Monday, August 10, 2009

Sign Of The Times Or Sign Of Desperation??

Dear Scotty,

We hope you are enjoying your summer. As you have no doubt seen, things have been busy with the Blueshirts this off-season. We are thrilled to have you back for the 2009-10 NY Rangers hockey season and look forward to seeing you at The Garden in September.

As a Rangers Season Subscriber, we would like to extend this special opportunity to purchase additional season tickets before we reach out to our waitlist of over 2,500 members in the coming weeks.

As always, all potential seating assignments are subject to ticket availability and a maximum of 4 seats may be held per account.

If you have any further questions about additional subscription seats, or anything else related to your season subscription account, please feel free to contact your Rangers Account Representative.


Howard Jacobs
Senior Vice President, Marketing and Ticket Sales
Madison Square Garden, Sports
There are a few things here worth pointing out:

1- That waitlist had numbered around 4,000 the last time I heard about it.

2- They say there is a max of four seats per account but guys on HFBoards who have four have also been asked if they want to add more.

3- A buddy of mine, Matt, had complained about his tickets seeing as he was screwed last season by the addition of the handicap sections and they gave him a free upgrade closer to center ice (in the 300s) and several other freebies after he threatened to cancel.

4- For them to send something like this, just how many season ticket holders have given up and said screw it with the economy and the roster being in utter disarray? Usually they just have a box to check on the re-up form (which they made us fill out and put in a payment prior to the opening of free agency). But a follow up, just in case, a coupla months later?

The last thing I want to do is buy more seats. If anything, I want them to take the damned preseason games off my package. It is always impossible to find people willing to come to those games and even less likely that they will help me recoup my cost. A buddy of mine has started selling off a large portion of his package on StubHub and is running into the same obstacle. The Toronto Maple Leafs - the epitome of NHL greed - give out free tickets to a preseason game, why can't the Rangers? Nah, instead they will try to get more blood from the rock that is us diehard fans. For shame - both them for doing it, and us for being that rock.

 "Sign of the Times or Sign of Desperation? Understanding the Impact of Political Yard Signs"

Every election season, neighborhoods across the country become adorned with a colorful array of political yard signs. These signs are not just eye-catching; they are a visual manifestation of democracy in action. But do they really influence voters, or are they a sign of desperation from political campaigns? In this article, we will explore the role of political yard signs in elections, the psychology behind them, their effectiveness, and the often-debated question of whether they genuinely make a difference. We will also address frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to political yard signs.

Section 1: The Psychology of Yard Signs

1. Visibility and Name Recognition

Political yard signs serve as a form of branding. They help candidates gain name recognition among voters and create a sense of visibility within the community.

2. Social Proof and Peer Influence

Yard signs can create a sense of social proof, signaling to neighbors and passersby that a particular candidate enjoys support from others in the community. This can influence undecided voters and reinforce the choices of existing supporters.

3. The Bandwagon Effect

Seeing numerous yard signs for a particular candidate can create a "bandwagon effect," where voters are more inclined to support the candidate they perceive as popular.

Section 2: The Debate Over Yard Sign Effectiveness

1. Limited Persuasion

Research suggests that political yard signs have limited persuasive power. They are more likely to reinforce existing beliefs than change minds.

2. Rallying the Base

Yard signs can be effective in mobilizing a candidate's base. They serve as a reminder to supporters to vote and can boost enthusiasm.

3. Local Elections vs. National Elections

The impact of yard signs varies between local and national elections. In smaller communities, they may have a more substantial influence due to the closer-knit nature of the electorate.

Section 3: The Sign Wars

1. Sign Theft and Vandalism

During election season, political yard signs are often subject to theft or vandalism. This raises questions about the role of signs in political discourse and the boundaries of free expression.

2. The Sign Density Dilemma

Some communities have regulations limiting the density of political yard signs. This raises questions about the balance between free speech and visual clutter in residential areas.

FAQs: Political Yard Signs

Let's address some frequently asked questions about political yard signs:

1. Do political yard signs influence election outcomes?

While political yard signs can play a role in influencing voters, their impact on election outcomes is generally considered modest. They are more effective at reinforcing existing support than persuading undecided voters.

2. Are there rules and regulations regarding political yard signs?

Yes, regulations regarding the placement and density of political yard signs vary by jurisdiction. Municipal or county authorities often set such rules to maintain aesthetic standards and prevent visual clutter.

3. Why do campaigns invest in yard signs if their impact is limited?

Campaigns invest in yard signs because they serve as a visible symbol of support, helping with name recognition and energizing supporters. They are also relatively low-cost campaign tools.

Political yard signs, with their vibrant colors and slogans, have become a staple of election season. While their impact on changing voters' minds may be limited, they play a crucial role in building candidate visibility and energizing supporters. They are a tangible expression of democracy, a sign that individuals are engaged in the political process, and a reminder that every vote counts. Whether you see them as a sign of the times or a sign of desperation, political yard signs are a fascinating element of the political landscape that continues to spark debate and discussion during every election cycle.

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