Sunday, November 25, 2007

13-9-2: Thanks For Nothing

Someone actually had the nerve to ask me outside of the Garden, after that horrid 3-2 loss, "why do you always gotta rip on Hossa in your blog?"


Yeah -- he was serious too. Some people just baffle me. After just watching Hossa blow his coverage on both Eriksson's and Morrow's goals and miss several empty nets, someone actually asked me why I ripped on him. I tried really hard not to laugh in/hit him in his face. What an atrocious display.

Some other notes/rants:

*If you need any more evidence why Jagr shouldn't be captain and Shanny should, watch the replay of this game. Jagr gets a wide open look at the goal, he tries to pass it. Rangers get a power play, Jagr takes a lazy penalty. Rangers are flat, Shanny beats up Steve Ott, and yet has the class to not punch him in the face after taking him to the ice. Shanny shoots on the power play and scores. For those that didn't see the game and just the box score, Jagr's goal came from an attempted pass to Straka on the far post that incidentally hit a Dallas defender and went in.

*Any chemistry that Jagr may have had with Dubi is gone now that Straka is back. Every play seems to go to his friend and Dubi is left working alone. And as it was last game, Straka's timing still hasn't returned from the IR.

*Here is the Shanny fight I mentioned before and its comical that Ott clung to Shanny so tightly to stay within his punching range. He was afraid of getting his ass kicked by a guy, what, 15 years older? Good to see him respect his elder.

*Mike Smith played a really solid game, making 39 saves. Not many were of the spectacular sort, but he did his job. Vally plays the same kind of style as Smith and hopefully learned something from the bench - not that he needed to as he has played great, but Smith has stepped in for Turco and been outstanding. Just gotta hope Vally could do the same if called upon.

*Yes he gave up three goals on 18 shots, but Hank still played pretty well and actually kept the team in the game.

*Jussi Jokinen is the best offensive player in the NHL in the shootout, Hank is the best defensively. Jokinen won this battle.

*On a team that is struggling for offense, remind me again why the Rangers sat Greg Moore and dressed Colton Orr, even when Stars goon Kris Barch was scratched?

*The entire Rangers defense should feel shame, especially Toots and Mara. They were scrambling, missing assignments and out of position.

*It was the first time the Stars played in the Garden since November of 2003. How ridiculous is that?? Hopefully they will fix the scheduling for next season.

*We got an appearance by Dancing Grandma, but no Dancing Larry ... just not the same.

*PHW Three Stars
2-Mike Ribeiro

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Sean Avery - banged, agitated, drew penalties and made a nice pass to set up Shanny's goal.
2-Shanny and Drury - the only Rangers who appeared to play with some urgency as the game neared its close with the Rangers down. And Shanny, I love it when he fights (Dubi nearly threw down the gloves at one point - I hate it when he does that).
1-Smith - he was so calm and composed that he made most of his 39 saves look easy.

 13-9-2: Thanks For Nothing - Analyzing a Challenging Season

In the world of sports, every season brings its highs and lows, moments of triumph and disappointment. For the team with the record 13-9-2, the season seemed to be a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with unexpected twists and turns. In this article, we'll dissect this challenging season, explore the factors that contributed to its ups and downs, and answer some frequently asked questions to provide a comprehensive understanding of the team's journey.

Part I: The Promise of the Season

High Hopes and Expectations

As the season began, there was an air of optimism surrounding the team with the record 13-9-2. Fans and analysts alike believed that this could be a breakout season, with the potential for a deep playoff run. The roster boasted a mix of seasoned veterans and talented young players, and the early performances fueled excitement.

Strong Start

The team opened the season with a series of impressive victories, showcasing their offensive prowess and solid defensive play. Fans reveled in the excitement of each win, and it appeared that the team was living up to the preseason hype.

Part II: The Challenges Faced

Injuries and Setbacks

As the season progressed, injuries began to take a toll on the team. Key players, including top scorers and crucial defensive contributors, found themselves sidelined with various ailments. The absence of these key figures had a noticeable impact on the team's performance.

Inconsistent Form

Inconsistency plagued the team throughout the season. While they demonstrated their potential with remarkable victories, they also suffered unexpected losses against lower-ranked opponents. The inability to maintain a steady rhythm and string together wins became a recurring issue.

Defensive Struggles

One of the most significant challenges faced by the team was defensive struggles. They frequently found themselves allowing more goals than they could score, putting additional pressure on the goaltenders and diminishing their chances of victory.

Part III: The Turning Point - Thanks For Nothing

Analyzing "Thanks For Nothing"

The turning point in the season came with a game that was epitomized by the phrase "Thanks For Nothing." It was a game marked by frustrating lapses in defensive play, missed scoring opportunities, and an overall lackluster performance.

Impact on Morale

"Thanks For Nothing" took a toll on team morale. Players and fans alike were left disheartened by the disappointing result and the realization that the season might not unfold as anticipated. It served as a stark reminder of the challenges and inconsistencies that had plagued the team.

Part IV: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let's address some frequently asked questions about the team's challenging season:

1. What were the initial expectations for the team with the record 13-9-2?

The initial expectations for the team were high, with hopes of a successful season and a possible playoff run. The roster's mix of talent and experience fueled optimism.

2. How did injuries affect the team's performance during the season?

Injuries had a significant impact on the team's performance, sidelining key players and disrupting the team's chemistry. The absence of top scorers and defensive contributors was keenly felt.

3. What contributed to the team's inconsistency throughout the season?

Inconsistency stemmed from a variety of factors, including defensive struggles, lapses in form, and the inability to string together wins. The team's inability to maintain a steady rhythm was a recurring issue.

4. Can one game, like "Thanks For Nothing," define an entire season?

While one game, like "Thanks For Nothing," cannot define an entire season, it can serve as a turning point and a reflection of the challenges faced. It highlights the impact of inconsistency and the need for adjustments.

5. What is the outlook for the team moving forward after a challenging season?

The outlook for the team moving forward depends on various factors, including roster adjustments, injury recovery, and strategic planning. Teams often use challenging seasons as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Every sports season is a journey, with its own set of highs and lows. For the team with the record 13-9-2, this season was marked by high hopes, challenges, and a defining moment in "Thanks For Nothing." While the season may not have unfolded as anticipated, it is important to remember that sports are a reflection of life's unpredictability. The lessons learned from this challenging season will undoubtedly shape the team's future and serve as a reminder of the resilience required to thrive in the world of sports. As fans and players alike reflect on the ups and downs of the season, they can look ahead with renewed determination and the belief that better days are on the horizon.

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