Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Awwwa, I Almost Feel Bad

Somewhere, Ulf Nilsson is smiling.
Sunrise Sports & Entertainment and the Florida Panthers announced today the restructuring of the hockey club’s broadcast teams on FOX Sports Florida and Sports Talk 790 the Ticket for the 2009-10 NHL season. Steve Goldstein, Billy Lindsay and Randy Moller will return to the broadcast booth in 09-10, while Denis Potvin will not be retained.

You kinda feel bad that somebody lost their job, then you remember who he is and it becomes muuuuuuuuch easier. (h/t to Puck Daddy)

Now I pose this question to you all: what would be worse, who would you rather have on MSG - Denis Potvin or Joe Micheletti? Potvin, a four Cup winner and former Islander who was with the Panthers from the start, or Micheletti, a scrub defenseman for the Blues who used to cover the Islanders and is showing that his lack of skill on the ice translates to a lack of skill off of it as well? Considering Sather and Dolan loathe the Ranger fans (suckers that we are), perhaps he would consider replacing Joe with Denis ... ?? I don't think the broadcasts could get any more difficult to listen to, so why not? At the least, Potvin would be a good replacement for the incoherent Butch Goring on Hockey Night Live, don'tcha think? Nahhhhhhhhh.

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