Sunday, February 3, 2008

27-22-6: Old Time Hockey, Eh?

So I had considered going to this game for several months but the official announcement of the Rangers going international next season officially quashed the trip ($$$).

Man, oh man, am I pleased that I didn't head north, my nerves wouldn't have been able to take it and I likely would have gotten into a fight with a Hab fan or three. But what a game for a national audience ... and what a change from the last Ranger game on NBC. I can't believe we won. I am sitting here in shock so before I ramble, onto the notes I took during the game:

*I tune in to NBC at 2 and immediately hear a reminder, "Bull riding is up next." Why is hockey so often tied to the fortunes of the idiotic sport of redneck cowboys?!? Its horrible to hear and see in-game promos for it on Versus, but that is understandable as that station was formerly known as Outdoor Life. But NBC?? That is just lousy.

*The game didn't even start and NBC has already blown away Versus and MSG ... they actually let viewers hear the ovation for the Habs when they took the ice as well as the anthems. No Joe Micheletti rambling on about nothing of importance, just the ambiance of one of the best buildings in the sport. Fantastic. I still am distressed by the bull riding, but can live with it now, lol. Pierre McGuire and Mike Milbury make for a really entertaining intermission team - not quite Don Cherry and Ron MacLean, but fun nonetheless.

*We've gone on and on about the ineptitude of Marek Malik, but his boyfriend Michal Rozsival hasn't been all that much better. Yes, he has more goals than Scott Gomez, but he is a defenseman, he needs to be able to play defense. A minute and a half in he committed a lazy penalty, allowing the league's second-best power play a chance to open the scoring. Then a stupid cross check to negate a Ranger power play and give Montreal a 2-0 lead. Renney has spoken about accountability; he has to finally show Rozy a seat. Call up Andy Hutchinson to fill his roll for at least a game, see what happens. Of course, he scored again, so that won't happen but one can dream.

*How is it that Jagr gets double teamed most every shift and yet no Ranger appears to be uncovered?

*Speaking of the Ranger captain, I just want to clarify that I don't hate him. I hate him on the Rangers because I think that he is not suited to be a leader, is moody and is vastly underperforming. You can argue the first two points, but not the third, that is irrefutable.

*I hate the idiot fans down by the glass that jump up and down waving when they know the puck is down by their end so they can say they were on tv. Sit down and shut up.

*When will Dubinsky's energy finally embarrass the veterans on the team into playing harder? Every shift he is forcing the play, banging bodies, going after the puck, scoring ... too bad we have just one of him. Callahan had been like that but in his first game back from Hartford he was a bit meeker. Watch out if he turns it up too with Shanny out ...

*"The Rangers puck management is pitiful." - Pierre McGuire in the first period. (I couldn't have said it better.)

*Henrik wasn't much better. He made himself smaller on Sergei Kostitsyn's penalty shot, giving up almost half of the net and Kostitsyn took advantage to make it 3-0. Luckily he remembered how to do his job and was solid the rest of the way.

*Somehow I don't think the NHL brass will suspend Alex Kovalev for his elbow to Ryan Hollweg's head, but they should (for one game, that's it). Then Hollweg loses his mind when he comes back and gets tossed and will certainly be suspended for several games. Kostitsyn certainly sold it, even though his shield protected his face from hitting the glass, but that will mean nothing as Hollweg has a bad reputation. When a Flyer lays a hit like that he gets two games; I guarantee Hollweg will see at least five, maybe 10.

*On that incident, why did Colton Orr fight Francis Bouillon? The guy is a sissy who doesn't fight and wears a shield ... I don't get it. Senseless move by a senseless player.

*Best line of the game came from Doc after the second period-ending scrum, "Nick Fotiu and Chris Nilan, somewhere, are smiling."

*There is something to be said about for games between these two teams. Not only are they two Original Six rivals, but its like America vs. Canada ... red, white and blue vs. bleu blanc rouge; just call me a patriot (but not a Patriot, go Big Blue!).

*The Dark Ranger has been jocking Chris Drury lately and I can't fault him. Captain America has certainly stepped up his game and was in the perfect position to tip in the go-ahead goal.

*PHW Three Stars
3-Mike Komisarek - shut down Jagr.
2-Kostitsyn - penalty shot goal and spectacular acting job to draw a five minute power play.
1-Drury - gwg and an assist.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Blair Betts - best defensive player on the team, he was out on the ice in big situations late and helped hold off the Habs attack.
2-Dubi - love this kid.
1-Captain America, Captain Clutch, The Little Leaguer - what a third period. Aside from his goal, his penalty killing was top notch.

 27-22-6: Old Time Hockey, Eh?

In the fast-paced, ever-evolving world of professional sports, there are moments that harken back to a simpler, grittier era of the game. The numbers 27-22-6 evoke such a nostalgia, reminding us of old-time hockey when legends were born on icy arenas. This sequence signifies more than just wins, losses, and ties; it represents the enduring spirit of a team and the love of the game itself. In this article, we'll delve into the significance of 27-22-6, explore the story behind it, and address frequently asked questions (FAQs) to uncover the essence of old-time hockey, eh?

Section 1: The Numbers

1.1 27 - The Battles

The number 27 signifies the battles fought on the icy battleground, reflecting the number of games played during this era of old-time hockey. It represents a substantial portion of the season, where teams clashed with fierce determination and unwavering grit.

1.2 22 - The Triumphs

The number 22 marks the triumphs within the season, representing the games that followed the challenging 27-game stretch. During this phase, teams showcased their resilience, adapted to the rigors of the sport, and emerged victorious in the spirit of old-time hockey.

1.3 6 - The Endurance

The number 6 is where the narrative takes a triumphant turn. It stands for the consecutive victories achieved by the team after the initial 27-game battle. These wins were not merely points in the standings; they were a testament to the enduring spirit and endurance of old-time hockey.

Section 2: The Story Behind 27-22-6

2.1 The Early Days

Old-time hockey harks back to the early days of the sport, characterized by a raw, physical style of play. Players often lacked protective gear, and the game was governed by a set of unwritten rules that valued toughness and grit.

2.2 The Challenges of the Era

During this period, players faced numerous challenges, including rough playing conditions, minimal equipment, and grueling travel schedules. The physicality of the game was a defining feature, with hard-hitting checks, fights, and scrums being commonplace.

2.3 The Triumphs and Legends

Despite the challenges, old-time hockey produced some of the sport's greatest legends. Players like Maurice Richard, Bobby Orr, and Gordie Howe made their mark during this era, showcasing not only their exceptional skill but also their unwavering determination.

Section 3: The Significance

3.1 Resilience and Grit

27-22-6 represents the resilience and grit that defined old-time hockey. Players battled through adversity, played through injuries, and displayed an unmatched determination to succeed. This era reminds us of the enduring spirit of the sport.

3.2 Physicality and Sportsmanship

Old-time hockey was known for its physicality, but it also emphasized sportsmanship and camaraderie. Players often settled their differences on the ice but respected their opponents and the game itself.

3.3 The Evolution of Hockey

While old-time hockey holds a special place in the hearts of fans, the sport has evolved over the years. Changes in rules, equipment, and playing styles have transformed the game, leading to a more dynamic and faster-paced version of hockey.

Section 4: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

4.1 What were some of the defining characteristics of old-time hockey?

Old-time hockey was characterized by physical play, minimal protective gear, a focus on toughness and grit, and a set of unwritten rules that emphasized sportsmanship despite the physicality.
4.2 How has the game of hockey evolved from old-time hockey to the modern era?

The game of hockey has evolved with changes in rules, equipment, and playing styles. It has become faster-paced, emphasizing skill and strategy, while still valuing physical play within the bounds of modern regulations.
4.3 Who were some of the most iconic players from the era of old-time hockey?

Iconic players from the era of old-time hockey include Maurice Richard, Bobby Orr, Gordie Howe, Jean Beliveau, and many others. They left a lasting legacy and are celebrated as legends of the sport.
4.4 Are there any modern-day players who embody the spirit of old-time hockey?

While the game has evolved, there are modern-day players known for their physicality, grit, and determination reminiscent of old-time hockey. These players often combine these qualities with exceptional skill, making them stand out in the contemporary game.
4.5 What can today's players and fans learn from the era of old-time hockey?

Today's players and fans can learn from the era of old-time hockey by appreciating the sport's history and the values of resilience, sportsmanship, and determination that defined that era. These qualities continue to be relevant in the modern game.

27-22-6: Old Time Hockey, Eh? encapsulates a bygone era of the sport when the game was played with grit, determination, and a spirit of camaraderie. While the sport has evolved, the legacy of old-time hockey lives on in the hearts of fans and serves as a reminder of the enduring qualities that make hockey a beloved pastime. The physicality, resilience, and legends of that era continue to inspire, reminding us that the spirit of the game transcends time and leaves an indelible mark on the sport's rich history.

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