3 Ranger win; Tuesday, November 17th 4-2 Capital win; Thursday, February 4th 6-5 Capital win; and Saturday, March 6th 2-0 Capital win.

This Year: Tuesday, November 9th at MSG; Sunday, December 12th at MSG; Monday, January 24th in DC; and Friday, February 25th in DC.

What They Mean To Blue: POOOOTTTTTIIIIIIIII. And a bunch of losses. All four games last season were interesting affairs that were quite close but Washington rightly took three of four last season. They could very well replicate that feat again this season as long as Varly isn't atrocious. And if he is, his two backups Michal Neuvirth and Braden Holtby both have big NHL futures ahead of them.

 Peepin' Foes Preview Edition: Washington Capitals


The Washington Capitals, a perennial powerhouse in the NHL's Metropolitan Division, have consistently posed a significant challenge for the New York Rangers. With a roster full of star power, a history of playoff success, and an intense rivalry, matchups against the Capitals are always must-see events. In this "Peepin' Foes Preview Edition," we'll take a deep dive into what makes the Washington Capitals a formidable adversary and what Rangers fans can expect in the upcoming clashes.

Team Overview:

The Washington Capitals, founded in 1974, are one of the league's older franchises. They've enjoyed sustained success in recent years, thanks in large part to the presence of Alexander Ovechkin, one of the greatest goal scorers in NHL history. The team's identity is built around a mix of high-scoring offense, solid defense, and elite goaltending.

Key Players:

Alexander Ovechkin: "The Great Eight" is the face of the franchise. Ovechkin is known for his incredible shot and goal-scoring ability. He consistently leads the league in goals, earning numerous Rocket Richard Trophies.

Nicklas Backstrom: A longtime Capital, Backstrom is Ovechkin's setup man. His playmaking ability and on-ice vision make him a threat every time he touches the puck.

John Carlson: One of the league's top offensive defensemen, Carlson quarterback's Washington's power play and contributes significantly in both ends of the ice.

Braden Holtby (Former): Holtby, a key part of the Capitals' 2018 Stanley Cup run, has since departed. But Ilya Samsonov is ready to take the reins in the crease.

Rivalry: Rangers vs. Capitals

The Rangers-Capitals rivalry is rooted in history, with numerous playoff meetings intensifying the feud. One of the most iconic moments came in the 2015 playoffs when the Rangers' Derek Stepan scored the series-winning goal in overtime, breaking the hearts of Capitals fans.

These matchups are known for their physicality, dramatic overtime goals, and star power on both sides. The rivalry continues to be a highlight of the NHL season, with each game carrying playoff-like intensity.

What to Watch For:

Offensive Firepower: The Capitals' offense, led by Ovechkin, can strike at any moment. Rangers' defensemen must be vigilant, especially on the penalty kill.

Physical Play: Expect big hits and hard-nosed hockey. Rivalries like this one often lead to scrums and confrontations after the whistle.

Goaltending Duel: If Igor Shesterkin is in net for the Rangers and Ilya Samsonov for the Capitals, it's a battle of young Russian goaltending talents.

Special Teams: Both teams boast potent power plays. Special teams could play a crucial role in the outcome of games.

Recent History:

In recent seasons, the Capitals have been a formidable opponent for the Rangers. With consistent playoff appearances and a Stanley Cup win in 2018, they have been a measuring stick for the Blueshirts. However, the Rangers have had their moments, including critical regular-season victories.

Fan Engagement:

Rangers fans, along with fans of the Capitals, can engage with this "Peepin' Foes Preview Edition" in various ways:

Share Your Rivalry Stories: Share your favorite moments, goals, or memories from Rangers-Capitals matchups.

Predict the Outcomes: Engage in discussions about how you think the games will play out and who the key contributors will be.

Key Matchups: Analyze and debate the key head-to-head matchups on the ice.

Historical Trivia: Test your knowledge with historical trivia questions about the rivalry.


As the Rangers prepare to face off against the Washington Capitals, there's a sense of excitement and anticipation. These matchups are more than just games; they're battles filled with history, rivalries, and a passion for hockey. In the "Peepin' Foes Preview Edition," we've explored what makes the Capitals a formidable adversary and what fans can look forward to in the upcoming clashes. Get ready for another chapter in the thrilling Rangers vs. Capitals saga!

Renovation Update

From the Rangers today:
"Please Pardon Our Appearance" as we transform The World's Most Famous Arena into the world's most state-of-the-art arena.


It's time for some hockey! We couldn't be more excited as we enter the 2010-11 New York Rangers season and celebrate our 85th Anniversary! The tradition, passion and loyalty that defines the blueshirt faithful begins with you! There is tremendous excitement surrounding the upcoming season which promises to be an unforgettable experience for the entire Rangers family. We thank you for being a valued season subscriber and look forward to sharing many exciting moments with you at The Garden this season!

As you know, Madison Square Garden is currently undergoing a comprehensive, top-to-bottom Transformation that will dramatically enhance the experience for all of our guests. We are well on our way, as you will soon see, on a project that will continue until the 2013-14 season to transform The World's Most Famous Arena into the world's most state-of-the-art arena. Over the past several months construction workers have been working around the clock completing the necessary structural work to prepare for the massive changes ahead. Some of this work will continue throughout the season. We are taking all possible steps to minimize disruptions to fans, however this will mean some changes this season to your Rangers experience.

Over the next couple months there will be construction related activity in the North and South Concierge areas of The Garden. As a result, please note the following:

*The Play-by-Play Restaurant has now been permanently closed

*The Club Bar & Grill will be temporarily closed during the pre-season (reopening in early October)

*The escalators and Terrace level outside the club will also be temporarily closed

Until further notice, we ask that all Subscribers and guests with Club Level seating enter The Garden through the main box office lobby. Also, as a reminder, when fully operational, only those Subscribers and guests who have purchased Club Level Seats and/or Suites have access to the North and South Concierge entrances.

We will continue to provide ongoing updates throughout the Transformation process. There will also be additional staff on site throughout the course of the Transformation to assist with any questions and help direct you around areas that may be temporarily out of service. If you have any questions, please call your Dedicated Account Executive or the Season Subscriptions Department at 212-465-6050. For answers to many frequently asked questions, please visit us online.


Scott O'Neil
President, Madison Square Garden Sports
Well that is annoying, I used to go down by the Play-by-Play to pick up the free copies of the night's rosters. Hopefully they relocate them somewhere accessible ...


Peepin' Foes Preview Edition: Vancouver Canucks

The losers from 1994 just may be contenders in 2010. Vancouver reloaded and reorganized this summer in an effort to push them over the hump and into Cup contention. The biggest move has not been completed as the C was stripped from Roberto Luongo and has yet to find a new sweater. While Lou clearly was capable of dealing with the media crush that comes with a Canadian captaincy, his on-ice play suffered. Now that the responsibility stripped away, the hope is that his game will return to its near-Vezina form.

The Canucks lost in the second round of the playoffs to the eventual Cup winners but Lou allowed 19 goals in the four losses. I still maintain that the result had less to do with his quality of play and the absence of defensive stalwart Willie Mitchell but with Lou wearing the C, he was hung with the disappointment.

Familiar Foes: The Sedin twins still have that creepy telepathic thing going, leading the offense. They combined for 197 points last season despite Daniel missing 19 games. That is just ridiculous. Ryan Kesler finally began getting some of the credit due thanks to a solid Olympic showing and all-around dynamic play. Kesler and Alex Burrows both have the combination of skill and grit that teams - both real and fantasy - drool over. Former Ranger Mikael Samuelsson continues to quietly contribute - he had 30 goals last season - and the speedy Mason Raymond keeps on improving. Mitchell is gone but Kevin Bieksa was not traded (yet) and he and Shane O'Brien bring the toughness to the blueline that skill guys Christian Ehrhoff and Alex Edler lack. Poor Sami Salo is injured again.

N00bz: Even with Salo out and Mitchell in LA, the Vancouver blueline will be alright as they acquired Keith Ballard from Florida and Dan Hamhuis (from Nashville via Pittsburgh and Philadelphia). The Canucks gave our boy Manny Malhotra a big money deal and also brought in former Islander Raffi Torres. Cody Hodgson, Vancouver's top pick in 2008, supposedly is close to returning after dealing with injuries that limited him to just 13 OHL games last season. Once he debuts in the NHL, all of the top 10 picks from the '08 draft will have made the show (just in case you forgot, the Rangers picked MDZ at 20 in that draft).

Last Year: Tuesday, November 3rd 4-1 Vancouver win.

This Year: Thursday, January 13th at MSG.

What They Mean To Blue: The Rangers are often in their mid-winter slump in January but this season the month should provide a lot of points for the Blueshirts as they face few top tier teams and only one Atlantic opponent. Vancouver will be in town in the midst of a five game road trip and a rip of three games in four days - Isles on Tuesday, Rangers on Thursday and Caps on Friday of that week. Those factors should set up an easy win for the Rangers but, as we saw last November and I found out at the Olympics, Vancouver is still kinda bitter about the whole '94 thing so they are certain to step up their game in the building where they blew it.

 Peepin' Foes Preview Edition: Vancouver Canucks


In the NHL's competitive landscape, each team brings a unique blend of talent, history, and strategies to the ice. In this edition of "Peepin' Foes," we turn our attention to the Vancouver Canucks. Known for their passionate fan base and exciting style of play, the Canucks have left their mark on the league. Let's dive into the team's history, current roster, key players to watch, and what the future may hold for this Pacific Division powerhouse.

A Legacy of Excellence:

The Vancouver Canucks, established in 1970, have a storied history in the NHL. While they haven't yet captured a Stanley Cup, the team has consistently been a contender in the Western Conference. Some of the franchise's greatest moments include deep playoff runs in the early 1980s and a memorable trip to the Stanley Cup Final in 2011.

Current Roster:

The heart and soul of any NHL team lies within its roster. The Canucks boast a blend of veteran leadership and youthful talent that keeps them competitive year after year. Key players on the current roster include:

Elias Pettersson: This young Swedish center has quickly become the face of the franchise. With exceptional playmaking abilities and a knack for finding the back of the net, Pettersson is a player to watch.

Quinn Hughes: The Canucks' blueline is anchored by this talented defenseman. Hughes's ability to move the puck and contribute offensively is reminiscent of the league's best.

Bo Horvat: As the team captain, Horvat provides leadership and a two-way game that's vital to the Canucks' success.

Thatcher Demko: The young goaltender has shown tremendous potential and is poised to become the team's future in the crease.

Playing Style:

The Canucks are known for their fast-paced and exciting style of play. They have a history of talented forwards who can score in bunches and a defense that can contribute offensively. This style has made them a fan favorite and a challenging opponent for any team.

Challenges and Aspirations:

Like every NHL team, the Canucks face their share of challenges. Staying competitive in the Western Conference, especially against formidable rivals like the Vegas Golden Knights and the Calgary Flames, is no small task. Additionally, managing the development of their young talent while supporting their veteran core is crucial.

The ultimate goal for the Canucks is, of course, to capture that elusive Stanley Cup. With the right mix of talent, coaching, and determination, they have the potential to achieve that dream.

Fan Engagement:

Canucks fans are some of the most passionate in the league. They fill Rogers Arena night after night, creating an electric atmosphere that energizes the team. The "Peepin' Foes" platform provides Canucks fans with a space to:

Share Their Experiences: Share memorable moments from games, home or away, and connect with fellow fans.

Discuss Key Players: Engage in discussions about their favorite players, their contributions, and the impact they have on the team.

Predict Future Success: Share their thoughts on the team's prospects, upcoming games, and what it will take to bring the Stanley Cup to Vancouver.

Celebrate Canucks History: Discuss iconic moments from the team's past and what those moments mean to them.


The Vancouver Canucks are a team with a rich history and a bright future. With a passionate fan base and a roster filled with talent, they are poised to continue making waves in the NHL. The "Peepin' Foes Preview Edition" celebrates the team's legacy, its present stars, and the dreams of hoisting the Stanley Cup high in Rogers Arena. Canucks fans, get ready for another exciting season of NHL action!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Peepin' Foes Preview Edition: Toronto Maple Leafs

Oh the truculence. Has there been a single article written about Toronto that hasn't used Brian Burke's catchword this year? While it has been used ad nauseum, it is the sentiment that the GM has built the team around. The Leafs will not score a lot of goals and they won't blow you away with their skill, but they will be tough to play against.

Familiar Foes: The one-two punch of Sloppy Seconds - Dion Phaneuf and Mike Komisarek - anchor the Buds' blueline. They will be joined by Francois Beauchemin, Luke Schenn and Tomas Kaberle. Yes, you were inundated with Kaberle trade talk last year as well as last summer but the sound and the fury signified nothing as the Czech playmaker didn't go anywhere. In net will be the same tandem that ended last season, JS Giguere and Jonas Gustavsson. The offense will revolve again around the talent of Phil Kessel and an underwhelming cast of second-hand players. Tyler Bozak, Nik Kulemin and Mikhail Grabovski will help out with some skill (not a whole lot) while our old pal Freddie Sjostrom adds defensive responsibility and Colton Orr adds on-ice accountability.

N00bz: Orr will be helped in the truculence department by Mike Brown, who was brought in this offseason from Anaheim. Bruek also acquired Crosby's buddy Colby Armstrong, Buffalo cast-off Clarke MacArthur and Cup winner Kris Versteeg. Luca Caputi came to the team in a deadline deal last season and is expected to play a big role, as is 2009 top draft pick Nazem Kadri.

Last Year: Monday, October 12th 7-2 Ranger win; Saturday, October 17th 4-1 Ranger win; Saturday, March 27th 3-2 Toronto OT win; and Wednesday, April 7th 5-1 Ranger win

This Year: Friday, October 15th at MSG; Thursday, October 21st in Toronto; Saturday, October 30th in Toronto; and Wednesday, January 19th at MSG.

What They Mean To Blue: With three early games, they will hopefully play their part in being steamrolled in yet another hot start by the Rangers. The Blueshirts came out of the gates quite well the last two seasons and having the hapless Leafs should certainly help make it three in a row. It will also be interesting to see the inevitable Orr vs Boogaard heavyweight battle. Orr basically ended Donald Brashear's Ranger career before it started - and we are forever indebted to him for it - so he will prove a litmus test for our new goon.

Title: Peepin' Foes Preview Edition: Toronto Maple Leafs


In the hockey world, few teams elicit as much passion and debate as the Toronto Maple Leafs. Known for their rich history, dedicated fan base, and high expectations, the Leafs are a perennial focal point of the NHL. In this edition of "Peepin' Foes," we turn our attention to the Toronto Maple Leafs, exploring their storied past, current roster, key players to watch, and the hopes and dreams of Leafs Nation.

A Legacy of Excellence:

The Toronto Maple Leafs, one of the NHL's "Original Six" franchises, have a storied history that dates back to the league's inception. The team has captured a total of 13 Stanley Cups, the most recent of which was in 1967. Leafs fans are well aware of the lengthy Cup drought, but their loyalty remains unshaken, as they continue to fill the seats at Scotiabank Arena year after year.

Current Roster:

The heart and soul of the Toronto Maple Leafs lie within its roster—a group of players tasked with ending the championship drought. Key players on the current roster include:

Auston Matthews: This American center has quickly become one of the league's most prolific goal-scorers. Matthews's remarkable shot and offensive prowess have Leafs fans buzzing.

Mitch Marner: Known for his playmaking abilities, Marner is a dynamic winger who often sets up his teammates with highlight-reel passes.

John Tavares: The Leafs' captain is a seasoned veteran and a leader both on and off the ice. Tavares's presence adds stability and experience to the team.

Morgan Rielly: As the team's top defenseman, Rielly's ability to contribute offensively and quarterback the power play is invaluable.

Playing Style:

The Toronto Maple Leafs are known for their fast-paced, high-scoring style of play. They have a reputation for generating offense through skilled forwards and mobile defensemen. Their power play is one of the most dangerous in the league, and their ability to transition from defense to offense in the blink of an eye keeps fans on the edge of their seats.

Challenges and Aspirations:

For the Toronto Maple Leafs, the ultimate goal is clear: to bring the Stanley Cup back to Toronto. However, they face several challenges on their path to glory. The team must balance the demands of high expectations with the pressures of the salary cap era. Managing their star-studded roster while addressing defensive deficiencies is an ongoing challenge.

Despite these hurdles, the Leafs are poised for success. They have the talent, leadership, and fan support needed to make a deep playoff run and potentially end their Cup drought.

Fan Engagement:

Leafs Nation is one of the most passionate and devoted fan bases in the NHL. The "Peepin' Foes" platform provides Leafs fans with a space to:

Analyze Every Angle: Engage in in-depth discussions about the team's performance, strategies, and potential moves.

Celebrate Superstars: Share their admiration for their favorite players and their impact on the franchise.

Share Their Dreams: Discuss their hopes and predictions for the upcoming season and playoff success.

Remember the Legends: Reflect on the rich history of the Leafs, from the glory days to the present.


The Toronto Maple Leafs are a team with a storied past and high hopes for the future. With a dynamic roster and the unwavering support of their fans, they continue to be a force in the NHL. As the "Peepin' Foes Preview Edition" shines a spotlight on the Leafs, fans can look forward to another season of thrilling hockey action and, perhaps, the end of that elusive championship quest. Leafs Nation, get ready for another exciting chapter in your team's storied history!

Peepin' Foes Preview Edition: Tampa Bay Lightning

The Tampa team that will take on the NHL this season is far different than the one that ended the last campaign. New owner, new GM, new coach, even some new players. All that newness is certain to go through some growing pains but the pieces that are in place were hand selected and quite capable at filling their new positions. I mean, c'mon, Steve Yzerman is the new man in charge and Stevie Y can do no wrong in my book. Sure I was less than happy that his handiwork with Team Canada resulted in a USA loss in Vancouver but let's face it, the Americans just weren't as good. In just a few weeks of work, Stevie Y has all but ensured that Tampa is a far better team than last season - one that the Rangers will have to be quite wary of.

Familiar Foes: No matter how many times he was traded in the Montreal media, Vinny Lecavalier remains a member of the Lightning. Ryan Malone and Marty St Louis also remain, as do Tampa's top picks Steve Stamkos and Victor Hedman. Steve Downie Syndrome showed last season that he can retain a modicum of sanity and play a big part in the offense.

N00bz: Stevie Y was quite busy changing the culture and giving Guy Boucher the pieces he needs to improve the quad. First and foremost is Simon Gagne. If the former Flyer can keep the concussion symptoms at bay, he could play the triggerman on a new French Connection with Vinny and Marty. Pavel Kubina came back to feed the forwards and keep the heat off of new netminder Dan Ellis. No matter what problems Ellis has, stopping the puck hasn't been one and he should all but send incumbent Mike Smith out of town. Brett Clark was also added to help shore up a pretty thin defense. Up front familiar face Adam Hall will be joined by two other former Rangers - Dominic Moore and Mitch Fritz - and old foes Nate Thompson and Sean Bergenheim from the Islanders. The common thread running through the five former New Yorkers? Toughness. They will add the grit while the French folks and that Stamkos kid take care of the skill. Somewhere in between is Carter Ashton. Brent's boy is big - 6'3, 215 - and could make quite the impact in the NHL but with Stevie Y in charge, he is likely to head for the AHL for some seasoning (as Yzerman's old team did with most every prospect ever).

Last Year: Friday, November 27th 5-1 Tampa win; Tuesday, January 19th 8-2 Ranger win; Sunday, February 14th 5-2 Ranger win; and Friday, April 2nd 5-0 Ranger win

This Year: Wednesday, November 24th in Tampa; Thursday, December 23th at MSG; Saturday, January 1st in Tampa; and Sunday, February 27th at MSG.

What They Mean To Blue: The Bolts should be one of the teams taking on the Rangers for one of the lower playoff seeds. Seeing as the Blueshirts went 3-1 against them last time around - including that amazing 8-2 beating - this season should see them as a far more difficult opponent.

 Peepin' Foes Preview Edition: Tampa Bay Lightning

The Tampa Bay Lightning have become synonymous with success in the National Hockey League (NHL). With their recent back-to-back Stanley Cup victories in 2020 and 2021, they've solidified their status as a dominant force in the league. As fans eagerly anticipate another thrilling NHL season, we're here with the "Peepin' Foes Preview Edition" to provide you with an in-depth look at what to expect from the Tampa Bay Lightning in the upcoming season.

In this article, we'll delve into their roster, recent performance, key players to watch, and answer some frequently asked questions about the team. So, whether you're a die-hard Lightning fan or just looking to stay informed about one of the NHL's most formidable teams, this preview has got you covered.

Tampa Bay Lightning Roster Analysis

The strength of the Tampa Bay Lightning starts with their roster. General Manager Julien BriseBois has done an impressive job in maintaining the core of the team while making necessary adjustments to remain competitive. Let's break down some key aspects of their roster:

1. Offense:

The Lightning boasts one of the most potent offensive units in the league. Their top line, featuring perennial All-Stars Steven Stamkos and Nikita Kucherov, is a constant threat. Kucherov, who missed the entire 2020-21 regular season due to injury but returned for the playoffs, adds another dimension to their offense with his incredible skill and playmaking ability.

Brayden Point, who emerged as a true playoff performer, will continue to be a crucial part of their offense. His speed, creativity, and clutch goals make him a nightmare for opposing defenses.

2. Defense:

On the blue line, the Lightning are anchored by Victor Hedman, who is often regarded as one of the best defensemen in the NHL. His ability to play both ends of the ice, log heavy minutes, and quarterback the power play sets him apart. Ryan McDonagh and Mikhail Sergachev provide valuable support, making the Lightning's defense well-rounded.

3. Goaltending:

In the crease, Andrei Vasilevskiy is a towering figure. He's a two-time Vezina Trophy winner as the league's top goaltender and consistently among the league leaders in wins and shutouts. Vasilevskiy's ability to steal games for the Lightning is a crucial factor in their success.

Recent Performance

The Lightning's recent performance speaks for itself. They've established themselves as a true dynasty, winning back-to-back Stanley Cups in 2020 and 2021. Their impressive playoff runs demonstrated their ability to perform under pressure and adapt to different styles of play.

The 2020 season saw them defeat the Dallas Stars in a hard-fought six-game series, while the 2021 season had them overcoming the Montreal Canadiens in five games. Their ability to maintain a high level of play, even during a grueling playoff schedule, is a testament to their skill and depth.

In addition to their recent championship success, the Lightning have consistently been a top team in the Eastern Conference, finishing near the top of the standings in the regular season. This sustained excellence is a reflection of their strong leadership and commitment to excellence.

Key Players to Watch

Steven Stamkos: The Lightning captain is a franchise icon and a goal-scoring machine. Keep an eye on Stamkos for his lethal one-timer and leadership on and off the ice.

Nikita Kucherov: After missing the entire regular season in 2020-21, Kucherov returned with a bang in the playoffs, leading the league in postseason scoring. He'll be eager to continue his dominance.

Andrei Vasilevskiy: The backbone of the Lightning, Vasilevskiy's goaltending will be instrumental in their quest for a three-peat.

Brayden Point: Point's clutch performances in the playoffs have made him a household name. He's a dynamic forward who can change the course of a game in an instant.

Victor Hedman: Hedman's ability to control the game from the blue line is unparalleled. He's a perennial Norris Trophy contender.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How did the Lightning build their championship-winning team?

The Lightning's success can be attributed to astute drafting, smart trades, and patient development of talent. Key players like Stamkos, Hedman, and Kucherov were all drafted by the team, while others were acquired through trades, like McDonagh and Sergachev. Their AHL affiliate, the Syracuse Crunch, has also played a role in developing young talent.

2. How does the Lightning manage their salary cap with such a star-studded roster?

The Lightning have navigated the salary cap with creativity. They've made tough decisions, like trading key players when necessary, while re-signing their core stars to team-friendly contracts. Kucherov's return from injury during the playoffs raised some eyebrows, but it was within the rules of the salary cap.

3. Can the Lightning win a third consecutive Stanley Cup?

Winning three consecutive Stanley Cups is a monumental challenge, and only a handful of teams have achieved it in NHL history. The Lightning have the talent and experience, but it's a long and grueling journey. Their performance during the regular season and playoffs will determine their chances.

4. Who are some up-and-coming prospects in the Lightning organization?

The Lightning have a promising pool of prospects, including forwards Jack Quinn and Taylor Raddysh, as well as defensemen Cal Foote and Boris Katchouk. These young players could contribute to the team's success in the future.

5. How does the Lightning's style of play differ from other NHL teams?

The Lightning are known for their speed, skill, and puck-possession game. They use their talent to control the tempo of the game and create scoring opportunities. Defensively, their strong blue line and Vasilevskiy's goaltending give them stability.

The Tampa Bay Lightning are undeniably one of the NHL's elite teams, with a championship pedigree and a roster filled with star power. Their ability to remain competitive in a salary-cap era is a testament to their management and player development.

As the upcoming NHL season unfolds, all eyes will be on the Lightning as they strive for a historic third consecutive Stanley Cup. Whether they achieve this remarkable feat or not, one thing is certain: the Lightning will continue to be a force to be reckoned with in the NHL for years to come. So, keep an eye on the Bolts as they aim to strike lightning in a bottle once again.

Peepin' Foes Preview Edition: St. Louis Blues

The other day I was talking about the huge mistake that it was letting Don Maloney go instead of installing him as GM in Sather's spot. Well, with the Blues come John Davidson. I mean, what can you say about JD? For some he was the big goalie who came oh-so-close to the Cup in 79 but to many of us he was the warm voice that taught us the game of hockey, night in and night out on MSG. And now he is teaching St. Louis to care again about their team. Long gone are the days of Hull and Oates but the new generation that JD built is slowly coming together. He has to be hoping that the kids he has accumulated are ready for prime time as this year's team will be without old stars Paul Kariya and Keith Tkachuk.

Familiar Foes: The Blues have built a core of players and have stuck with them. Olympians David Backes and Erik Johnson are the two most prominent faces but the rest of the names will ring a bell: Brad Boyes, Pat Berglund, Alex Steen, TJ Oshie, Cam Janssen, Eric Brewer, Barret Jackman and Carlo Colaiacovo. The Blues will be praying last season's 42 point performance by Boyes was an aberration after two straight seasons of improvement. Oshie is one of the most exciting young players to watch in the NHL but his production has yet to match his energy level. Jackman and Brewer, the two pillars of the defense, will attempt to get through a full season without injury.

N00bz: They will be called upon to keep the crease clear for Jaro Halak, the biggest offseason acquisition by the Blues. And all it cost them was Lars Eller and Ian Schultz - two middling prospects. Halak has a safety net in Ty Conklin but he has a big beard to fill, coming in and taking Chris Mason's job. That St. Louis was able to take Montreal's playoff hero and not have to give up blue chip blueliner Alex Pietrangelo was a pleasant surprise and should be quite the boon if he can live up to half of the hype. TJ Hensick (Colorado) and Vlad Sobotka (Boston) were also added in the offseason but neither one will be called upon to star.

Last Year: Saturday, January 16th, 4-1 Blues win and Thursday, March 18th, a 4-3 Blues win.

This Year: Sunday, November 7th at MSG and Saturday, January 8th in St. Louis.

What They Mean To Blue: It is hard to say that they are a look at what we could have become with JD at the helm as the situation he stepped in to there was significantly different than the mess he walked away from here. But when you look at the four points the Rangers pissed away in two pathetic performances last season, you see two games where the Blues completely outworked the Blueshirts - something JD surely would not have allowed.

 Peepin' Foes Preview Edition: St. Louis Blues

The St. Louis Blues, a franchise with a rich history and a passionate fan base, have experienced their fair share of highs and lows in recent years. As the NHL season approaches, it's time for another installment of "Peepin' Foes Preview Edition," where we take an in-depth look at what to expect from the St. Louis Blues in the upcoming season.

In this article, we'll provide a comprehensive analysis of the Blues' roster, recent performance, key players to watch, and address some frequently asked questions about the team. Whether you're a die-hard Blues supporter or simply curious about this storied franchise, our preview has you covered.

St. Louis Blues Roster Analysis

The St. Louis Blues have undergone some changes in recent years but continue to be a competitive force in the NHL. Let's take a closer look at their roster heading into the upcoming season:

1. Offense:

The Blues have a well-rounded forward group led by superstar Vladimir Tarasenko. Tarasenko, when healthy, is one of the league's top goal-scorers and a constant threat on the power play. Brayden Schenn and Ryan O'Reilly provide valuable scoring depth, while David Perron brings experience and playmaking ability to the lineup.

2. Defense:

On defense, the Blues have a solid group with captain Alex Pietrangelo, who has since departed for the Vegas Golden Knights. Colton Parayko is now the anchor of the blue line, known for his defensive prowess and booming slap shot. Torey Krug, acquired from the Boston Bruins, adds offensive flair from the back end.

3. Goaltending:

Jordan Binnington, known for his remarkable rookie season in 2018-19 when he led the Blues to a Stanley Cup victory, is the undisputed starter. Binnington's unflappable demeanor and strong play make him a reliable presence in net.

Recent Performance

The St. Louis Blues' recent performance reached its pinnacle in 2019 when they hoisted the Stanley Cup for the first time in franchise history. Their incredible turnaround from last place in the league in January to champions showcased their resilience and determination.

Since their championship season, the Blues have remained competitive, making the playoffs consistently. While they haven't replicated their 2019 success, their ability to stay in contention is a testament to their strong core and coaching staff.

The 2020-21 season saw them finish fourth in the West Division but they were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs by the Colorado Avalanche. Despite this, the Blues remain a team that can challenge for the Cup, given the right circumstances.

Key Players to Watch

Vladimir Tarasenko: The Russian sniper will be a focal point of the Blues' offense. If he can stay healthy and regain his scoring touch, he'll be a major asset.

Jordan Binnington: Goaltending is often the difference-maker in the playoffs, and Binnington has proven he can shine on the biggest stage. His performance will be critical.

Colton Parayko: With Pietrangelo's departure, Parayko has a chance to step into a larger role on defense. His ability to eat up minutes and contribute offensively will be crucial.

Ryan O'Reilly: The Blues' captain is a two-way force and a leader in the locker room. Look for him to set the tone in all situations.

Torey Krug: Krug's offensive skills from the blue line will be essential to the Blues' power play and offensive production.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What impact will Alex Pietrangelo's departure have on the team?

Pietrangelo was the Blues' captain and a cornerstone of their defense. His departure leaves a leadership void, but the Blues have faith in their younger players and newcomers like Krug to step up.

2. Can the Blues replicate their 2019 Stanley Cup success?

While it won't be easy, the Blues have the talent and experience to make another deep playoff run. Much will depend on their performance in the regular season and their ability to stay healthy.

3. Who are some promising young players in the Blues' organization?

The Blues have a few promising prospects, including forward Klim Kostin and defenseman Scott Perunovich. These players could contribute to the team's future success.

4. How has head coach Craig Berube impacted the team's culture and performance?

Berube, known for his no-nonsense approach, played a significant role in turning the Blues around in 2019. His coaching style emphasizes hard work and defensive responsibility.

*5. What is the Blues' style of play?

The Blues are known for their physicality, strong defensive play, and solid two-way forwards. They play a structured game and rely on disciplined defensive play to create offensive opportunities.

The St. Louis Blues, despite facing challenges and changes, remain a formidable team in the NHL. Their recent championship and consistent playoff appearances underscore their competitive spirit and resilience.

As the new NHL season unfolds, Blues fans can look forward to watching their team compete at a high level once again. Whether another Stanley Cup is in the cards or not, one thing is certain: the St. Louis Blues will continue to be a team worth watching and supporting. So, brace yourself for an exciting season of Blues hockey as they aim to make their mark once more in the world of professional hockey.