Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Meanderings

No proper Peepin' Foes for the Pens, as we just played them. Sorry, just some random notes:

*Matt Cooke got two games for his hit on Arty. A guy with a history of trying to hurt people getting a slap on the wrist. It is like being suspended from school for these guys - ooo, you miss your friends but hey, you don't have to go to school. These guys get a nice break from the long grind and they are multimillionaires, losing two day's worth of salary means a whole lot less than it would to you or I.

*Denis Potvin has been on NHL on the Fly a bit lately. He still sucks.

*Which "calming" presence that was missing on Saturday do you think was a bigger factor in the loss? No Hank or no Redden? Yeah, thought so.

*The Rangers will certainly claim a complete sellout for tonight's tussle with the Pens but the building won't be full again. Rangers Ticket Exchange had 864 seats being sold by season ticket holders remaining at 2 p.m. and plenty more were available on eBay. Prices are too high and the product isn't entertaining enough.

*If Glen Sather ever had the nerve to talk to the fans - you know, be accountable to the people he is supposed to entertain - I can only imagine his explanation for having Donald Brashear making more than a million bucks when you can have the younger, cheaper, more mobile Dane Byers on the lineup. Dane beat up a baby Isle over the weekend, accounting himself well despite the presence of visors. Is he a heavyweight? No. Do the Rangers need a heavyweight? Brash hasn't been one all season, so why not save the money?

*I will not, NOT stop lamenting the loss of Blair Betts - even with Bettsy on the IR for the second time this season. Brian Boyle is a waste of a jersey (what an offensive improvement, he has three points, Betts has two - and in 12 less games) and the Rangers are a woeful 47.3% in the faceoff circle. Sorry Torts, you can't play your all offense, puck possession style if you can't get the puck. Hopefully Dubi will come back and improve upon the percentage a bit but Drury, Boyle and Arty need a lot more practice or, better yet, need to be replaced.

I'm sure there is more but I have to get moving. Catch you guys tonight with a recap of the game ...

Title: Monday Meanderings - Finding Inspiration in the Start of the Week


Mondays often get a bad rap as the start of the workweek, a return to routines, and the end of the weekend's leisure. However, they also present an opportunity for a fresh beginning, a chance to set intentions, and a reminder that each week is filled with possibilities. In this article, "Monday Meanderings - Finding Inspiration in the Start of the Week," we will take a leisurely stroll through the unique characteristics of Mondays, explore ways to make them more meaningful, and answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) about how to embrace the start of the week.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: The Monday Blues and Beyond
  2. Mondays as a Blank Canvas
  3. Rituals and Routines: Starting the Week Right
  4. Mindset Matters: Cultivating a Positive Attitude
  5. Monday Meanderings: Finding Inspiration
  6. FAQs About Monday Motivation
  7. Conclusion: Celebrating the Beauty of Mondays

1. Introduction: The Monday Blues and Beyond

Mondays are often associated with the "Monday blues" - a feeling of reluctance to start the workweek. However, they also offer a chance to reframe our perspective and discover the beauty in the beginning.

2. Mondays as a Blank Canvas

Imagine Mondays as a blank canvas awaiting your creative strokes. It's a day to set intentions, make plans, and chart the course for the week ahead. Embracing this idea can transform Mondays into a source of inspiration.

3. Rituals and Routines: Starting the Week Right

Establishing rituals and routines on Mondays can provide structure and a sense of control. This might include morning meditation, setting goals, or simply enjoying a leisurely breakfast. These routines help set a positive tone for the day and week.

4. Mindset Matters: Cultivating a Positive Attitude

Mindset plays a significant role in how we experience Mondays. Instead of dreading the workweek, consider approaching it with optimism. Focus on the opportunities, challenges, and personal growth that each day brings.

5. Monday Meanderings: Finding Inspiration

"Monday meanderings" refer to the idea of taking a leisurely stroll, both mentally and physically, to find inspiration. This can involve:

  • Exploring Nature: Spending time outdoors, whether it's a walk in the park or a hike in the woods, can be rejuvenating and spark creativity.

  • Creative Pursuits: Engaging in artistic endeavors, such as painting, writing, or music, can be a therapeutic way to kickstart the week.

  • Reflection: Taking a moment to reflect on personal goals and aspirations can provide clarity and motivation.

6. FAQs About Monday Motivation

Q1: How can I overcome the Monday blues?

A1: Overcoming the Monday blues often involves a shift in perspective. Try reframing Mondays as an opportunity for a fresh start and setting small, achievable goals for the day.

Q2: What are some ways to stay motivated throughout the week?

A2: Staying motivated throughout the week can be facilitated by setting clear goals, establishing a routine, and finding inspiration in your daily activities.

Q3: Can simple changes in routine make Mondays more enjoyable?

A3: Yes, small changes like enjoying a favorite breakfast, incorporating exercise into your morning, or practicing mindfulness can make Mondays more enjoyable.

Q4: How can I find inspiration in everyday life?

A4: Finding inspiration in everyday life involves being present, seeking beauty in the ordinary, and embracing curiosity about the world around you.

7. Conclusion: Celebrating the Beauty of Mondays

Mondays are more than just the start of the workweek; they're a canvas on which we can paint our aspirations and dreams. By establishing rituals, cultivating a positive mindset, and engaging in Monday meanderings, we can find inspiration in the beginning of each week. Let's celebrate the beauty of Mondays, appreciating them as a gift of time, an opportunity for growth, and a chance to make each week meaningful.

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