Monday, December 20, 2010

The Donald Vs. The Boogeyman

The Rangers will play their 36th game of the season on Thursday when they face the Tampa Bay Lightning and the news has broken that Derek Boogaard will not play. Boogey's status is unknown as, in addition to the shoulder strain that he has been out with, he is suffering from headaches - one of the tell-tale signs of a concussion. It would not be the first time he missed time because of a brain injury; Boogaard missed the preseason and first few games of the '09-10 campaign in Minnesota as well.

If you did not see it, both shoulder and head injuries pretty clearly happened in the quick ass kicking handed to Boogaard by Matt Carkner earlier this month.

I posed the question on Twitter last week: which was the worse signing, Boogaard or Donald Brashear.

The circumstances of the Donald Brashear signing can not be brought into the conversation, as that would easily tilt it towards the old man. The guy nearly killed the Rangers' Blair Betts, a hit that essentially won the playoff series for the Caps as it knocked the penalty killer (and fan favourite!) out. And then Glen Sather had the nerve to bring him into the Blueshirt locker room. Despicable.

But that was before he pulled on a Ranger sweater so what needs to be considered in the argument is everything that he did while wearing a Blueshirt. The Brashear contract was two years, $1.4m per. At the time the GM said, "We think that Brashear gives you a couple of other things. He is quicker (then Colton Orr), he can get under the puck a little faster and under the style of game we are going to play we think he will be more effective for us."

Well, he wasn't.

Brashear played 36 games total as a Ranger, missing 17 of the team's 53 matches due to injuries before being benched for good ahead of his banishment to Hartford in February. He is now in the Quebec senior league, apparently rediscovering his scoring touch but as a Ranger Brash had no goals despite 18 shots, collected one assist, was -9 and had 73 PIM on nine fights. He went 3-4-2 in those battles, according to Not one of those fights were in the defense of a teammate, in retaliation of something the opposition did or at a time when the team needed the energy boost.

After letting Brash's replacement Jody Shelley go to the rival Flyers, Sather ignored prolific tough guy (and faceoff wiz) Zenon Konopka for the heaviest of the heavyweights, Derek Boogaard. He handed him a four year deal worth a total of $6.5 million ($1.625 cap hit per year according to CapGeek). This time Sather said, "Derek is obviously the biggest and the toughest. We need that. Too many times last year I saw guys scraping snow into Henrik's face, and I didn't like it. I don't think we'll be seeing that anymore."

Except we have.

Like Brashear, Boogaard has yet to fight in a spot when he was needed and he has done nothing to discourage opposing teams from hitting Hank. Also plagued with injuries, Boogaard has played 22 of the 35 games to date. He has had a goal (on just four shots) and an assist, was even (+/-), 45 PIM on seven fighting majors. Hockeyfights has him at 4-2-1 but perhaps his finest moment was not in a game, but prior to one - when he slid between Avery and Carcillo.

Now we can't definitively say that Boogaard has been a bust. His tenure is not at an end, or at least not that we know of (concussions are nothing to mess around with). But the debate can be raised: which was the worse signing, Boogaard or Donald Brashear?

 The Donald vs. The Boogeyman: A Unique Political Confrontation

The world of politics is no stranger to confrontations, debates, and ideological battles. However, every now and then, a unique and unexpected clash emerges that captures the public's attention. In this article, we'll delve into the intriguing political showdown between two prominent figures: "The Donald" and "The Boogeyman." While these nicknames may sound unconventional in a political context, they represent a captivating clash of ideologies and personalities.

The Donald: A Controversial Figure

The Rise to Power: "The Donald" is a nickname commonly associated with former President Donald Trump. He is known for his unorthodox political style, which helped him secure the presidency in 2016.

Populist Appeal: Trump's appeal to the American working class, promises of economic revival, and "America First" policies endeared him to many supporters. He advocated for deregulation, tax cuts, and a tough stance on immigration.

Controversies and Criticisms: Throughout his tenure, Trump faced numerous controversies and criticisms, including his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, divisive rhetoric, and legal challenges.

Legacy: Donald Trump's presidency left a lasting impact on American politics, with his supporters lauding his economic achievements and conservative judicial appointments.

The Boogeyman: A Progressive Challenger

The Emergence: "The Boogeyman" represents a younger generation of progressive politicians who have challenged the status quo. Figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, often referred to as AOC, embody this progressive movement.

Progressive Policies: The Boogeyman's platform includes advocating for the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and social and racial justice reforms. These policies have garnered significant attention and sparked debates within the Democratic Party.

Social Media Savvy: The Boogeyman and their progressive allies have harnessed the power of social media to engage with younger voters, making them a force to be reckoned with in the political landscape.

Challenges and Opportunities: While The Boogeyman's ideas have energized the progressive base, they also face challenges in gaining broader support and navigating the complexities of Washington politics.

The Showdown: Clash of Ideologies

Policy Disputes: The Donald and The Boogeyman represent starkly different policy approaches. While Trump championed conservative and nationalist policies, The Boogeyman advocates for a more progressive and inclusive agenda.

Partisan Divides: The showdown between these two figures underscores the deep partisan divides in American politics. Their clashes on issues like healthcare, climate change, and immigration highlight the ideological chasm within the country.

2024 Implications: The presence of both The Donald and The Boogeyman in American politics raises questions about the direction of the Republican and Democratic parties in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are The Donald and The Boogeyman likely to face off in the 2024 presidential election?
While it's too early to predict, both figures have significant influence within their respective parties. The possibility of a showdown in 2024 cannot be ruled out.

What impact have The Donald and The Boogeyman had on American politics?
Both figures have energized their bases and pushed their parties in new directions. They have also brought important policy issues to the forefront of political discourse.

How do The Donald and The Boogeyman use social media to their advantage?
Both figures are adept at using social media platforms to communicate directly with their supporters, bypassing traditional media channels. This allows them to control their narratives and mobilize their bases effectively.

Do The Donald and The Boogeyman represent the future of American politics?
Their prominence reflects the evolving dynamics of American politics. While they may not represent the entirety of their parties, their influence suggests a shifting political landscape.

The showdown between The Donald and The Boogeyman is a testament to the ever-changing nature of American politics. It highlights the diversity of perspectives within the country and the ongoing struggle for the direction of the nation. As these two figures continue to shape their parties and policies, their influence on the political landscape will undoubtedly be a topic of discussion for years to come. Whether you view them as champions of change or as polarizing figures, there is no denying that The Donald and The Boogeyman have left an indelible mark on American politics.

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