Sunday, February 15, 2009

30-21-6: Another National Embarrassment

Not a single thing that went wrong on Sunday afternoon hasn't already happened so far this season. The thing was that they all came together at once and on national television. The 10-2 debacle in Dallas was nearly as bad but it was against the Stars, in Dallas, on a Friday and on MSG. This was against a division rival, in the Garden, on a Sunday afternoon and on NBC.

So, basically, now you guys are seeing everything I have been saying for most of the season.

This is not to gloat, not to say 'I told you so,' not to say I saw things no one else saw. It was right there for everyone to see, just too many of you didn't want to see it and frankly you didn't have to with the record that the Blueshirts put together in the early going.

Well, now that the cat is fully out of the bag and has soiled the rug, we can start trying to move onwards. The laundry list of problems is long and there are no easy answers. Sean Avery won't cure all. Tom Renney's dismissal won't cure all. Getting someone, anyone, to trade for some of the overpriced miscreants will certainly help but let's face it - no one will. We are stuck with Scott Gomez, stuck with Chris Drury and stuck with Wade Redden. So, in this salary cap world, the thing to do is hope for prospect development to fill the many gaps.

To get these kids to develop you have to put them in situations where they can learn, and where they can succeed. Having Staal, Korpikoski and Prucha sitting on the bench during power plays is not giving them the opportunity to succeed. And, let's face it, they can't do any worse than the personnel that has been called over the boards time and time again to date.

*I was lucky enough to have a copy of the game so I was able to go back and enjoy this one again. When Mike Milbury says that the Rangers have "some bad free agent acquisitions, no question about that" you know things are bad. As Milbury walked off the ice after the broadcast I yelled to him thanks for ruining the Islanders and got a nasty look for my efforts. The man knows how to screw up a hockey team and Glen Sather is no better.

*Frankly, it was nice to see Mike Richards score on the 3-on-5. Was it sad, horrifying, disgusting? Of course! But as a hockey fan, you don't get to see that happen very often. Not a single Ranger skated their hardest to try to get Richards and the Flyer easily scored past the hapless Hank, who shouldn't have started in the first place (considering Vally's record against Philly).

*Now my question - one I am sure Flyer fans would be asking if they didn't go on to score three more goals - is why wasn't a penalty shot called on the next play when Dan Girardi literally jumped on the back of Simon Gagne during his shorthanded breakaway? Gagne beat Redden up the ice and Girardi had to cover for his inept partner, as he has all season long (stunting his growth; Girardi needs to play alongside Marc Staal, that simple - for their sake and for the Rangers sake).

*While I am asking things, why did Colton Orr go nuts and try to get into a fight after the Rangers finally got on the scoreboard? Too little, too late. And where was Tom Renney's time out? We kept asking each other why he wasn't using it but the best answer I could come up with was that the coach simply didn't have any answers ...

*Please, someone tell me why PA Parenteau isn't getting a chance to play. He has to be better than Nigel Dawes. Dawes is not good defensively, can't play on the special teams and has been reluctant to play physically. Parenteau will at least shoot the damned puck - he has 180, more than any current Ranger has - and he has 23 goals, more than any current Ranger has.

*Ah, Brandon Dubinsky. Dubi was one of the few Rangers to skate hard in the second period and all it ended up in was him getting his ass kicked by the bigger, older, smarter Scotty Hartnell. Why Hartnell didn't get an extra penalty for instigating while wearing a visor is beyond me.

*On the fisticuffs note, why in the world would Paul Mara fight Arron Asham behind a play??? He took exception to a perfectly fair hit by the one-dimensional goon (former Islander and Devil) while and now the Rangers have lost their most consistent defenseman for who knows how long. If Mara wanted the score to be settled, he should have been able to turn to Colt or Eric Reitz. Yes, I know that runs contrary to man code and all that but there is pride and there is stupidity. You don't see Chris Drury or Markus Naslund fighting ... oh, wait ... never mind.

*Now I was as happy as anyone to see Petr Prucha get a chance to play, but why? Renney said again and again that he put Voros in the lineup to add size and power so he inserts the smaller Prucha against the tougher Flyers? Huh?

*Prucha did try, and he worked hard but given Renney's track record, it may be the last we will see of him for a while. Damn shame.

*Ryan Callahan was the best Ranger on the ice throughout the game yet again but since when did he start channelling Marty Straka? He made a few great breaks down the wing only to pull up and wait for a pass. So frustrating ... like everything else on this night.

*They dominated in the faceoff dot 37-15 yet didn't seem to carry play until late in the third period.

*Renney finally benched some of his "stars" down the stretch in the third period. It is hard to say if he was finally trying to enforce some accountability or he was just trying to keep them from wearing down before tomorrow's game in St. Louis.

*PHW Three Stars
3-Kimmo Timonen - no points.
2-Mike Richards - one goal.
1-Claude Giroux - one goal and two assists.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Marty Biron - The 35 save total was an inflated number, as the Rangers are apt to do with weak, outside shots but Biron does deserve credit for weathering the late Ranger press. It was too little, too late but Biron held his ground and made the needed saves to keep the Rangers at bay.
2-Mike Richards - A nice 3-on-5 goal, rock solid, energetic play and all of the calm, collected leadership that Chris Drury seems incapable of providing.
1-John Stevens - Stevens put forth a simple, yet efficient game plan that allowed the Rangers to make their mistakes and he put out the personnel to take advantage of them.

 30-21-6: Analyzing the Rangers' Struggles - A National Embarrassment?

The 30-21-6 record of the New York Rangers during a particular season raised many eyebrows among hockey enthusiasts and fans alike. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind the Rangers' struggles, scrutinizing their performance, addressing concerns, and providing insights to answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) surrounding the team's performance.

The Rangers' Season in Review

Inconsistent Offense: A glaring issue throughout the season was the Rangers' inconsistency in scoring goals. While they possessed talented offensive players, there were periods where the team struggled to find the back of the net consistently.

Defensive Woes: The team's defense was a topic of concern. Injuries to key defensemen and a lack of depth in the blue line often left the Rangers vulnerable in their own zone. Defensive lapses and turnovers became common occurrences.

Goaltending Challenges: Goaltending, traditionally a strong suit for the Rangers, faced challenges during this season. Injuries to the starting goaltender and inconsistent performances from the backup put additional pressure on the team.

Factors Contributing to the Struggles

Injuries: Injuries to key players, especially on the blue line, disrupted the team's defensive stability. A lack of depth made it challenging to overcome these setbacks.

Special Teams: Both the power play and penalty kill units underperformed. Special teams are critical for success in the modern NHL, and the Rangers' struggles in this area hindered their ability to win games.

Lack of Scoring Depth: While the Rangers had star power in their lineup, they lacked the scoring depth seen in some of the league's top teams. Overreliance on a few players can lead to inconsistency when they face injury or opposition shutdown strategies.

FAQs About the Rangers' Struggles

1. Could coaching have played a role in the Rangers' struggles?

Coaching decisions and strategies are always a factor in a team's performance. It's essential to analyze the coaching staff's decisions and adaptability throughout the season.
2. Did the Rangers make any trade deadline moves to address their issues?

Trade deadline moves can be pivotal in addressing roster concerns. Evaluating any trades or acquisitions made by the Rangers during the season is crucial to understanding their approach to improvement.
3. How did the Rangers' struggles impact fan morale and attendance?

Fan morale and attendance can be influenced by a team's performance. Understanding how the Rangers' struggles affected their fanbase is essential for gauging their overall impact.

The 30-21-6 record of the New York Rangers during this particular season was undoubtedly a source of concern for the organization and its fans. As we've explored in this article, several factors contributed to their struggles, including inconsistent offense, defensive issues, and challenges in goaltending. While injuries and special teams also played a role, the Rangers' management and coaching staff must assess these areas to ensure a brighter future for the franchise.

While it's essential to acknowledge the struggles, it's equally vital to look ahead with optimism. The Rangers have a storied history and a passionate fanbase. Addressing the issues discussed in this article, making the necessary adjustments, and building on their strengths will be the key to their resurgence in the NHL. As the saying goes, "It's always darkest before the dawn," and Rangers fans can hope that their team's dawn is on the horizon.

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