Saturday, July 5, 2008

Oh Yeah, Him Too ...

The Rangers have yet to acknowledge it on their NHL-approved web page, but Rangers Report has Paul Mara returning to the team.

Really, not a big deal. Mara is taking a cheaper deal than he had before and will continue in his role as a fifth/sixth defenseman. He had a few great moments last season where he used his size with good positioning to make big defensive stops and even a few hits. Of course, the Rangers initially got him for his ability to contribute offensively but he was a tad lacking there. However, he did have one of the best assists of the season on Jason Strudwick's lone goal of the year - two on one breakaway in overtime (if anyone has the YouTube, please lemme know, I'll link it). And Mara also played a big part in Marc Staal's coming out party, of course it came at the expense of him getting hammered by a Sabre.

So welcome back Mara, keep working hard and good things will happen. Maybe not for you - damn that hit by Kaleta had to hurt - but for the team.

 "Oh Yeah, Him Too: A Look at the Unsung Heroes of Hockey"

In the fast-paced, high-scoring world of professional ice hockey, certain players often steal the spotlight. We celebrate the goal scorers, the playmakers, and the goaltenders who make incredible saves. However, there's a group of players who quietly contribute to their teams' success while flying under the radar – the unsung heroes of hockey. In this article, we'll shine a well-deserved spotlight on these players and explore their essential roles in the game.

The Unsung Heroes

Unsung heroes come in various forms, each playing a crucial role in their team's success. Here are a few key categories of these often-overlooked players:

Shutdown Defensemen: While flashy offensive defensemen get the headlines, shutdown blueliners often go unnoticed. These players excel at neutralizing the opposition's top scorers, blocking shots, and making critical defensive plays.

Grinders and Agitators: Physical players who disrupt opponents, forecheck relentlessly, and create energy for their team are the heart and soul of many successful squads. Their contributions extend beyond the scoresheet.

Penalty Kill Specialists: Penalty killing units are vital in hockey, and certain players are masters at preventing power-play goals. These unsung heroes excel at blocking shots, clearing rebounds, and creating shorthanded scoring chances.

Faceoff Specialists: Winning crucial faceoffs in the offensive and defensive zones is an art. Faceoff specialists provide their teams with possession advantages and can change the course of a game with one draw.

Profiles of Unlikely Heroes

Let's take a closer look at some unsung heroes who have made a significant impact on their teams:

Kris Russell (Edmonton Oilers): Kris Russell is known for his shot-blocking prowess. He consistently ranks among the league leaders in blocked shots, sacrificing his body to protect his net. His defensive reliability is a cornerstone of the Oilers' success.

Zack Smith (Ottawa Senators): Smith is a classic grinder who excels in the gritty areas of the ice. He's known for his physical play, strong forechecking, and ability to disrupt opponents' plays. He's the type of player who brings energy to the team night in and night out.

Jay Beagle (Washington Capitals): Jay Beagle is a faceoff specialist who has consistently ranked among the league's best in faceoff win percentages. His ability to win crucial draws has been instrumental in the Capitals' success, particularly in key moments during their Stanley Cup-winning run.

Antoine Roussel (Vancouver Canucks): Roussel is an agitator in the truest sense. He annoys opponents, gets under their skin, and draws penalties. His antics create power-play opportunities for his team and disrupt the flow of opposing offenses.

The Impact of Unsung Heroes

Unsung heroes are often the glue that holds a team together. They provide intangibles like leadership, work ethic, and a willingness to do the dirty work that doesn't always make the highlight reel. Here's how they impact their teams:

Momentum Changers: Whether it's a bone-crushing hit, a key shot block, or a well-timed fight, unsung heroes have the ability to swing momentum in their team's favor.

Team Chemistry: These players often foster a sense of unity and camaraderie in the locker room. Their hard work and dedication set the tone for the rest of the team.

Special Teams Excellence: Penalty killers and faceoff specialists are critical components of a team's special teams success. They help prevent goals against and create scoring opportunities when shorthanded.

Reliable Depth: Unsung heroes provide coaches with reliable depth options. They can fill various roles and step up in crucial situations, allowing star players to shine.

FAQs About Unsung Heroes in Hockey

Do unsung heroes receive recognition within their teams?

While their contributions may not always receive the same level of attention from fans and media, unsung heroes are highly valued within their teams. Coaches and teammates understand their importance.
Can unsung heroes become stars?

In some cases, unsung heroes can gain recognition and become fan favorites. Their consistent, hardworking play can lead to increased opportunities and a more prominent role on the team.
Who are some famous unsung heroes in NHL history?

NHL history is filled with unsung heroes who played vital roles on championship teams. Players like Dave Bolland, Bob Gainey, and Kris Draper come to mind as examples.

In the world of professional ice hockey, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of highlight-reel goals and incredible saves. However, we must also appreciate the unsung heroes who tirelessly work behind the scenes, doing the dirty work that often goes unnoticed. They embody the heart and soul of the game, providing the glue that holds teams together and contributing to their success in countless ways. So, the next time you watch a hockey game, take a moment to recognize and appreciate the unsung heroes who make it all possible.

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