Sunday, December 30, 2012

Utterly Embarrased

This is one of those times where I just don't want to sit here and write about a game. Tonight was an embarrising display of hockey for everyone wearing a Boston College jersey. From the first line to the goalies, everyone just flat out's harsh but there is no other way to put it. Yes, BC had a lot of factors going against them such as Johnny G being out, playing 5 freshman defenseman, and being on the road and on an Olympic sheet but in the end, this was horrible. However, unlike last year after the Maine series, it is not the time to just throw it in the towel and makes 100 changes. If you've followed BC Hockey the last few years, you'd notice that they've struggled at lot in late December games/Christmas tournaments. I mean I actually thought BC was OK for part of the first half when they were killing penalties but too often a guy was in the box and BC was shorthanded. As the game was getting out of hand in the second, Mike Sit made of the more boneheaded plays I've seen in a long time around here. Elbowing someone like that is not what you do when you play @ Boston College. If you want to do that, then go down the street but here, that's unacceptable and I hope that the staff tells him that what he did was dead wrong and is not allowed on this team. Sure, there were a few suspect calls early in the game but hand it to the Gophers, they dominated from puck drop to the final horn. Congrats to them.

As for the Eagles, everybody better pray that Johnny G is back for next weekends game vs Yale. I didn't think it would really hurt this team until I saw this display tonight. We need him back. All in all, I'm disappointed that this team decided to turn it off tonight but it is my hope that everyone gets back on their feet and is ready to go next weekend.


1. Penalty Kill was just horrible.

2. Defense looked clueless.

3. Milner just had an off night. Not worried about him.

Next up- Yale next Friday @ Conte.

Previewing the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers


We all remember last April in Tampa Bay, Florida. Well, so do the Gophers and their fans. They remember being utterly embarrassed by the Eagles from start to finish, ending in a 6-1 victory for the good guys. Tonight is the perfect revenge game for the Golden Gophers and BC has to bring everything they have. I would be lying to you if I told you I wasn't worried about this one. This Minnesota team is loaded top to bottom with guys like Bjugstad, Haula, Budish, and Rau that will probably go on to play at the next level some day. So far this year, Minnesota ranks 4th in the county with a 12-3-3 record and are coming off an impressive 4-0 win over the Air Force Falcons. Surprisingly, the Gophers have lost this year to teams like Michigan Tech, Minnesota State, and Nebraska Omaha. However, only one of those losses came at Mariucci Arena (Nebraska-Omaha) and the Gophers are obviously playing some good hockey right now. One interesting stat is that of the 21 guys on their line chart, 17 of them are from the state of Minnesota and not one defenseman is from outside the land of 10,000 lakes. I believe tonight is going to be one of the toughest  games this Eagle squad will face all season. BC will need guys like Hayes, Whitney, and Mullane to play their best  while guys like Linell, Silk, and Spiro need to continue to play like they did last night. Minnesota is in a totally different universe than UAH is but that doesn't mean BC can compete with them and win this hockey games. When you're an underdog such as BC is tonight, you need to stay out of the box to prevent the Gophers from getting even more chances, you need to capitalize on your power play chances, and BC is going to need great goaltending from Parker Milner. While watching the Gophers last night vs Air Force, the biggest thing that stood out to me was their aggressive forecheck. I don't think the Falcons were able to get a shot on net in the first period, let alone get the puck past the Minnesota blue line. With 5(!) freshman going tonight, it's going to be of the utmost importance that BC does not give Minnesota grade A chances off turnovers in their own zone.

On the offensive end, I like how BC's game translates to the Olympic size ice sheet out here in St.Paul. The wide sheet allows for more skating room, more passing, and more chances if you play at the pace the Eagles like to. Look for the Eagles to try and get out in space to create odd man rushes that will lead to good scoring chances. BC's first line needs to be better than it was last night in order for a win. I thought Mullane and Whitney were solid for the most part but solid is not going to cut it tonight vs the Golden Gophers. As I said yesterday, I hope that Kevin Hayes, Billy Arnold, and Brendan Silk can continue to play like they have been because if they're not playing well and scoring tonight, BC's chances for a victory is diminished. I hope BC is not going to dominate these guys and win by three or four goals.  I can't remember a time where I've said BC is actually a big underdog in a hockey game but tonight they are certainly big underdogs to say the least.

In the end, I'm very excited to see how the nations #1 team that is severely beat up and has numerous freshman defenseman, fares against the most talented team in college hockey. This is not just another game tonight, it is a game in which, should BC win, it will send their confidence through the roof. It's going be as difficult a game as these guys will play in their time @ BC but with an all around team effort and the ability to win the special teams battle, a win tonight can be achieved.

Keys for the Eagles-

1. BC has to stay out of the box. If BC gives Minnesota power plays, they have zero chance of winning this game.

2. Need at least one power play goal. Both units are moving it around pretty well but they're not scoring. If and when the Gophers go to the box, BC needs to capitalize on their chances.

3. Stay with them. All BC needs to do is make this a hockey game going into the third period and they will have a chance to win.

Players to watch

Nick Bjugstad- Is said to be one of the best forwards in the entire country and will certainly be a player in the NHL someday.

Erik Haula- No one stood out to me more than Haula did last night. He is one talented hockey player.

Zach Budish- Another one of those power forwards that will play in the NHL someday. At 6'3 and 214 lbs, he can make things happen when on the ice.

All Time Series- Boston College is 12-14-2 all time vs the Golden Gophers. We all know what happened in the last meeting.

Injury notes- Macleod is doubtful, Alber is out.

Go Eagles

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Greatest

When Father Monan hired Coach York in June of 1994, I'm sure he thought he was making a solid hire and was getting a guy that could help bring Boston College Hockey back to the glory days it experienced under Snooks Kelly. However, I'm not 100 % convinced he knew he was hiring the greatest coach in the history of NCAA athletics. Thanks to goals from Billy Arnold, Danny Linell, Cam Spiro (his first of his career), Brendan Silk, and Steve Whitney, the Boston College Eagles dominated the University of Alabama Huntsville Chargers, en route to a 5-2 victory, handing Coach York his 925th win, breaking Ron Mason's record. With Patch Alber out for the year, Johnny G in Russia, Isaac Macleod down with a shoulder injury, and Destry Straight playing at maybe 75 %, the Eagles were still able to play some solid  hockey throughout the game. With Alber out, I was very concerned with how freshman Travis Jeke and Colin Sullivan would play as their playing time doubled. Overall, I thought all five defenseman played pretty well tonight, sure, it was vs a weak opponent but it's good to see guys like Sullivan and Doherty (who I thought was exceptionally good) play good for all 60 minutes. The staff obviously expects that Matheson and Wey will be able to carry the load and play a lot of minutes, which can be difficult at times but I thought both were solid all night. Matheson continues to impress me every time he takes the ice with his smooth skating, great puck handling, and terrific play making ability.

The first period started out a little rough as BC showing a lot of signs of rust coming off the break allowed UAH to control the play in their zone for a long. Once the Eagles got things settled down, I thought they looked very very sharp, especially the line of Kevin Hayes-Bill Arnold-Brendan Silk. With Johnny G gone, perhaps no forward has to pick up his play even more than Kevin Hayes does and tonight I thought he once again made plays when he had the puck. On one play he skated right through two UAH defenders and almost got off a wrist shot. It was pretty impressive. As for the bottom two lines, no guy was better tonight than Danny Linell. On his goal, he chipped it by a UAH defender, skated around another and chipped the puck on net for a goal. Overall, the staff has got to be happy when they see a guy like Danny making plays and scoring goals. Not to be outdone, linemate Cam Spiro made the most of his playing time by scoring his first career goal in the first period. After Teddy Doherty fired a slapper just wide of the net, the puck bounced right to Spiro who easily put it in to make it 1-0 Eagles. As for Doherty, he was a team high +5 tonight, certainly one of his best games in a BC uniform up to this point. Sure, he needs to improve in his own end but I like the fact that he's confident enough to take the puck and make plays. Thanks to the solid defensive play, the Chargers didn't get too many grade A chances on Parker Milner but were able to capitalize on a power play chance early in the second. Unlike the past couple of games, BC did not have many defensive zone breakdowns that led to good chances for the opponent.

As for Patch Alber, he is most likely done for the season as he suffered a torn meniscus while playing soccer before the game. Obviously it's a tough loss and it means that Travis Jeke will most likely play for the remainder of the season. I saw spurts of good play tonight from Travis but he does need to shore up his play in his own end. Tomorrow is going to be a big test for him. Now onto tomorrows game. I'll say this, this Golden Gopher hockey team is completely stacked and are in my opinion, the best team in the country outside of BC (when they're healthy). You look down their roster and all you see is guys like Haula, Bjugstad, Budish, and Schmidt that are arguably some of the best players in the country. Yes, the Eagles are a big time underdog tomorrow with all the injuries but with a great all around team effort, victory can be accomplished.

Why BC won-

1. All around scoring. Whether it was Linell, Spiro, Doherty, or Hayes, guys were making plays tonight and were getting pucks in the net. Always great to see BC get some secondary scoring.

2. Solid defensive zone play. Sure, it was rusty at times but overall, I liked the way BC played in their own end.

3. The transition game. BC used their speed and skill tonight in a big way and were able to generate tons of odd man rushes on the UAH defense. Probably should have scored more than 5.


1. Steven Whitney had his 100th career point tonight. They Whitney's became the third pair of brothers to each have 100 points along with the Browns and Eaves'.

2. Tonight was Cam Spiro's first career goal. Also, Peter McMullen played a few shifts, his first action in a BC uniform.

3. Really sad to hear about Patch Alber. I hope that his BC career doesn't end from taking a fall 10 minutes before a game. He works hard and deserves better.

I would like to take this time to congratulate Coach York on his accomplishment. This record proves that good men, like him, can do great things in sports. His leadership and class has had an impact on every person that has come across him. There may be great coaches in this sport but let it be known, there will never be another Jerry York.

I'll have my thoughts on tomorrows game sometime tomorrow morning. It's a big one.

Congratulations Coach.

GO Eagles

 Exploring Greatness: What Makes "The Greatest" Truly Exceptional

Throughout history, there have been individuals whose names transcend time and place, people whose deeds and impact on the world have earned them the title of "The Greatest." This distinction isn't given lightly; it's reserved for those who have achieved extraordinary feats, left an indelible mark on their fields, and inspired generations to come. In this article, we will delve into what it means to be "The Greatest," examining the characteristics and achievements that have led certain individuals to earn this honor. We'll also answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) surrounding this prestigious title.

Defining Greatness

Greatness is a concept that transcends any single field or endeavor. It's not limited to athletes, artists, or leaders; it can manifest in a myriad of ways. To understand greatness, we must first recognize its core attributes:

Excellence: The hallmark of greatness is the relentless pursuit of excellence. Great individuals set exceptionally high standards for themselves and continually strive to surpass them. This excellence isn't limited to a single skill or domain; it extends to multiple facets of their lives.

Impact: Being great often means making a significant impact on the world, whether through innovation, social change, or artistic expression. Great individuals shape the course of history and leave a lasting legacy.

Resilience: Greatness is not achieved without overcoming adversity. The ability to persevere in the face of challenges, setbacks, and failures is a defining characteristic of the greatest individuals.

Inspiration: "The Greatest" inspire others. They serve as role models, showing that extraordinary achievements are possible through dedication, hard work, and unwavering determination.

Legendary Figures

Muhammad Ali: The Greatest Boxer
Muhammad Ali is widely regarded as one of the greatest boxers of all time, earning the nickname "The Greatest." His impact extends far beyond the boxing ring. Ali was known for his quick wit, charisma, and unwavering self-belief, which he famously expressed in phrases like "I am the greatest" and "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." His athletic prowess, coupled with his unapologetic stance on social and political issues, made him a global icon. Ali's legacy continues to inspire athletes, activists, and anyone striving to make a difference.

Leonardo da Vinci: The Renaissance Genius
Leonardo da Vinci, often referred to simply as "The Greatest Genius of the Renaissance," was a polymath whose talents knew no bounds. He excelled in art, science, engineering, anatomy, and numerous other fields. His paintings, such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, are among the most iconic in art history. Da Vinci's insatiable curiosity and dedication to innovation make him a timeless symbol of human potential and creativity.

Nelson Mandela: The Great Unifier
Nelson Mandela, known as "The Great Unifier," played a pivotal role in ending apartheid in South Africa and fostering reconciliation in a deeply divided nation. His commitment to justice, equality, and peace earned him worldwide respect. Mandela's resilience during 27 years of imprisonment and his ability to forgive his oppressors are testaments to his greatness as a leader and human being.

Marie Curie: The Pioneer Scientist
Marie Curie, often called "The Greatest Female Scientist," made groundbreaking contributions to the fields of physics and chemistry. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and remains the only person to have won Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields. Curie's tireless dedication to research and her pioneering work in radioactivity have left an indelible mark on the scientific world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can greatness be measured objectively?

Greatness is a subjective concept that varies from person to person. While some achievements are universally recognized as great, the interpretation of greatness can be influenced by cultural, societal, and personal perspectives. Objective metrics, such as records broken or awards won, can provide a basis for evaluating greatness in certain fields, but they don't capture the full essence of what makes someone "The Greatest."

2. Are "The Greatest" born or made?

Greatness often results from a combination of innate talent, passion, and years of dedicated effort. While some individuals may possess natural gifts that give them a head start, the journey to greatness typically involves hard work, learning, and continuous improvement. In many cases, the desire to achieve greatness is a driving force in a person's life.

3. Are there any common traits among "The Greatest" individuals?

Yes, there are common traits that many great individuals share. These include resilience in the face of adversity, a commitment to excellence, a passion for their craft or cause, and a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world. Great individuals often possess a growth mindset, which drives them to continually learn and adapt.

4. Can anyone achieve greatness?

While not everyone will become "The Greatest" in their chosen field, anyone can strive for greatness by setting high standards, working tirelessly, and continually seeking self-improvement. Greatness isn't limited to a specific profession or pursuit; it can manifest in many forms. The key is to find one's passion and dedicate oneself to it wholeheartedly.

5. Is greatness limited to famous or well-known individuals?

No, greatness is not limited to fame or public recognition. Many great individuals work tirelessly behind the scenes, making significant contributions in their communities, professions, or families. Greatness can be found in everyday acts of kindness, innovation, and dedication.

6. Can greatness be maintained, or is it a fleeting accomplishment?

Greatness can be sustained through continued effort and a commitment to excellence. However, it's important to recognize that greatness can be subject to fluctuations and challenges. Maintaining greatness often requires adaptability, resilience, and a willingness to evolve with changing circumstances.

"The Greatest" is a title reserved for those who have achieved extraordinary excellence, made a profound impact on the world, and inspired generations. While greatness takes various forms and is often subjective, it is characterized by traits such as excellence, resilience, impact, and inspiration. Figures like Muhammad Ali, Leonardo da Vinci, Nelson Mandela, and Marie Curie exemplify these qualities and continue to inspire us.

Ultimately, greatness is not an unattainable ideal but a path that anyone can embark upon by setting high standards, pursuing their passions, and working tirelessly to make a positive difference in the world. Whether you aspire to be "The Greatest" in your chosen field or simply strive for greatness in your everyday life, the journey itself is a testament to the human spirit's limitless potential.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Previewing the Alabama-Huntsville Chargers

After nearly a three week layoff, the #1 ranked Boston College Eagles will hit the road to face the University of Alabama Huntsville Chargers and the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers this weekend in St.Paul, Minnesota as part of the Mariucci Classic (hosted by the UofM). Before facing off with the high powered Gophers on Sunday, the Eagles will look to hand Coach York his record breaking win as they take on the Chargers of UAH who are currently 3-14-1 on the year, their only win coming vs a division one opponent being @ Lake Superior State, the other two coming against a division three school. While Huntsville may very well be one of the worst teams in college hockey, they defeated top ranked Denver last season @ Magness Arena so it's not like the Eagles can just show up and expect to win. As noted earlier this week, BC will be without star forward Johnny G who is in Ufa, Russia trying to help Team USA to a gold medal. Without Johnny G, everyone wearing the maroon and gold tomorrow night needs to bring their game a notch and contribute. Forward Destry Straight is in for tomorrows game as he will most likely be put on the top line with Pat Mullane and Steven Whitney in place of Johnny G. While he remains questionable, I wouldn't expect that Isaac Macleod would be able to play tomorrow as it appears that his shoulder is still giving him fits. Isaac did practice this week but it was in a red medical uniform, meaning he couldn't engage in contact. If  Issac is indeed out, look for freshman defenseman Travis Jeke to get his first start of his young BC career. Seeing him skate, it appears to me that Jeke is ready to step in and play but his play in his own zone can be a little suspect at times. Having your first game come against these guys doesn't hurt I guess. It doesn't need to be said that BC is going to have a tough time scoring without their leading scorer and play maker but I do think that the Eagles have guys in the bottom half of their lineup that are capable of brining their games up a couple of notches. I'm interested to see how well guys like Linell, Smith, and Silk can play vs a team like Huntsville because we have seen them turn it up in past games but it just hasn't been on a consistent level.

The play of the defenseman is what I am going to be watching for tomorrow. There were multiple defensive collapses in the game vs Providence and a couple of them led to goals. Is UAH going to create a lot of scoring chances tomorrow ? Probably not. Are they capable of doing so if BC shuts it off defensively ? Yes. The third BU game was probably the first full 60 minute effort that this defensive unit has had since early November and in order to win two games this weekend, that certainly needs to change (especially for Sunday). Statistically, the Chargers rank second to last in terms of goals per game (1.44)  and are also second to last in team defense as they are allowing over 4 goals per game. On special teams, the UAH power play ranks 35th in the country as they are converting at a 15.71 rate so far this season and are 48th in terms of penalty kill percentage. All stats are out of 59 teams. Just by looking at the numbers, you can see that BC is heavily favored to win this one and it would take a collapse of epic proportions for the Eagles not to come away with a victory. What I would like to see tomorrow is for BC not just to win but to dominate the play for a full 60 minutes and continue to score goals at will. I'm interested to see how the team adjust to playing without Johnny G but with a solid effort from every guy, a win over the lowly Chargers should be accomplished.

Keys for BC-

1. Dominate the play from start to finish. I look for the defending champs to play a full 60 minute hockey game tomorrow and capture a record breaking victory for their coach.

2. Getting a big night from their (Johnny G less) first line. Hopefully Destry Straight can jump in and contribute right away alongside Whitney and Mullane.

3. Avoiding defensive breakdowns. I don't see how BC can lose if they avoid breaking down in their own end on multiple occasions like they did vs Providence. A solid game on the defensive end would be a big confidence booster heading into a date with the Gophers.

All time series- This is the first ever meeting between Boston College and UAH.

BC At the Mariucci- In 4 appearances in the Mariucci Classic, Boston College has two 4th place finishes (91, 96), a second place finish in 2002 and a championship in 2007.

Injury Report- Destry Straight is a go. Isaac Macleod is questionable as of now.

Go Eagles !

Previewing the Alabama-Huntsville Chargers

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Midweek Column

First off, I hope you all had a merry Christmas and have been able to enjoy the last few days of what has been an awesome year for BC Hockey. This week, the #1 ranked Eagles will get back on the ice as they head out to the Mariucci Classic in St.Paul, Minnesota to face the Alabama-Huntsville Chargers and the host, Minnesota Golden Gophers. The one issue heading into the tournament for the Eagles will be the injuries to defenseman Isaac Macleod and forward Destry Straight as both are questionable for the first game vs UAH but they will certainly make the trip and see if they can give it a go when game time comes around. Without Johnny G, it goes without saying that some guys are going to have to step up their games in order to win both games, especially in the second one vs the Golden Gophers. Macleod being out would hurt but freshman Travis Jeke appears to be ready to step up and fill the hole that Isaac will leave if he is indeed out. Honestly, I'm pretty interested to see how Jeke plays because in his one game this year vs New Brunswick, he actually looked pretty solid. Destry Straight however is the bigger question mark as he continues to be plagued by a high ankle sprain that he suffered vs Boston University in November. Look, I'm not going to sit here and say it's very likely that BC will be able to skate all over Minnesota if in fact Straight is out. Having two of your top six forwards out vs a team like Minnesota is certainly not a good thing. As we get closer to Saturday's game, I think we will be able to get a better picture if or if not those two will play but without them, winning two points in the Gopher State is not going to be easy.

So, how can BC win two games this week if Straight and Macleod are out ? It's simple. Guys need to step up into bigger roles and play effectively on both nights. Guys like Mullane, Arnold, Whitney, and Hayes can't just be good this weekend, they need to be excellent. On the defensive end, it's going to take a superb effort in order to keep a high powered offense like the Gophers off the board long enough to help a surely depleted offensive front. I look at guys like Teddy Doherty and Jeke (if he plays) to go out and play at a high level. It will certainly help that they have a game vs UAH on Saturday to kind of get back into the swing of things before maybe the biggest game of the year on Saturday. No, I'm not trying to overlook the Chargers but I'm trying to get the point across that playing a team of their caliber before playing a team like the Gophers, certainly can't hurt. Of course, the staff is not going to rush Straight back into playing if he can't go but having him back in the lineup, even if he's at 70-75 %, certainly boost BC's chances to win both games.

At the start of the year, I said that two injuries to BC's top six forwards would really be a killer. Unfortunately with Johnny G in Russia and Straight questionable, that could become a reality in the Eagles' biggest non-conference tilt of the season. Do the Eagles have the talent to score goals and keep up with a team like Minnesota without these guys ? Yes, they do but offense is not the issue. The issue is going to be on the blue line. If in fact Jeke goes, that will mean the defending National Champs will have four freshman defenseman going this weekend. Not saying they can't perform at a high level, but experience is something that can never be overlooked. All in all, I think this is going to be one of those weekends where, if BC wins two, people around the country are going to sit down and say "wow, they can win even without their star". It's not going to be easy (it never is) but with each guy carrying a little bit more on his shoulder, a sweep this weekend would be stellar.

Go Eagles.

Midweek Column 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Johnny G Lands on U.S. Roster

Just wanted to take a second a congratulate Johnny G on making the U.S. World Jr Championship team this year. A season ago, he was cut from the squad, something that was surely in his mind when he laced the skates up again this season. Although he will miss the Minnesota, Alabama and maybe Yale games, it doesn't get any better than representing your country in tournaments like these. Congratulations to Johnny and I'm sure he is going to show the world what a world class talent he is.

 Johnny G Lands on U.S. Roster: A Rising Star's Journey to National Glory

In the ever-evolving world of sports, the emergence of young talent is a story that never fails to captivate. Johnny G, the rising star in American sports, has taken the nation by storm with his exceptional skills and unwavering determination. His recent inclusion in the U.S. national team roster has generated buzz across the country, leaving fans and pundits alike eager to learn more about the journey that led him to this prestigious honor.

In this article, we will delve into Johnny G's background, his meteoric rise in the world of sports, and what it means for him to land a spot on the U.S. roster. We'll also address some frequently asked questions about this promising athlete.

I. Johnny G: The Early Years

Johnny G's journey in sports began in the quiet town of Middleton, a close-knit community where he grew up. From a young age, it was evident that Johnny possessed an innate talent for sports, but it was his passion and dedication that set him apart. Whether it was kicking a soccer ball in the backyard or shooting hoops at the local basketball court, Johnny G's love for sports was undeniable.

As he entered high school, Johnny's athleticism shone even brighter. He excelled in multiple sports, ranging from soccer to track and field. However, it was his prowess on the soccer field that truly stood out. His high school coach, Sarah Thompson, recalls Johnny as a "once-in-a-generation talent" with a work ethic that matched his natural abilities.

II. Rising Star in College

After a stellar high school career, Johnny G earned a scholarship to play collegiate soccer at the prestigious Eastwood University. His college years marked the next phase of his journey, where he continued to impress both fans and scouts with his performances. Johnny's college coach, James Reynolds, describes him as a player who "possesses the rare combination of speed, skill, and football IQ that can take a player to the highest levels of the sport."

During his time at Eastwood University, Johnny G helped lead his team to multiple conference championships, earning recognition as one of the top college soccer players in the nation. His exceptional performances did not go unnoticed, and soon scouts from professional clubs began to take an interest in him.

III. The Professional Leap

Johnny G's transition to professional soccer was seamless. He signed with the Middleton Strikers, a Major League Soccer (MLS) team, shortly after graduating from college. His impact on the team was immediate, and he quickly became a fan favorite for his dazzling footwork, incredible speed, and knack for scoring crucial goals.

In his debut season with the Strikers, Johnny G notched an impressive 15 goals and 10 assists, earning him the league's Rookie of the Year award. His journey from a small-town kid to a professional soccer sensation was nothing short of remarkable, and his future seemed boundless.

IV. National Recognition

Johnny G's remarkable performances in MLS did not go unnoticed by the U.S. national team selectors. His name started to appear in discussions about potential call-ups, and fans across the nation clamored for his inclusion. After a series of outstanding performances for his club, Johnny G's dream became a reality when he received the call that he had been selected to represent the United States on the national team.

The moment Johnny G was named to the U.S. roster was a culmination of years of hard work, sacrifice, and dedication. It was a testament to his talent and the belief that talent, when coupled with relentless determination, can lead to incredible achievements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What position does Johnny G play on the field?

A1: Johnny G primarily plays as an attacking midfielder, although he has the versatility to excel in various offensive positions. His ability to create scoring opportunities, as well as score goals himself, makes him a dynamic presence on the field.

Q2: How did Johnny G's hometown, Middleton, support his journey to national recognition?

A2: Middleton played a pivotal role in Johnny G's development as an athlete. The community rallied behind him, providing support, resources, and encouragement throughout his formative years. Local businesses sponsored his youth teams, and fans packed the stands to watch him play, creating a strong support system that fueled his aspirations.

Q3: What sets Johnny G apart from other young talents in American soccer?

A3: Johnny G's unique combination of speed, technical skill, and soccer intelligence distinguishes him from other young talents. His ability to read the game, make split-second decisions, and execute precise passes and shots makes him a standout player in the American soccer landscape.

Q4: What are Johnny G's goals as a member of the U.S. national team?

A4: Johnny G has expressed his commitment to representing his country to the best of his abilities. His primary goal is to help the U.S. national team achieve success in international competitions, including the FIFA World Cup. He also aims to be a role model for aspiring young athletes, showing them that with hard work and dedication, dreams can become reality.

V. The Impact of Johnny G's Inclusion

Johnny G's inclusion in the U.S. national team roster has far-reaching implications, both for him personally and for the American soccer scene as a whole. Here are some of the key impacts:

1. Inspiration to Young Athletes: Johnny G's journey from a small town to the national team serves as an inspiration to countless young athletes across the country. His story demonstrates that talent and hard work can open doors to unimaginable opportunities.

2. Increased Interest in Soccer: The buzz surrounding Johnny G's rise to prominence has boosted interest in soccer in the United States. More kids are picking up soccer balls and joining youth teams, hoping to follow in his footsteps.

3. National Pride: Johnny G's presence on the national team adds to the sense of pride that Americans feel when supporting their country on the international stage. His success represents the potential of American soccer to compete with the world's best.

4. Enhanced Competition: Johnny G's inclusion in the national team raises the level of competition within the squad. His skills and competitiveness will push his teammates to elevate their game, ultimately benefiting the U.S. team's performance.

5. Sponsorships and Endorsements: As Johnny G's popularity grows, so do his opportunities for sponsorships and endorsements. This not only benefits him financially but also increases the visibility of American soccer on a global scale.

Johnny G's journey from a small-town kid with a passion for sports to a member of the U.S. national team roster is a story of dedication, perseverance, and extraordinary talent. His impact on American soccer reaches far beyond the field, inspiring a new generation of athletes and elevating the sport's profile in the nation.

As Johnny G prepares to represent the United States on the international stage, the nation eagerly anticipates his contributions to the team's success. With his unique skills and unwavering commitment, Johnny G is poised to become a household name in American sports, leaving an indelible mark on the beautiful game.

In a world where sports stars often capture our attention for their on-field heroics, Johnny G reminds us that the journey to national glory is a story worth celebrating, and that dreams can indeed come true with the right mix of talent and determination.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all, I hope you have a great day filled with family, fun, and food. May Santa and his crew be good to you and your family.

Go Eagles

 Merry Christmas: A Celebration of Joy, Traditions, and FAQs

Christmas, a holiday celebrated by billions around the world, transcends borders, cultures, and religions to bring people together in the spirit of joy and goodwill. It's a time when homes are adorned with twinkling lights, gifts are exchanged, and hearts are warmed by the magic of the season. In this article, we will explore the rich history, diverse traditions, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Christmas.

I. The Origins of Christmas

The roots of Christmas can be traced back to ancient times, with its celebration evolving over the centuries. While it is widely recognized as a Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, it also incorporates elements from various other cultural and religious traditions.

1. Pagan Origins: Long before Christmas became a Christian holiday, many cultures celebrated the winter solstice, a time when days began to grow longer after the darkest days of winter. Festivals like the Roman Saturnalia and the Germanic Yule celebrated the rebirth of the sun and the promise of spring. These celebrations included feasting, gift-giving, and the decoration of homes with evergreen plants.

2. Christian Roots: The Christian celebration of Christmas dates back to the early 4th century when December 25th was officially established as the date for the birth of Jesus Christ. Over time, various customs and traditions, such as the Nativity scene and the singing of carols, were incorporated into the celebration.

II. Global Christmas Traditions

One of the remarkable aspects of Christmas is the diversity of traditions observed across the globe. These traditions often reflect the unique cultural and historical contexts of different regions. Here are some notable Christmas traditions from around the world:

1. Germany: Advent Calendar and Markets

Advent calendars, with daily surprises behind numbered doors, count down the days until Christmas.
Christmas markets, known as "Christkindlmarkt," feature festive stalls with crafts, food, and mulled wine.
2. Mexico: Las Posadas

A reenactment of Mary and Joseph's search for lodging, this tradition involves processions, caroling, and breaking piñatas.
3. Sweden: St. Lucia's Day

On December 13th, girls don white robes with candles on their heads to celebrate the "Queen of Light."
4. Italy: Feast of the Seven Fishes

A Christmas Eve tradition featuring a lavish meal of seven different seafood dishes.
5. Japan: KFC Christmas

Due to a successful marketing campaign in the 1970s, many Japanese families celebrate Christmas with a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
III. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Christmas

Q1: Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25th?

A1: December 25th was chosen as the date to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, although the exact date of his birth is not known. It is believed that early Christians chose this date to coincide with existing pagan winter solstice celebrations, making it easier to convert people to Christianity.

Q2: What is the significance of the Christmas tree?

A2: The Christmas tree has its roots in pagan traditions that celebrated the evergreen tree's ability to withstand winter. In Christian tradition, it symbolizes eternal life through Jesus Christ. Decorating a Christmas tree is a way to celebrate life and hope during the darkest days of winter.

Q3: Who is Santa Claus, and where does he come from?

A3: Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas or Kris Kringle, is a legendary figure with historical origins in the 4th-century Christian bishop, Saint Nicholas. Over time, the character evolved into the jolly, gift-giving figure we know today. Santa Claus embodies the spirit of generosity and gift-giving during the Christmas season.

Q4: Why do people exchange gifts at Christmas?

A4: The tradition of gift-giving at Christmas is rooted in the biblical story of the three wise men (Magi) who brought gifts to the infant Jesus. This act of giving symbolizes the love and generosity associated with the holiday, as well as the recognition of the ultimate gift—Jesus Christ.

Q5: What are some popular Christmas carols?

A5: Christmas carols are a cherished part of the holiday season. Some popular ones include "Silent Night," "Jingle Bells," "Deck the Halls," "O Holy Night," and "Joy to the World." These songs are often sung during gatherings, in churches, and at caroling events.

IV. Modern Christmas Celebrations

In modern times, Christmas has evolved to incorporate a wide range of customs and activities, including:

1. Holiday Decorations: Homes and public spaces are adorned with Christmas trees, lights, wreaths, and nativity scenes. Many people also decorate the exterior of their homes with elaborate light displays.

2. Family Gatherings: Christmas is a time for families to come together. Many people travel long distances to spend time with loved ones, often sharing a special meal on Christmas Day.

3. Gift Exchanges: The exchange of gifts has become a central tradition. People carefully select and wrap presents for family and friends, placing them under the Christmas tree to be opened on Christmas morning.

4. Christmas Feasting: Special holiday meals are a significant part of Christmas celebrations. Traditional dishes vary by region but often include roast turkey, ham, stuffing, and an array of desserts.

5. Acts of Kindness: Christmas is also a time for charitable giving and acts of kindness. Many people volunteer, donate to charity, or participate in initiatives like "Angel Trees" to provide gifts for those in need.

V. The True Spirit of Christmas

While the traditions and celebrations of Christmas are diverse and can vary widely from one culture to another, they all share a common theme: the celebration of love, kindness, and goodwill. Christmas reminds us to take a moment to appreciate the people in our lives, to share our blessings, and to spread joy to those around us.

As we exchange gifts, sing carols, and gather with loved ones, let us also remember the importance of empathy and compassion. It is in these acts of love and generosity that the true spirit of Christmas shines brightest, transcending cultural boundaries and uniting us all in the warmth of the season.

Christmas, with its rich history, diverse traditions, and universal message of love and giving, continues to be a beloved holiday celebrated by people from all walks of life. Whether you celebrate with a feast of seven fishes, light candles in honor of St. Lucia, or exchange gifts under a Christmas tree, the essence of Christmas remains the same: a celebration of joy, unity, and the hope that the season brings.

As we wish each other "Merry Christmas," let us also remember to carry the spirit of Christmas with us throughout the year, practicing kindness and generosity to make the world a better place for all.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Midseason Report: Forwards

As you all know, I keep promising my midseason reports every other day but for multiple reasons, tonight is the night I will finally get back to writing...this time it will be concerning the Eagle forwards and assessing their play thus far. Let's take a look

Johnny G- I shouldn't really have to say much here because you all know about the start Johnny Hockey is off to. His playmaking ability is second to none in college hockey and if he continues to play like he has been, a Hobey Baker award might be in his reach. While he struggled at the end of the semester vs BU and Providence, an unreal experience in Russia should help him get his feet back under him.

Grade- A

Pat Mullane- All people like to talk about (including myself I guess) these days is the eye popping play of Johnny G and because of that, guys like Pat Mullane get very little recognition. If you ask me, Mullane is certainly one of the best forwards in Hockey East if not the country right now as he continues to show outstanding leadership not just on but off the ice along with playing some stellar hockey.

Grade- A-

Steve Whitney- As we sit here tonight, it's hard to say that Steven Whitney has not played up to, if not surpassed the expectations the staff had for him coming into the first half of the year. He has multiple intangibles such as his blistering snap shot and ferocious penalty killing abilities that often get overlooked. Hopefully in the second half he can take his game up to an even higher notch that we know he is capable of arriving at.

Grade- B+

Kevin Hayes- If you ask me, there may not be one person on this whole roster that has improved as much as Kevin Hayes has. It may have taken a long time but Kevin is now becoming a truly dominant forward in Hockey East and is playing as well as anyone on this team.

Grade- A-

Billy Arnold- If you ask me, there may not be a better two way forward than Bill Arnold in all of Hockey East. He is one of those guys that isn't going to jump out at you right away but he certainly does the little things like block shots, makes crisp passes, and helps generate good chances, very well. The consistency in his play has been solid up to this point so hopefully it continues thought the winter and spring.

Grade- B+

Destry Straight- The start of Destry's sophomore year certainly has gone better than the start of his freshman year a season ago. It took a while but playing with guys like Hayes and Arnold has really had a solid impact on his play. Hopefully, his injury is not too bad and he can get back for the Gophers because without him and Johnny G, winning two games out in St.Paul is going to be very, very tough.

Grade- B

Danny Linell- Danny is one of those guys that I think has been solid at times this year but also struggled a bit in terms of his play in the offensive end. To be honest, I think it was expected that he was going to generate more offense than he has to this point but there certainly have been some bright spots for him. I look for his play to continue to get better as the year goes on.

Grade B-/C+

Quinn Smith- Quinn has been one of those guys that's had to adjust to playing on some different lines up to this point because of the injuries to guys like Straight and because of that, his play has been a bit up and down. Granted he is not one of those star studded forwards that's going to score a point every game for you but I do think his play needs to improve in the second half.

Grade- B-/C+

Brendan Silk- I've said it multiple times already and I'll say it again, from puck drop vs Northeastern till now, no forward has improved as much as Brendan Silk has. Like Quinn Smith, Brendan has had to step up and play an even bigger role in the lineup for this team and at times this year, like the BU home game, he has really stepped up and played well. His play is going to be key in order to beat the high powered Gophers.

Grade- B-

Brooks Dyroff- After not playing much in his first three years, it's nice to see a guy like Dyroff play night in and night out and actually play some good hockey at times this year. He struggled to get going at the start of the season but since about the first BU game, he has been starting to play some solid hockey.

Grade- B-

Patrick Brown- There is not a guy on this team that works harder to become a better hockey player than Patrick Brown does (if you ask me). When you watch him in practice, he is always the first one on the ice and always the last one off. You can clearly see that his play has improved a lot since he first got here but I also think there is lots of room for improvement. I look for a stronger second half from him.

Grade- B-

Michael Sit- This is another guy that I think has had an OK first half. His play in his own zone is fine but it seems that he is never able to get anything going in the offensive end. It looks like to me that he has the speed to take that next step but whatever it is that's keeping him back, I hope he finds it in this second half.

Grade- C+

Not graded- Cam Spiro

Defenseman coming up later in the week.

On the injury front, I originally posted that Destry Straight was a go for Minnesota but now I would put him back into the 50-50 category, along with Isaac Macleod. We should know more when the players get back right after Christmas.

Go Eagles

Midseason Report: Forwards

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cathcing Up

Before I start with any hockey, let me first say that the tragedy in Connecticut is truly one of the worst events I have seen in my lifetime and may the Lord be with all those families that are going through unimaginable pain. God bless.

On a brighter note, the first half of the season is over but the Eagles had as good a week as you can have by picking up goalie Thatcher Demko from the USNDT. I can tell you that the upside for this kid goes to the sky. He could truly be the next great goalie that we see here on Chestnut Hill. Some have emailed me asking about what I think about the goalie situation for next year, so here are my thoughts. Demko, a 6'2 goalie that, as I said earlier this week, beat Merrimack and tied UNH when they were ranked #1 in the country. Not too bad for a Jr in high school. The downside with Demko is that he is very, very young. Yes, he will be able to play at the start of next season because he will take summer courses but in reality being that young and starting for the best team in the best league in the country can certainly cause some nerves for anyone. The feeling around this kid is that while he may take some time to get going because he is so young, the upside and the chance to be a truly dominant goalie are as high as you can get. As for the question if he is going to start right off the bat next season, we will have to and see next fall as I bet it will be a head to head battle between him and Brian Billett.

Grabbing Demko makes next years recruiting class flat out unfair. Just think if one of Johnny G, Arnold or Hayes stays, how stacked the lineup could be a season from now. Anyways, that's a long way away and if you haven't noticed, this years Eagles aren't too shabby. This team has shown us a lot this season. Whether it's fighting through adversity like in the OT win @ UMass or the the season series win over BU, it's quite clear that BC is confident enough in their abilities to comeback and play at a high level whenever they want. One positive I look at is that BC has not played with their full lineup since the November 11th game @ the Jack Parker Rink, unfortunately that streak could continue through January 5th as Johnny G is all but a lock to make the US World Jr's team and will miss the two games in Minnesota and maybe the game vs Yale. Straight will most likely be back for Minnesota but I would assume that it would take him some time to get back into the swing of things.

Anyways, the makeup of this team when healthy is among, if not the best, in the nation. The biggest issue right now with the Eagles is the play of the defenseman, especially evident in the last couple of games. If they want to beat teams like Minnesota with Bjugstad and Haula, the play in the defensive zone needs to be much, much better. Beating the Gophers without Johnny G is going to be tough but I believe the long lay off is really going to revitalize this Eagle club. I'm looking forward to seeing how they fare vs the best out of conference team they will face all year (along with maybe Notre Dame).

With Christmas just around the corner, I thought it would be a good idea to elaborate on an idea I saw on USCHO a few days ago. They made a Christmas list for every team in Hockey East but didn't go too in depth in terms of BC's. Let's take a look at the top things on BC Hockey's Christmas list.

1. Get everyone back and have the full lineup by January 5th. Once everyone is back in place and the Eagles can run two lines that are both scoring threats, then they should get back to that earlier form. There are certainly some guys that need this break for injury reasons.

2. Having the play of the defenseman get better. I like the way Matheson and Wey are playing right now but the other guys have been too inconsistent thus far. I can't tell you how much this aspect needs to improve for Trophy Season.

3. Let's get the first line back to form. I may have said it after the Providence disaster but right now, I think the second line is playing better hockey than the first line. Granted their have been some health issues on the first line, I still think they can play at a higher level. Whitney and Mullane need to forces in order to beat the Chargers and especially to beat the Golden Gophers.

4. No more major injuries here on out. There is probably a slim chance of this happening but this team is not deep enough to keep having guys like Straight and Johnny G out of the lineup. Sure the bottom couple of forwards are interchangeable but the top 6 certainly aren't.

5. Win the Beanpot.

I'll have more coming up later tonight....Sorry, I have not been keeping up with my midseason reports.

Go Eagles

Sunday, December 16, 2012

BREAKING- Demko Commits to BC

Earlier this week I posted about how USNDT goalie Thatcher Demko was still uncommitted and how he visited BC on Monday. Just now, we have learned that Demko will in fact come to Boston College in the fall of 2013-14. BC's goalie duo now with Chris Birdsall and Demko in a couple of years looks might, mighty good. Certainly a huge get for the staff.

I'm not sure that he will certainly be here in 13-14 but according to his twitter account, that is the year.

 BREAKING: Demko Commits to BC - A Game-Changer for the Eagles

In a stunning turn of events that has sent shockwaves through the college hockey world, Thatcher Demko, one of the most promising goaltending prospects in recent memory, has committed to Boston College (BC). This announcement has not only energized the BC Eagles' fan base but has also raised numerous questions about Demko's decision and its potential impact on the college hockey landscape. In this article, we will explore the details of Demko's commitment to BC, delve into the reasons behind his choice, and address some of the most frequently asked questions surrounding this groundbreaking development.

I. Demko's Unprecedented Commitment

Thatcher Demko's decision to commit to Boston College is nothing short of historic. The 26-year-old goaltender, who has previously played for the Vancouver Canucks in the NHL, is making a rare return to the college ranks. While it's not unheard of for NHL-caliber talent to play college hockey, it is exceptionally rare for a player of Demko's caliber to do so after already tasting success in the professional ranks.

Demko's commitment to BC is groundbreaking for several reasons. First and foremost, it brings an immediate infusion of talent and experience to the Eagles' roster. College hockey teams often rely on young and developing players, but Demko's presence between the pipes instantly elevates BC's chances of contending for a national championship.

Secondly, Demko's return to college hockey highlights the appeal of the NCAA for elite athletes. It demonstrates that even players who have had a taste of professional success are drawn to the competitive and developmental opportunities that college hockey provides.

II. Why BC?

The decision to commit to Boston College was not made lightly. Demko had several options on the table, including the possibility of returning to the NHL or exploring other European leagues. So, why did he ultimately choose BC?

Education: One of the most appealing aspects of college hockey for many athletes is the opportunity to pursue higher education. Demko, who had previously played for BC from 2013 to 2016 before turning pro, values the chance to further his academic pursuits while continuing to play at a high level. BC offers a strong academic program that aligns with his interests and goals.

Development: College hockey provides a unique environment for player development. Demko believes that returning to the college ranks will allow him to refine his skills, work on specific aspects of his game, and prepare for a successful return to professional hockey when the time is right.

Community and Tradition: BC has a rich hockey tradition and a passionate fan base. Demko has fond memories of his time as an Eagle and is excited about rejoining the BC community. The prospect of playing in front of loyal fans and being part of a storied program was a significant draw.

III. FAQs About Demko's Commitment to BC

Can Demko play for BC immediately?
Yes, Demko is eligible to play for Boston College immediately. NCAA rules allow for players who have previously played in professional leagues, like the NHL, to return to college and compete in NCAA-sanctioned sports without losing their eligibility.

Will Demko be eligible for the NHL Draft again?
Demko is no longer eligible for the NHL Entry Draft, as he was drafted by the Vancouver Canucks in 2014. However, he can sign with any NHL team as a free agent.

How long will Demko stay at BC?
Demko's length of stay at Boston College may vary. His commitment to BC is not bound by a specific number of years, and it will depend on various factors, including his performance, development goals, and opportunities in professional hockey.

What impact will Demko have on BC's hockey program?
Demko's presence is expected to have a substantial impact on the BC Eagles' hockey program. His experience and skill level will elevate the team's performance, and he will serve as a mentor to younger players, contributing to their development on and off the ice.

Will Demko's commitment encourage other NHL players to return to college?
While Demko's decision to return to college hockey is unusual, it may inspire other NHL players to consider similar paths. However, each player's situation is unique, and their decisions will depend on a variety of factors, including personal goals and opportunities.

Thatcher Demko's commitment to Boston College is a remarkable development in the world of college hockey. It showcases the appeal of the NCAA for elite athletes seeking a balance between education and athletics, and it highlights the growth of college hockey as a platform for player development. As Demko embarks on this exciting journey with the BC Eagles, his decision will undoubtedly be closely watched by hockey fans, aspiring athletes, and sports enthusiasts alike. Only time will tell the full extent of the impact of this groundbreaking decision, but one thing is certain: Demko's return to college hockey is a game-changer.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Recruitng Update

As the prep school season begins to get underway, let's take a look at how some future Eagles are performing thus far this season.


Chirs Calnan (13)- In 22 games played so far for the South Shore Kings (EJHL), Calnan has recorded a team leading 18 assist and 14 goals, giving him 32 points for the year. Also tied for the league lead with 18 shots on net.

Adam Gilmour (13)- In 23 games played for the Muskegon Lumberjacks (USHL), Gilmour ranks second on the team in terms of points as he has 10 assist and 7 goals, totaling 17 points. His plus minus for the year is currently at +6.

Austin Cangelosi (13)- In 19 games played so far this year, Cangelosi has a team leading 24 points, 9 goals, and 15 assist. His plus minus for the year is currently at +10.

Alex Tuch (14)- In 15 games played for Team USA, Tuch has recorded 2 goals and 2 assist but has a concerning -7 rating.

Ryan Fitzgerald (13)- Fitzgerald made the move from the Valley Jr Warriors to the USNDT last month and has just started to play for the USNDT so no stats to put up.

Conor McGlynn- In 19 games played for Sioux City (USHL), McGlynn has recorded 3 points and a -6 rating.

Matthew Gaudreau- In 17 games for the Omaha Lancers, Gaudreau has recorded 1 assist and 5 goals. His plus minus is currently at 0

Evan Richardson-In 20 games so far this year for the Powell River Kings (BCHL), Richardson has recorded a team leading 22 points.


Steven Santini- In 22 games played for the USA Under 18 team, Santini has 7 points but was reportedly very good vs Merrimack and UNH this past weekend.

Scott Savage- In 22 games played, also for the US Under 18 team, Savage has 4 points and a plus minus of plus 2.

Sam Piazza (13)- In 18 games played for the Chicago Steel (USHL), Piazza has recorded 4 points and has a plus minus of 0.

Ian McCoshen (13)- In 13 games so far, McCoshen has just 5 points but has an outstanding plus minus of +15. He must be injured because he has played so few games.

Two big recruits to keep and eye on are Thatcher Demko, the NTDP's goalie and is considered by many to be the top remaining goalie in the country. He visited Boston College on Monday. Also, top 97 recruit Cam Askew decommited from Northeastern (a common thread these days) and is on the market. Would be a great get for the Eagles.

Go Eagles

Recruitng Update 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Midseason Report: Part One

As we arrive at the midpoint of this season, it is quite clear that the Eagles have a lot of things going for them in a lot of ways but even at 11-2-1, they, as a team, have lots of areas in which they need improvement. I'll start tonight with the play of the special teams and how I would asses their play so far this year. Tomorrow, I'll do defenseman and later in the week, I'll do the forwards.

Power Play-

As we sit here today, BC currently has the number two power play in the nation, converting at a solid 27 percent so far this season. While 27 % is a good number, I'd say the majority of the goals came at the beginning of the season. As of late, I have become a bit concerned with the play of both units, but the last couple of games vs BU and Providence were a bit better (especially the second BU game). Having Mike Matheson running the first unit has been a big help but finding a defensive partner for him has been tough. The staff has tried Alber, Whitney, Wey, and now even Brooks Dyroff but for some reason, it hasn't been clicking as well as it was at the start of the year. The best news for BC is that they have been missing Destry Straight, a key player on the second unit, for the past month and have clearly missed him. When Straight and Johnny G (who will be back after the WJC) are both back, I look for the power play to get back to that high gear in which they were in at the start of the year. It's encouraging to see that Billy Arnold and Kevin Hayes are among the league leaders in terms of power play points but I think once BC is back at 100 %, both units are going to get drastically better. I don't know what the staff will do in terms of personnel but the first unit of Matheson-Whitney, Johnny G-Mullane-Linell, was actually looking pretty good. Once Straight went down, both units had to be rearrange and it has obviously had an effect on everybody.

Grade for the first half- B+

Penalty Kill-

The Eagles have the number two penalty kill in Hockey East and are in the top ten in the country but are not playing as well as they were at the end of that year. From the Beanpot until the NCAA's I think BC allowed something like just two power play goals. This year, it hasn't been consistent enough vs the better power plays in the league such as BU's. I like the way some guys are performing on the kill but it is clear that others, who did not kill penalties a year ago, have struggled adjusting. I continue to think that Arnold, Whitney, and Mullane are three of the best penalty killers in the league but when they're not out there, it has been a bit of a struggle, especially vs potent power plays. In the second half, I hope they continue to play like they have the last two games because in order to win games in the Beanpot and NCAA's, you need to have an effective penalty kill.

Grade for the first half- B

Defenseman tomorrow or Wednesday

Go Eagles.

 Midseason Report: Part One - A Comprehensive Look at the Season So Far

As we find ourselves at the midpoint of the season, it's the perfect time to reflect on the highs, lows, surprises, and controversies that have shaped the sporting world. In this two-part midseason report, we'll delve into the world of sports, taking a closer look at the standout performances, unexpected twists, and the most burning questions on everyone's minds. Whether you're a die-hard sports fanatic or a casual observer, this article aims to provide a unique and informative overview of the first half of the season.

Part One: A Look Back

In this first part of the midseason report, we'll focus on the standout performances, dramatic moments, and notable trends across various sports. From the pitch to the court, from the racetrack to the field, we've witnessed moments of triumph, disappointment, and everything in between.

1. Unforgettable Moments in the World of Football

Surprises Galore

The world of football has seen its fair share of surprises this season. With some of the most prestigious leagues in the world in full swing, we've witnessed unexpected victories and upsets that have left fans stunned. Whether it's a newly-promoted team rising to the top of the table or a perennial powerhouse struggling to find their form, this season has been a rollercoaster ride for football enthusiasts.

One of the most significant surprises has been the resurgence of several underdog teams in various leagues. Fans of the English Premier League, for instance, were treated to the sight of Brentford FC holding their own against established giants, proving that determination and teamwork can lead to remarkable achievements.

Star Power

Individual performances have also left a lasting impression. The rivalry between two footballing titans, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, has continued to captivate the world. Ronaldo's return to Manchester United and Messi's move to Paris Saint-Germain have brought immense excitement to fans, as they watch these legends create magic on the pitch once again.

2. Thrills and Spills in Motorsport

MotoGP Drama

The MotoGP season has been nothing short of sensational, with nail-biting races and unexpected twists at every turn. The battle between Fabio Quartararo and Francesco Bagnaia for the championship title has been a highlight, with both riders consistently pushing the limits of their abilities.

Meanwhile, the return of Marc Marquez to racing after a devastating injury has been met with both joy and concern. The Spaniard's determination to get back on the bike and compete at the highest level is an inspiration to fans worldwide.

Formula 1's Next Generation

In Formula 1, we've seen the emergence of a new generation of talent. George Russell, Lando Norris, and Charles Leclerc have all proven that they are the future of the sport. Their performances have added a new layer of excitement to Formula 1, with fans eagerly anticipating the battles that lie ahead.

3. Basketball: Hoops and Dreams

NBA Surprises

In the world of basketball, the NBA has delivered its fair share of surprises. The Phoenix Suns' incredible run to the NBA Finals last season has continued to reverberate, as they have maintained their strong form. Chris Paul's leadership and the emergence of young star Devin Booker have been instrumental in their success.

On the other hand, the struggles of the Los Angeles Lakers, despite their star-studded roster, have raised questions about the dynamics of super-teams in the modern NBA.

4. Tennis: A Changing of the Guard

Tennis Phenoms

The tennis world has witnessed the rise of a new generation of players. Stefanos Tsitsipas, Alexander Zverev, and Daniil Medvedev have all challenged the dominance of the "Big Three" (Federer, Nadal, and Djokovic) with their impressive performances in Grand Slam tournaments. While the established legends continue to be formidable opponents, the emergence of these young talents has injected fresh energy and excitement into the sport.

FAQs - Answering Your Burning Questions

Now that we've recapped some of the most notable moments in the world of sports, let's turn our attention to some frequently asked questions that have been on the minds of sports enthusiasts:

Q1: Can Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi maintain their high-level performances as they age?

A1: This question has been a topic of discussion for several seasons, and both Ronaldo and Messi have consistently defied expectations. While age eventually catches up with all athletes, these two football icons have shown remarkable adaptability and continue to perform at an elite level. Their work ethic and dedication to the sport suggest that they could maintain their brilliance for a few more seasons, but the eventual decline is inevitable.

Q2: Will Fabio Quartararo or Francesco Bagnaia clinch the MotoGP championship?

A2: The battle for the MotoGP championship remains wide open, and predicting the winner at this stage is challenging. Both Quartararo and Bagnaia have demonstrated incredible skill and determination, and the outcome of the season could hinge on factors such as injuries, consistency, and performance under pressure. It's a rivalry that promises thrilling races in the coming months.

Q3: Who will be the breakout star of the NBA season?

A3: While predicting the future is always uncertain, several young talents in the NBA have the potential to become breakout stars. The likes of Zion Williamson, Trae Young, and LaMelo Ball have already made significant impacts, but there could be other surprises as the season progresses. Keep an eye on the rising stars who are poised to take the league by storm.

Q4: Can the new generation of tennis players dethrone the "Big Three"?

A4: The "Big Three" in tennis have dominated the sport for over a decade, but the emergence of young talents like Tsitsipas, Zverev, and Medvedev suggests that change is on the horizon. While it's challenging to predict when exactly this transition will occur, the young players have consistently shown that they have what it takes to challenge for Grand Slam titles. The next few seasons will be pivotal in determining whether the torch is passed.

As we reach the midway point of the sports season, there's no shortage of drama, excitement, and intrigue. From football to motorsport, basketball to tennis, the sporting world continues to provide fans with unforgettable moments and compelling storylines. Whether you're following the seasoned legends or the rising stars, the second half of the season promises even more action and excitement.

Stay tuned for Part Two of our midseason report, where we'll dive deeper into the controversies, trends, and predictions that are shaping the sports landscape in the coming months. Until then, keep your eyes on the field, the court, the track, and the pitch, because in the world of sports, anything can happen.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Eagles Falter Late, Tie Friars

Sometimes you tie games and you walk out of buildings and say to yourself, "hey, that was a good tie", other times you walk out shaking your head wondering what happened. Last night was one of those nights. Thanks to a goal with 10 seconds to go, the Providence College Friars rallied and tied the Eagles, sending the Champs back home in utter disappointment knowing they were just 10 seconds away from 2 crucial league points and handing their coach his record breaking win. The first period was as weird as they come because BC got badly outplayed but still managed to get out up a goal thanks to a Johnny G rebound tally. It was clear that the Eagles were thrown off guard by the physical play of the opponent, causing the team to make bad passes and decisions that they probably wouldn't have made otherwise. Want to know the biggest positive about last night ? It's the break...why is that so good ? Because Isaac Macleod left the game after period one with a shoulder injury, he was in a sling for the remainder of the night. In the third period, Steven Whitney was hit hard into the boards in the Providence end and came off the ice looking badly hurt. He made it back out there but it appeared that he was playing on one leg because of the hit. With Straight already out and these two banged up, three weeks of rest can't hurt.

I thought BC played better hockey in the second period as they controlled the tempo and generated some quality chances on PC goalie Jon Gilles. The second goal of the game was just a bomb from the point by Mike Matheson who was definitely BC best defenseman all night, even though he gave up a bad turnover on PC's first goal. As for that goal, it was the start of a trend of horrific defensive zone turnovers by the Eagles in the third period. However, after the first Friar goal, Matheson went pretty much end to end and potted his second of the night, putting BC up a pair once again. Just a mere 12 seconds after Matheson's second of the night, a BC defenseman just gave it to a Friar forward who walked in on Milner and scored. For those that were watching, this was surely one of the most disturbing goals given up all year. BC had the momentum and was playing somewhat solid hockey in the third up to that point. I don't know what happened, it was just another defensive breakdown that has become all too common this season. For the next 18 minutes I thought BC actually did a solid job of keeping the Friars away from getting grade A chances and actually created some golden opportunities of their own but Gilles, who was phenomenal in the third and OT, was there to make the save. I can't even begin to explain how bad this tying goal was. As Providence entered the BC zone with just 15 second left, a BC defenseman thought it would be a good idea to dive for the puck. He missed. Now Providence has numbers going into the zone and one of their forwards made a superb pass to Nick Saracino who had all day to fling it by Milner. Ya, we could only play 5 defenseman, ya guys were hurt, ya it was the last day before break, but in the end there are absolutely no excuses as for why that goal was given up. I actually thought Parker Milner played pretty well tonight. All three PC goals were just flat out defensive breakdowns, nothing more, nothing less.

The final 5 minute OT period was all BC but they just couldn't capitalize. Matheson made a great play to Bill Arnold who moved within 7/8 feet of Gilles for a perfect chance but he was denied. Matheson himself also had a great chance with a booming slapper late in the stanza but as was the case for most of the second half of the game, Gilles was there. All in all, this was a disappointing game for BC as they missed out on a chance to extend their lead in the league to over a game and also a chance to give their coach his record breaking win. On the positive side of things, this was a great learning experience for everybody on this team. Hopefully, they can learn from this disaster and play some great hockey vs the Chargers and the Gophers in Minnesota.

What went well-

1. I thought Mike Matheson played one of his better games of the season. As the year grows older, he may develop into the top player on this team.

2. I really liked the way Kevin Hayes and his line played last night. Call me crazy but right now, Kevin Hayes is the best player on this team along with Bill Arnold.

3. The power play had a goal and continued it's strong play. It's good to see both units start to get back to that form in which they were in earlier this year.


1. The first line was invisible, again. Mullane was solid but Johnny G and Whitney looked like their minds were somewhere else besides the game.

2. The third period. For those questioning BC's conditioning late in games, they're way off base. I don't think the Friar goals, especially the last one, were for a lack of being tired on BC's part but rather just a pure lack of execution.

3. As I mentioned earlier, thankfully the break is here. Whitney, Dyroff, and Macleod (who left the game), were all really banged up last night.

Player of the game- Mike Matheson

Next Up- Alabama Huntsville on 12/29 in Minnesota.

Go Eagles !

Eagles Falter Late, Tie Friars

Friday, December 7, 2012

Picks for the Weekend


Colgate @ UMass- Should be a tight non conference affair but I'll go with UMass in game one, 5-4

Harvard @ Merrimack- Should be a pretty interesting matchup between two solid teams but I think Harvard's skill is too much for the Warriors. Harvard 3-2

Boston College @ Providence- I look for PC to come out hot but Coach York gets his magical win. BC 4-1


Maine @ BU- Would love to see a Black Bear win but they are just not good enough to compete with BU, Terriers 5-1

Northeastern @ Lowell- Northeastern is in full out panic mode with Manno leaving today. Lowell 3-1

Colgate @ UMass- Raiders get the spilt. Colgate 2-1


Lowell @ Harvard- This one is interesting to me but I think Harvard completes the Hockey East sweep. Crimson 2-0

Picks for the Weekend: Your Ultimate Weekend Planner

The weekend is that oasis of leisure and relaxation in the middle of the bustling workweek. It's a time to unwind, explore, and rejuvenate. Whether you're a thrill-seeker, a culture enthusiast, a foodie, or simply someone who loves to kick back and relax, there's something for everyone to enjoy during the weekend. In this article, we'll provide you with a curated list of weekend picks, along with answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you make the most of your weekend.

Weekend Picks
1. Outdoor Adventures
For those who love the great outdoors, the weekend is the perfect time to indulge in some adventure. Consider hiking in a nearby national park, going for a bike ride, or even taking a camping trip. Exploring nature not only offers a break from the urban grind but also provides an opportunity to connect with the environment.

2. Art and Culture
Weekends are an excellent time to immerse yourself in art and culture. Visit local museums, art galleries, or attend a theater performance. Check for special exhibitions or cultural festivals happening in your area. You might discover a new appreciation for the arts.

3. Foodie Delights
Exploring culinary delights is a favorite weekend activity for many. Try a new restaurant in your town or explore street food markets. If you enjoy cooking, spend some time in the kitchen experimenting with new recipes and ingredients. A food-centric weekend can be both indulgent and satisfying.

4. Wellness Retreat
In today's fast-paced world, self-care is essential. Consider booking a wellness retreat for the weekend. You can enjoy spa treatments, meditation sessions, yoga classes, and more. It's a perfect way to recharge your mind and body.

5. Cultural Festivals
Many cities host cultural festivals on weekends. These events often showcase music, dance, food, and traditions from around the world. Attending a cultural festival can be a unique and enriching experience.

6. Sports and Recreation
For sports enthusiasts, weekends offer an array of activities. Attend a local sports event, play a round of golf, or join a pickup game at a nearby park. Engaging in physical activities is not only fun but also a great way to stay active and healthy.

7. Road Trips
A weekend road trip can be a fantastic way to escape your routine. Plan a short journey to a nearby town, beach, or countryside. The open road offers a sense of freedom and adventure that's hard to beat.

8. Relaxation and Reading
Sometimes, the best way to spend a weekend is to relax at home. Grab a good book, make a cup of tea or coffee, and cozy up on your favorite chair or hammock. It's a simple pleasure that can be incredibly rejuvenating.

9. Volunteering
If you're inclined toward giving back to the community, consider volunteering on weekends. There are countless organizations and causes that could use your help. It's a fulfilling way to spend your time and make a positive impact.

10. Learning and Workshops
Weekends are a great opportunity to invest in your personal growth. Sign up for workshops or classes that interest you. It could be anything from photography and cooking to coding and language learning.

Weekend Picks FAQs
Now that we've explored various weekend picks, let's address some frequently asked questions to help you plan your weekends more effectively.

1. How do I plan a weekend getaway on a budget?
Planning a budget-friendly weekend getaway is entirely possible. Start by choosing a destination that's not too far from your home to save on travel expenses. Look for deals on accommodation, use public transportation, and prioritize free or low-cost activities. Packing your own meals and snacks can also help cut down on expenses.

2. What are some tips for making the most of a relaxing weekend at home?
To fully enjoy a relaxing weekend at home, create a peaceful environment by tidying up and decluttering. Disconnect from work-related tasks and screens. Instead, focus on activities that bring you joy, like reading, gardening, or taking leisurely baths. Consider inviting friends or family over for quality time.

3. How can I find local cultural events and festivals happening over the weekend?
To discover local cultural events and festivals, you can:

Check your city or town's official website for event listings.
Use event discovery apps like Eventbrite and Meetup.
Follow local cultural organizations and venues on social media.
Ask friends, family, or colleagues for recommendations.
Explore community bulletin boards and local newspapers.
4. What should I pack for a weekend camping trip?
For a weekend camping trip, pack essentials like a tent, sleeping bag, and camping stove. Don't forget outdoor clothing suitable for the weather, a first-aid kit, insect repellent, and a flashlight. Depending on your camping location, you may also need food, water, and cooking utensils.

5. How can I make the most of a wellness retreat during the weekend?
To make the most of a wellness retreat, plan ahead by researching the retreat's offerings and schedule. Participate in activities that resonate with you, whether it's yoga, meditation, or spa treatments. Disconnect from digital devices to fully engage in the experience and embrace relaxation.

6. What are some creative ways to explore local cuisine over the weekend?
Exploring local cuisine can be an adventure in itself. Try these creative ideas:

Participate in a food tour or cooking class.
Visit farmers' markets and sample fresh, local produce.
Explore different neighborhoods known for diverse cuisines.
Ask locals for restaurant recommendations.
Create a themed dinner party at home using regional recipes.
7. How can I incorporate physical activity into my weekend routine?
Incorporating physical activity into your weekend is essential for your well-being. You can:

Go for a hike, bike ride, or swim.
Take a dance class or join a sports league.
Explore your city by walking or jogging.
Practice yoga or engage in outdoor workouts.
Organize a group activity like frisbee or soccer with friends.
8. What are some ways to make volunteering part of my weekend plans?
To integrate volunteering into your weekend plans, follow these steps:

Identify causes or organizations that align with your interests.
Contact local volunteer centers or search online for opportunities.
Commit to a regular volunteer schedule or participate in one-time events.
Encourage friends or family to join you in volunteering.
Celebrate your volunteer work by reflecting on the impact you've made.
9. How can I balance work and personal time during the weekend?
Balancing work and personal time during the weekend is crucial for overall well-being. Set clear boundaries by establishing specific work hours, and resist the urge to check emails or take work calls outside of those hours. Prioritize self-care and leisure activities to recharge for the upcoming week.

10. What are some indoor activities for weekends when the weather is unfavorable?
When the weather doesn't cooperate, you can still have a great weekend indoors:

Host a movie or game night with friends or family.
Try indoor rock climbing or visit a trampoline park.
Attend a local art workshop or craft fair.
Visit an indoor sports facility for activities like bowling or ice skating.
Explore museums, art galleries, or historical sites in your area.
The weekend is a precious opportunity to enrich your life, unwind, and create lasting memories. Whether you're an adventure seeker, a culture enthusiast, a foodie, or someone who values relaxation, there's a weekend pick just for you. By planning your weekends thoughtfully and exploring the options available, you can make the most of these precious days of leisure. So, go ahead and embrace the weekend, making it your own unique adventure each time.

Previewing the Providence College Friars

Everyone that is a part of BC hockey is worrying about one thing and one thing only. The record. As you all know, Coach York has a golden opportunity to pass Ron Mason's all time wins record tonight, a victory marking win #925. However, there is one man that could care less about the record. Actually, he would like it if there were no accolades or anything, just get the win and get home as soon as possible. That would be Coach York himself. Anyways, there is a game to play tonight and it comes against arguably the most improved team in the conference, the Friars of Providence College. Up to this point, Providence is in 4th place in Hockey East with 10 points, which slots them 4 behind third place BU, and 8 behind the first place Eagles. Providence has improved the most in the area of goal scoring as they rank 4th in Hockey East, averaging 2.86 goals per game. When it comes to special teams, the Friars rank 6th in terms of power play percentage and 7th in penalty kill, putting them at 5th in terms of special teams net. Up front, Providence is led by forwards Tim Schaller, Ross Mauermann, and Derek Army, their top three scorers. Army leads the team with 9 points and a solid +9 rating for the season. One big loss for PC tonight will be first round draft pick Mark Jankowski who is out thanks to a hip injury.

In goal, highly touted freshman Jon Gilles will get the start, making his first appearance vs the defending National Champs. Gilles is off to a solid start for second year coach Nate Lehman as he ranks 3rd in the league in terms of goals against average. For BC, Destry Straight will once again be out, meaning another big night from guys like Linell and Silk will be needed in order to capture two points. Silk showed everybody what potential he has during last Saturday's victory but in order to show that he can stay at that level, he needs to play big tonight. Playing with Arnold and Hayes certainly doesn't hurt. Unlike BU, Providence does not have that go to line that can matchup with BC's big three. I thought the Terriers did a great job of shutting them down last week so hopefully those guys can get it back together and score some goals tonight for BC.

All in all, I think this game will be closer than people think as Providence is sure to come out swinging. Hopefully, the circumstances surrounding the game will enable the Eagles to continue to play at a high level like they have all season long.

Keys for the Eagles

1. A solid game from the second line. An effort like last Saturday's would go a long way in order for BC to get the win.

2. Staying out of the box. When you play against teams that you probably should beat, giving them chances on the man advantage really hurts. Don't give PC chances to stick around in the third.

3. Playing as good in the defensive zone as Saturday's game. I thought the game last week was the best defensive effort of the year. Look for those guys to continue to play like they did that night as the season goes on.

Best opposing players-Schaller, Army, Brown.

All time series-BC leads 105-45-12 and have also won 11 in a row vs PC.

Prediction- BC 4-1


Previewing the Providence College Friars: A Comprehensive Look at the Team's Journey

Providence College, home to the Friars, has a storied history in collegiate athletics. As one of the members of the Big East Conference, the Friars have carved out a legacy that is rich in basketball tradition. In this comprehensive preview, we will delve into the Providence College Friars' basketball program, exploring their history, recent performance, key players, and what to expect in the upcoming season. We will also address some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to provide you with a well-rounded understanding of this exciting team.

History of the Providence College Friars
Providence College, founded in 1917, has a long and distinguished history in collegiate athletics. The Friars' basketball program, in particular, has garnered significant attention and success over the years. Let's take a trip down memory lane to appreciate the highlights of this program's history:

1. 1960s and 1970s: The Birth of Success
The 1960s and 1970s marked the emergence of the Friars as a formidable force in college basketball. Under the guidance of legendary coach Joe Mullaney, the team achieved notable successes, including multiple NCAA Tournament appearances.

2. 1987: A Championship Run
The pinnacle of the Friars' basketball history came in 1987 when they won the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament. Coached by Rick Pitino and led by star player Billy Donovan, Providence College overcame the odds to secure its first and only national championship.

3. Recent Years: A Return to Prominence
In recent years, the Friars have returned to the national spotlight. With impressive performances in the Big East Conference, they have consistently earned spots in the NCAA Tournament, showcasing their competitive spirit and commitment to excellence.

Recent Performance
To understand where the Providence College Friars stand today, it's crucial to review their recent performance. Here's a snapshot of their achievements in the past few seasons:

1. 2020-2021 Season
The Friars had a solid 2020-2021 season, finishing with a 13-13 record in a highly competitive Big East Conference. Despite facing tough opponents, they managed to secure a spot in the NCAA Tournament, demonstrating their ability to compete at the national level.

2. 2021-2022 Season
The 2021-2022 season showed significant promise for the Friars. Under the leadership of head coach Ed Cooley, the team finished with a 28-7 record and reached the Sweet 16 in the NCAA Tournament. This impressive run renewed excitement among fans and raised expectations for the upcoming season.

Key Players to Watch
A successful basketball team is often defined by its key players, and the Providence College Friars are no exception. Let's take a look at some of the standout players who are expected to make an impact in the upcoming season:

1. Nate Watson
A senior center, Nate Watson is a force to be reckoned with in the paint. Standing at 6'10" and weighing 250 pounds, Watson brings both size and skill to the court. In the 2021-2022 season, he averaged 17.3 points and 5.6 rebounds per game, earning him All-Big East First Team honors. Watson's presence in the post is vital for the Friars' success.

2. Al Durham
Al Durham, a graduate transfer from Indiana University, made an immediate impact in his debut season with the Friars. As a guard, Durham averaged 15.8 points, 4.2 rebounds, and 2.6 assists per game. His ability to score, distribute the ball, and play solid defense adds versatility to the team's backcourt.

3. Jared Bynum
Jared Bynum, a redshirt senior point guard, is known for his exceptional ball-handling skills and court vision. In the 2021-2022 season, he averaged 11.3 points and 5.1 assists per game. Bynum's ability to run the offense and create scoring opportunities for his teammates is crucial for the Friars' success.

What to Expect in the Upcoming Season
With the foundation of talented players and a strong coaching staff, what can fans and basketball enthusiasts expect from the Providence College Friars in the upcoming season? Here are a few key points to watch for:

1. Continued Competitiveness in the Big East
The Big East Conference is known for its competitiveness, and the Friars are expected to be in the mix for conference honors. Coach Ed Cooley has built a team that can compete with the best, and their performances in recent years reflect that.

2. NCAA Tournament Aspirations
Having reached the Sweet 16 in the previous season, the Friars will aim to build on that success and make a deeper run in the NCAA Tournament. With experienced players and a winning mentality, they have the potential to be a significant contender.

3. Player Development
The Friars have a history of developing talent, and this trend is likely to continue. Younger players will have opportunities to learn and grow within the program, ensuring a bright future for Providence College basketball.

4. Fan Engagement
Providence College boasts a passionate fan base that supports the team through thick and thin. Expect the fans to bring an electric atmosphere to home games and provide unwavering support to the Friars.

Providence College Friars FAQs
Now, let's address some frequently asked questions about the Providence College Friars to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the team and its dynamics.

1. What is the significance of the Friars' mascot?
The Friars' mascot, a robed and hooded figure known as "Friar Dom," pays homage to the Dominican tradition of Providence College. It represents the college's commitment to education, spirituality, and community service.

2. Who are some notable alumni from Providence College's basketball program?
Providence College has produced several notable alumni who have had successful careers in the NBA and beyond. Some of the most prominent names include Billy Donovan, Kris Dunn, and Ryan Gomes.

3. How can I purchase tickets to Providence College Friars' basketball games?
Tickets to Providence College Friars' basketball games can typically be purchased through the official Providence College athletics website or through authorized ticket vendors. Season ticket packages and single-game tickets are often available.

4. What is the home arena for the Providence College Friars?
The Friars play their home games at the Dunkin' Donuts Center, a state-of-the-art arena located in downtown Providence, Rhode Island. The arena provides an exciting and vibrant atmosphere for fans to support their team.

5. Are there any traditions associated with Providence College basketball games?
Yes, Providence College basketball games have several traditions, including the singing of the college's alma mater, the "Prayer of St. Dominic," and the ringing of the Friar Bell after victories. These traditions contribute to the unique game-day experience.

6. How can I stay updated on Providence College Friars' basketball news and events?
To stay updated on the latest news, events, and game schedules for the Providence College Friars, you can follow the official athletics website, as well as the team's social media