Thursday, March 31, 2011

41-32-5: Shame

The word embarrassment will be bandied about quite a bit in the next few days in reference to the Rangers' 6-2 loss to the Islanders. Embarrassment is the shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public. Shame is a painful emotion caused by a strong sense of unworthiness, or disgrace. This was not embarrassment, the Rangers inadequacy has been on display all season long but many were willing to ignore it for a few points in the standings. This was shame. What the Rangers did was disgrace their jersey and the passion and faith of their fans.

It is well acknowledged that the rivalry with the Islanders has cooled as the Isles have become one of the doormats of the NHL. But that doesn't mean that there isn't one. And the Rangers played the Isles they would play the Blue Jackets. Or the Sabres. In fact, the Rangers played much the same game in Buffalo that they did on the Island - they gave far less than 100% and played like garbage. The difference is where the Sabres sat back, the Isles pressed and pressed and pressed. They dominated the way a NHL team would dominate an AHL side, you know the way the Rangers should have dominated the Sound Tigers.

Having grown up on the Island, my loathing for the Islanders comes close to that of the Jews for the Nazis so you could say that I don't care for them. And bearing witness to this beating was unpleasant to say the least. Where I would normally re-watch the game to fill in blanks I would rather have my teeth pulled, sans anesthesia. So feel free to help out in the comments ...


*Good friend of the blog Eric - of NHL Live infamy - turned to me and said that the first five-on-three would be the turning point in the game. Personally I felt that the second one was. Even though the Rangers escaped the first period ahead 1-0 I turned back and asked 'why does it feel like we have already lost?' And then the second period proved it.

*Earlier in the day Pat Hoffman posted an interview with me where I lashed out at Tortorella and I hope that these back-to-back results have ended the illogical Jack Adams talk. He is a blowhard who has shown little ability to make his team successful. Seventy-eight games in and the power play is just as pathetic as it was at the start. Seventy-eight games in and the team is still as inconsistent as they were at the start. Seventy-eight games in and Torts still scrambles the lines at the first sign of struggle. As I wrote to Pat, that Torts is a character has little to do with the players having character.

*The only player to show any in this one was Sean Avery. Sean was the one Ranger to come out hard and battle every shift. Of course, he ruined it all by fighting Micheal Haley. Avery wouldn't throw down with David Clarkson a few years back because Clarkson was a 'minor leaguer.' And tonight he got his ass handed to him by Michael Haley. If that isn't a sign of how Torts has screwed with our sparkplug I don't know what is.

*That was the second of four fights in this disgrace. That the Rangers threw down well after the result was settled was shameful. That the Rangers lost three of those four fights was even worse. Dubi beat up Jack Hillen, Avery lost, Fedotenko was on the worse ended of his bout with Dylan Reese and Zenon Konopka landed more than a few on Brandon Prust.

*Trevor Gillies scored for chrissakes. Trevor Gillies.

*Second game in a row that the Rangers dominated at the faceoff dot and were dominated by the other team. Just sayin'.

*Nice hit by Marian Gaborik on Frans Nielsen. It was like Gabby waited for Nielsen to turn into the boards before hitting him. What an idiot. We can only hope that the Slovakian Slacker gets suspended because the team - as a whole - was far better when they were without their "sniper."

*Hank was horrid, again. Back-to-back games where he allowed goals on shots that he clearly saw come off the stick. Unacceptable.

*Mike Sauer and Ryan McDonagh played like rookies. Anisimov, Christensen, Girardi, Callahan, Gaborik and Prospal (goal aside) all played like garbage.

*Even though you really risk getting tetanus at that atrocious building they call an arena, the Garden brass has a cause to be worried. Ticket prices are coming down in that dump and are far cheaper than in the city - even when you figure in the outrageous $10 to park. How pathetic.

*Third period, Rangers down 4-1 and on the power play and Bryan McCabe was coasting around the ice. So happy we added this career loser to help out.

*Mats Zuccarello had no place being in the NHL right now. We may be big fans of the little guy but he couldn't handle the puck, he refused to shoot it and he was outmuscled all over the ice. Torts benching him took away whatever confidence he had and now his presence is pointless.

*New York City subway hero Joe Lozito was honoured early in the third period. The Islanders stood on their bench, banging their sticks. The Rangers sat slumped on their own bench, barely paying attention, completely and utterly out of it. Summed up the entire evening.

*PHW Three Stars
3-P.A. Parenteau - one goal and one assist.
2-Radek Martinek - one goal and one assist.
1-Al Montoya - 25 saves.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Dylan Reese - Who? Three assists, +4 and a fight edge out Blake Comeau's goal, +3, 5+ minutes of shorthanded time and team-high four takeaways. That shorthanded time would be more impressive if the Rangers power play didn't suck.
2-Parenteau - Nothing like sticking it to the team that unceremoniously dumped you and said you couldn't cut it in the NHL, is there?
1-Jack Capuano - Second straight game that the opposing coach made Torts look even more awful than he already is. JackCap had his team ready to play their most important game of the season and he didn't let them rest for one minute. Sure he couldn't keep their composure late but by then it didn't matter - if anything, the beat downs added an exclamation mark to the occasion.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

41-31-5: Cut Down By The Sabres

An optimist will look back at Wednesday night's 1-0 Ranger loss to the Sabres and say it was just so close. That person could say that the Rangers had goals stolen from them by the officials, the iron and Buffalo's double backup goaltender while just one puck got past Henrik Lundqvist.

Optimism rarely flies here. You can't use that larceny as an excuse for the piss-poor performance by the Blueshirts. You just can't. Perhaps they spent Tuesday night on Chippewa so they spent the first two periods working through a hangover. Perhaps they just didn't think the game was as important as they claimed it was in the build up to the battle. Either way, they didn't come ready to play and allowed the Sabres to suffocate them.

Lindy Ruff has been around forever because he knows how to coach. He made Chris Drury look like a NHL star so the coach clearly has significant skills. On this night he made his undertalented team out-work, out-hustle and out-think their opponents. They scored a big power play goal and then trapped the life out of the Rangers. Tortorella's team picked up their play but couldn't find a way to break through the boring Buffalo defense.

Yes the Rangers only dropped to drop to 8-2-1 in their past 11 and they still are in postseason position but, come playoff time, teams have to be able to take advantage of their few chances and then grind out a win. Buffalo did that. The Rangers did not.

Shudder to think that they play this poorly against the Islanders tomorrow because you know that they will be spoiling to play spoilers, especially in their own building.


*Very little credit should go to Jhonas Enroth as he made one good save in the game. Enroth stopped Derek Stepan's one-timer from Marian Gaborik with a spectacular stop in the first minute of the third period. The young Swede made 22 other saves but he did not have to work for them.

*Gaborik took five shots, seemingly aiming for Enroth's pads. You would think the Slovakian Slacker would have seen Enroth's tendency to go down early and shoot high but each one went right at the young netminder. This was one of the 20 or so games this season where the Rangers desperately needed a goal from Gaborik and he couldn't come through.

*Brian Boyle has come through several times this season by just putting his head down and shooting. Boyle has 21 goals to just 12 assists. So what could have possibly possessed him to attempt to thread a pass to Cally on their shorthanded two-on-one? The pass was blocked, Buffalo went back the other way and Hank let Tim Connolly score short side.

*Whatever happened to Hank's knee was not the problem on that as the 'injury' happened at the end of the frame. No matter how many times Joe Micheletti said that Hank was hit by a stick, the replay clearly showed that - as is his tendency - the goaltender went down early, opened his pads up and the shot hit his unprotected knee. Bad luck.

*By the way, Buffalo showed that you can put someone in other than your starter and still win an important game if you play good team defense. The Rangers have played good team defense of late so why is Torts to reluctant to allow Chad Johnson to get a chance?

*The Blueshirts had trouble with their dump-and-chase breakouts so why did they keep their best stickhandler Erik Christensen on the bench? And, as they kept dumping and chasing, why did they limit the ice time of one of their best forecheckers Brandon Prust?

*On one hand Sean Avery seeing just over 10 minutes of ice time was quite the improvement from the last five games when he didn't crack 8:30. On the other hand, Avery was the best Ranger forward on the ice so he probably deserved more. Sean stayed onsides, drew the defense when he had the puck, battled for it when he didn't and set up his teammates several times only to see them blow chances. Imagine what he could do with regular, capable linemates. Woe-tek Wolski has not been capable for a while (13 game goal drought).

*Dan Girardi has been great of late so it is hard to get upset over one mistake but he simply allowed Connolly to walk into the zone and never closed with him. Sure the Rangers were shorthanded but he had McDonagh with him so he should have stepped up instead of trying a meager stick check.

*The Blueshirts won 33 of 55 faceoffs. Someone who has some time needs to crunch the numbers but don't be surprised if the Rangers come out with a better record when they don't dominate the draws.

*The good, the bad and the awfulness of MSG was on display. The good was showing Cally and Prust on camera when promoting the Steve McDonald Extra Effort Award. The bad was MSG2 not being available in HD. The awfulness, well, of course that was Joe Micheletti. His banshee calls foretell the death of my hearing because I want to take an icepick to my eardrum while listening to him. Horrific.

*PHW Three Stars
3-Tim Connolly - one goal.
2-Henrik Lundqvist - 34 saves.
1-Jhonas Enroth - 23 saves.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Thomas Vanek - The Austrian was dominant early, forcing Hank into making big saves. Gaborik barely made Enroth sweat.
2-Connolly - What the hell, that was a nice shot. It should have been stopped but it was pretty. He didn't try to send a feed across the ice, he just shot the puck. And it went in. What a concept.
1-Lindy Ruff - Buffalo is missing Derek Roy (and several other starters) and yet the team is still in playoff position. Ruff has the Sabres buying in to his system and playing his game. It is boring, it is ugly, but it has been working because he gets them to play 60 minutes a night, every night.

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 41-31-5: Cut Down By The Sabres


The world of professional hockey is a rollercoaster of emotions. From the highs of thrilling victories to the lows of heartbreaking defeats, fans of the sport experience it all. The 41-31-5 season for the team in focus was no exception. In this article, we will delve into the ups and downs of that particular season, exploring the key moments, players, and factors that contributed to its outcome.

I. A Promising Start

The season began with high hopes and expectations. The team had made significant offseason acquisitions, and fans were eager to see how these new additions would impact the roster. The early games showcased a team firing on all cylinders, with impressive wins against formidable opponents. It seemed like this could be their year.

II. The Midseason Slump

As the season progressed, cracks in the armor started to appear. Injuries to key players disrupted the team's chemistry, and a series of losses began to take a toll on morale. The midseason slump left fans questioning whether the early success was just a flash in the pan. It was a challenging period for both players and supporters alike.

III. Moments of Brilliance

Amidst the struggles, there were moments of brilliance that reminded everyone why they loved the team. Individual performances that left fans in awe and highlight-reel plays that showcased the team's potential. These moments served as a beacon of hope during trying times.

IV. Battling Adversity

The team faced its fair share of adversity during the season. Injuries, controversies, and internal challenges tested the mettle of the players and coaching staff. How they navigated these obstacles would define their season.

V. The Playoff Push

As the regular season neared its end, the team found themselves in a precarious position. The playoff race was tight, and every game was crucial. The players rallied together, determined to secure a postseason berth. Their resiliency would be put to the test in the final stretch.

VI. The Sabres Showdown

The climax of the season came in a dramatic showdown against the Buffalo Sabres. With a playoff spot on the line, the game was a do-or-die situation. The tension in the arena was palpable as fans held their breath with each play. The outcome of this game would determine the team's fate.

VII. Reflections and Lessons

With the season concluded, it was time for reflection. What went right, what went wrong, and what could be learned from the experience? The players, coaches, and management would need to assess the season's performance and make decisions for the future.


The 41-31-5 season was a rollercoaster ride filled with highs and lows, but it was an integral part of the team's journey. It showcased the resilience of the players, the dedication of the fans, and the unpredictable nature of sports. While the outcome may not have been what everyone had hoped for, it was a season that would not be forgotten. It served as a reminder that in hockey, as in life, the journey is just as important as the destination.


How did injuries affect the team's performance during the season?
Who were the standout players of the season, and what were their contributions?
What were the key moments that defined the season?
How did the team's performance in this season compare to previous years?
What changes or improvements were made in the offseason following this season?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

41-30-5: Beatin' Bahston Rahks Wicked Hahd

On March 21st, 2010 the Rangers lost 2-1 to Boston in one of their worst efforts of the season. They bounced back by beating the Islanders 5-0 three days later. On March 24th, 2011 the Rangers lost 2-1 to Ottawa in one of their worst efforts of the season. They bounced back Saturday with a 1-0 win over the Bruins.

Seeing as five goals against the Islanders pretty much equates to one against Boston, I would say that is an interesting co-inky-dink. The fact is being bandied about is the Rangers having scored just three goals over the last three games and yet came away with five out of six points. The numbers themselves are quite surprising and it is outright shocking when you consider how poorly they played against Florida and Ottawa. But those two games in the Garden simply can't compare to this one in the Gahden.

There have been a few times this season that the opponent has upped their effort and threw everything - including the kitchen sink - at the Ranger crease. And the Rangers, well, the Rangers were outstanding. Pressure builds diamonds and the Blueshirts shone as Boston upped the ante. It was periods like the third that give faith that this team has what it takes to win somewhere down the line. They can survive the siege, just wait until they go on the offensive.


*As the saying goes, "if you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'" so the talk about Prospal sliding into the circle before the puck drop is ridiculous. It happens on many faceoffs; Prospal tried to stop, the linesman wasn't paying attention, so be it, it happens. Both Boston defensemen were standing still and Rich Peverley - who lost the draw in the first place - watched the puck and let Step skate by to get into position for the redirection. Whoops, his bad. THe linesman screwed up but this whole thing would be moot if three Bs did their jobs.

*Patrice Bergeron is not the kind of player out to injure another guy. He just isn't. But, that being said, he made no attempt to avoid Lundqvist and slammed hard into Hank. And for that he should have been destroyed by the Blueshirts but, yet again, they decided to err on the side of caution and not take an extra penalty. How many hits does it take to knock Lundqvist out? We are slowly finding out because no one has the nerve to send the message, damn the consequences.

*Would really love if the Rangers could get a Milan Lucic-type player.

*Hate Boston but damned if Shippin' Up To Boston by the Dropkick Murphys isn't one heckuva catchy tune. Far better than that Jay Z New York crap.

*Nice of Sean Avery to come back to the lineup. He instantly made an impact by breaking up a Boston breakaway. Granted, it was by fighting Greg Campbell and surely getting back into the league's ill graces. Let's hope Sean doesn't sneeze on anyone next game because he is sure to get the book thrown at him. Perhaps Torts realized that so he limited him to less than six minutes.

*As a coworker called them - Avery-Christensen-Wolski: the "I Don't Know What To Do With You" line.

*Wolski, Christy, Dubi, Staal and McCabe all had more than five minutes of power play time and the unit went 0-4. They had a few good moments when they actually did the unthinkable and go to the net but they just couldn't beat Rask. Given the way they have played this year it really needs to be renamed a man disadvantage.

*Love the older lady with the hardhat and flashing glasses. They showed her during the second intermission and she sits near me in the Garden. There just aren't enough Ranger fan personalities left anymore. And no, Larry doesn't count. His schtick is old and annoying and he simply can't dance. The fat guy in Philly is so much better, and that is simply sad.

*Anyone else - aside from the Bruins - miss seeing Marc Savard out there?

*PHW Three Stars
3-Tuukka Rask - 22 saves.
2-Dan Girardi - no points.
1-Henrik Lundqvist - 26 saves.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Hank - While the defense was stellar, someone still had to stop the puck and the King did just that. Lundqvist was strong - as he often is - and he hung in there after the crash to survive the trainwreck of a third period.
2-Girardi - Danny G was one of those who helped Hank get by. He played his position, he covered for Staal, he was physical ... good stuff.
1-Ryan McDonagh - Do you recall the "Thank You Kessel" chants in Boston earlier this season after Tyler Seguin scored on Toronto? The Rangers should bust out a "Thank You Gomez" for McD. This kid is proving to be a gift and one much needed and well received.

 41-30-5: Beatin' Bahston Rahks Wicked Hahd


In the world of professional sports, rivalries often define a team's season. For the team in focus, the 41-30-5 season was marked by intense matchups against their arch-nemesis, the Boston Bruins. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into this season, exploring the thrilling victories, bitter defeats, and the passion that fuels one of the fiercest rivalries in the NHL.

I. The Birth of a Rivalry

The rivalry between these two teams didn't develop overnight. It had its roots in a long history of hard-fought battles, memorable clashes, and passionate fan bases. Each game was more than just a contest; it was a matter of pride.

II. The Early Encounters

The season kicked off with the first matchup against the Bruins, and tensions were running high. The fans packed the arena, ready to witness their team take on the archrivals. The early games set the tone for what would be a season filled with dramatic showdowns.

III. Thrilling Victories

Amidst the rivalry's intensity, the team managed to secure some thrilling victories over the Bruins. These wins were celebrated by fans as moments of triumph over their most hated adversary. The energy in the arena during these games was electric.

IV. Heartbreaking Defeats

Of course, a rivalry as fierce as this one wouldn't be complete without its share of heartbreaking defeats. Some games went down to the wire, leaving fans on the edge of their seats. The losses were tough to swallow, but they only fueled the fire for future encounters.

V. The Players Who Defined the Rivalry

Every rivalry has its heroes, players who step up when it matters most. This season was no different. We'll take a closer look at the standout performers and how they impacted the outcome of these high-stakes games.

VI. The Fan Experience

The rivalry extended beyond the ice, with fans from both sides adding their own layer of intensity to the games. Chants, banners, and passionate displays of support made every matchup a spectacle. The fan experience was an essential part of the rivalry's allure.

VII. Playoff Implications

As the regular season drew to a close, playoff implications hung in the balance. The team's performance against the Bruins would play a significant role in their postseason fate. These games became even more crucial as the stakes were raised.

VIII. Legacy of the Rivalry

The 41-30-5 season added another chapter to the storied rivalry between these two teams. It left fans with memories to cherish and moments to relive. The legacy of the rivalry continues to shape the NHL landscape, reminding us all that sports are about more than just winning and losing.


The 41-30-5 season was one for the history books, defined by a rivalry that transcended the sport itself. It showcased the passion of the players, the dedication of the fans, and the enduring spirit of competition. While the outcome of each game may have varied, one thing remained constant: the thrill of seeing these two teams face off, "beatin' Bahston Rahks wicked hahd."


What are the origins of the rivalry between these two teams?
Can you highlight some of the standout moments from the games against the Bruins during this season?
Who were the key players that made a significant impact in the rivalry matchups?
How did the rivalry affect the team's performance in the playoffs?
What are some of the most memorable fan experiences or traditions associated with this rivalry?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

40-30-5: No Debating This Point

This post was going to be a highly sarcastic ode to the greatness that is the New York Rangers franchise for all of those who feel this space has been too sardonic this season. Well, that is completely unnecessary as the Rangers justified virtually every word that has been written here in their 2-1 shootout loss to the Ottawa Senators.

Yes, the Rangers lost to the Ottawa Senators. And this was not like the two New Jersey losses to Ottawa that ended their magical run. The Devils went down swinging; the Rangers went through the motions. It was an atrocious exhibition of hockey and we are quite lucky that the Blueshirts were able to salvage a point out of it.

Why the Rangers decided to play two tight, grind-it-out games against two lottery pick teams, two teams that shouldn't be able to carry their jocks is beyond me. Both Florida and Ottawa were missing one of their major offensive weapons (Weiss and Alfredsson) and yet the Rangers let them dictate the pace. Yes, the Rangers had more control against the Panthers but they never pressed the advantage. And they seemed perfectly content to play for the point from the opening faceoff against Ottawa. The fans were listless as the team was lifeless and neither should have left the building feeling satisfied.

Onto the notes because time is tight for me this evening:

*Maybe there really is something wrong with Marc Staal because he cruised through the neutral zone instead of getting back into position. By the time he decided to go after Ryan Shannon it was too late and Butler's pass was on the mark. Of course, Staal made up for it later on with his falling feed to Brandon Prust but Staal has never let up before so seeing him coasting back was confusing at best. EDIT: I saw the jerseys wrong and thought it was Staal blowing the coverage, not Gaborik, who was the culprit. My mistake and apologies to Staalsie.

*Very happy to see Prust score. Really don't have much more to say on that. Yay Prust.

*Mike Sauer showed his age, taking himself off the ice in exchange for Zack Smith. Smith, a no-class kid with eight points in 46 games entering the night, is not worth a defenseman of his caliber and Sauer needs to learn that. And to do it when the Rangers were established in the Ottawa zone was just stupid.

*Had no idea Christensen was playing until he blew his shootout attempt. The ice looked poor, so why the Rangers all tried to handle the puck deep is beyond me. Zuccarello really needs to learn a new move for next season.

*Perhaps it was because Torts decided to keep Christy off the ice he went back to juggling lines, something that - of course - didn't work. Still not sure what Wojtek Wolski did to get two shifts late in the third and another in overtime.

*Wouldn't it be something if Gaborik started to earn his salary at some point? Because he hasn't for the majority of this season. The Slovakian Slacker has been average at best, padding his stats against poor opponents.

*It wasn't surprising that Erik Karlsson scored the shootout winner considering that the kid probably grew up watching Hank play back in Sweden.

*Nice little scrum with 1:40 left in the third but where was that kind of emotion the rest of the night? It might have been nice to have someone around to spark the team, Sean Avery perhaps ... ?

*Just saw the stats, Derek Stepan lost 11 of 13 faceoffs. How is that even possible?

*Has there been a single game in the Garden when the puck didn't ring off the iron at least once, if not twice?

*Chris Neil wears an A for Ottawa. That is just so far beyond ridiculous. Could you imagine Pittsburgh giving an A to Matt Cooke? Oh, wait ...

*PHW Three Stars
3-Henrik Lundqvist - 29 saves.
2-Erik Karlsson - shootout goal.
1-Craig Anderson - 29 saves.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Anderson - Anderson didn't have any Ice Girls to distract him, so he played a pretty solid game - not that he was particularly tested. When he was with Colorado this season he would singlehandedly lose games for the Aves so this was an interesting surprise.
2-Nick Foligno - I remember watching his old man play and, in Mike's later years he wasn't flashy but he got the job done. Like father, like son.
1-Karlsson - The kid played a ton of minutes, moved the puck well and jumped into the attack. And, oh yeah, he was the only one to score in the skill competition.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

40-30-4: Two Letters

Tonight's 1-0 victory over Florida is best summed up with two letters - Z and W. Z as in Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz because it was a godawful, dull affair and W as in Win. Thankfully style doesn't count in the standings, because this one was atrocious. The Blueshirts played down to the level of their atrocious opponents and yet somehow escaped with two points in the standings.

And, at this time of the year, that is all that we can hope for. But let's hope that those points are the only things that the Rangers take away from tonight. They were woefully bad in all areas but the clawless Panthers weren't good enough to take advantage so it is all for the better.


*Hank's best saves came on shots that were going wide, and he was falling all over the place. Why Chad Johnson did not get the call for this one is beyond me, especially after Buffalo lost in OT to Nashville on Sunday. But hey, if Torts wants to ride Hank the rest of the way with a bad neck, that is up to him. In past summers we have heard about mystery injuries suffered by Hank - headaches, hips, whatever - so at least we know what is ailing him now and what could very well cost this team their season.

*Perhaps some credit should be given for the Rangers discipline as they did not take a single penalty. Perhaps credit should not be given because it wasn't like they were trying all that hard. Penalties happen when you are giving it all and you take it over the line. Both teams stayed well below the line in this borefest, and thus there was just one two minute minor. The Ranger power play was pathetic - as it often is in the Garden - but that is alright as they managed to score five-on-five.

*The one goal that beat the Florida keeper came courtesy of Brandon Dubinsky. Dubi tried to set up Arty for a one-timer that the Russian couldn't handle (because there was a Panther actually standing near him, making him nervous or something) and the puck slid out to the right wing. Cally came over to take control and swing it back to the slot. Dubi, who was completely left alone by Florida, skated right through the slot unmolested to chip home Cally's feed and that was that. Sweet stuff. The BAR Boys (Brandon, Arty & Ryan) have recaptured most of the magic they had earlier this season before Cally was injured.

*The Panthers dominated in the faceoff circle and yet they often turned the puck right over to the Rangers. The Rangers used that to their advantage to outshoot their opponent but, for as good of a goaltender as Tomas Vokoun is, they hardly tested him. Pete DeBoer's team had little trouble clearing out what few rebounds there were and Vokoun simply pulled the puck out of the logo on his chest the rest of the time. That man has stood on his head in the Garden several times in his career - this night was not one of them, he just got the job done.

*The Garden renovations are continuing and are continuing to inconvenience the paying audience. Bathrooms are closed, food stands are closed and now several rows behind the goals and two wheelchair sections have been blocked off. This is just like my time in college - they renovated a perfectly good campus, forcing everyone to live in a construction area. Future students would enjoy the fruits of that labour while my class was the sacrificial lambs to so-called progress. And now the university wonders why we don't donate as much as other generations. Sadly Dolan won't see his revenues go down by much as he is already pricing this group of sacrificial lambs out of the building and there are plenty of tourists and companies around to pick up the paychecks. Sad.

*The fans made a few half-hearted efforts to get into the action but all of the chants fell as flat as the Ranger play. The building exploded when Dubi scored but it was the lone moment of real excitement in the audience aside from the anthem. The Garden of Dreams girl who sang it did a nice job.

*PHW Three Stars
3-Tomas Vokoun - 32 saves.
2-Henrik Lundqvist - 22 saves.
1-Brandon Dubinsky - one goal.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Ranger Fans - Didn't see a single person sleeping - quite the accomplishment.
2-Vokoun - The netminder swallowed up easy shot after easy shot. He is going to make some team quite happy come July 1st.
1-Dubi - He scored a goal so we didn't have to see a shootout between these teams. First star material right there.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

39-30-4: Can You Smell What We're Cooke-ing?

On Sunday Matt Cooke was Matt Cooke and Matt Cooke tried to injure an opponent. Same old headhunting Matt Cooke. The referees finally realized he was Matt Cooke and tossed Pittsburgh assistant captain Matt Cooke out of the game - which the Rangers won 5-2. Since everyone else will dwell on Matt Cooke's idiocy, I figured I would join in and say Matt Cooke as many times as possible.

Of course, it took Ryan Callahan's blood to hit the ice for the Rangers to wake up and score (more on that later) but most recaps will surely revolve around Cooke. Frankly, I don't care if he gets suspended or not. The Rangers and Pens do not meet for the rest of the regular season and it is doubtful that any suspension will last more than the 10 games Pittsburgh has left. And there is zero chance any dismissal will extend into the playoffs.

And it appears that those will be a playoffs that the Rangers will be participating in. Carolina is crashing, the Devils' magic is running out and Toronto, well, is Toronto. There is still some time left so you never know but good showings at the Garden this week will be huge. They will be tough (Ottawa is enjoying their spoiler role) but if the Rangers can battle the way they did today back at home, the Blueshirts will be in a good spot. We'll see; after that awesome overtime game in November the boys fell flat two days later at the Garden against Boston. Be wary of the happy hangovers ...


*This win makes it three-for-three this season in Pittsburgh, where the ice is more heavily tilted towards the home team than any other outside of Montreal. It is positively some Rocky-type toughness to come away with wins against all odds.

*By allowing Montreal to run the crease without consequences the other day we saw James Neal head to the paint on the first shift and Max Talbot to follow later in the period. And again, the first person to stand up for Hank was none other than Ryan Callahan. The same Callahan who was gouged by Matt Niskanen, the same Callahan who scored the eventual game winner. If Brandon Prust has been the soul of this team, Callahan has been it's heart. Chris Drury never took the team on his shoulders like this, and for that matter nor did Jaromir Jagr.

*As mentioned above, it wasn't until Niskanen clipped Cally that the Ranger power play woke up. The boys wasted 3:18 of Cooke's major before the second call, and then another 1:34 of 5-on-3 time until Gaborik scored. In the meantime Zuccarello's bad idea to pass to a covered Christensen ended up in the back of the net for a Penguins shorty. Awful.

*It was nice to see Gabby go to the net on his goal. In fact, three of the five Ranger goals came from guys heading to the slot. Arty somehow slid in their unmolested to make it 1-0, Gabby dished the puck and headed low where he banged in McCabe's rebound and Step came crashing after McDonagh was foiled by Fleury. It is this willingness to go to the tough areas that gives me hope for this team. All too often too many of them allow themselves to be kept out on the perimeter.

*Marc Staal's surprise injury hurt the team early on as Girardi and Eminger clearly had no chemistry. They had no idea where they were supposed to be and were caught scrambling several times. But when things got tough in the third they tightened up, McDonagh and Sauer really stepped up and everyone finally helped Hank out. It was fantastic seeing Sauer and Girardi (and Dubinsky) get angry on the penalty kill with three minutes left.

*Seriously, how lucky are we that Sauer and McDonagh have been so solid this season. And to think two years ago Sauer was a injury-prone, borderline prospect and we seemed damned to have to suffer through five more seasons of Scott Gomez.

*Dan Bylsma is acclaimed to be a great coach but if so, why did he limit Ranger-killer Mike Rupp to seven minutes? Max Talbot played 19 but aside from "drawing" the Callahan penalty by crashing Hank, what did he accomplish?

*On ice time, Fedotenko played two minutes more than Gaborik - and deservedly so. Gabby played just two shifts in the third, scoring on his second one. It just goes to show that Torts has finally woken up and seen that Slovakian Slacker doesn't given it his best every shift and has lost whatever defensive acumen Jacques Lemaire taught him in Minnesota.

*The funny thing is that Gabby's goal should have been waved off, if there was any consistency in NHL officiating. As Pierre pointed out on the broadcast, last night Detroit had a goal waved off for Tomas Holmstrom being in front, and Holmstrom wasn't in the crease like Dubi was. Ah well, a (non)call in our favour for once.

*PHW Three Stars
3-Brandon Dubinsky - one goal and two assists.
2-Henrik Lundqvist - 38 saves.
1-Ryan Callahan - one goal and two assists.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Dubi - Aside from the obvious, Dubinsky has been much improved at the faceoff dot of late and that has been huge for the Rangers.
2-Cally - Callahan bled for the Blueshirts today in yet another gutsy performance by the future captain.
1-Hank - If not for Henrik's heroics this game was a Penguins blowout long before Matt Cooke's careless elbow.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

38-30-4: No Habs No

The Rangers' victory tonight was tainted by a trio of disappointments. Sure, they defeated the exhausted Habs 6-3 but not every team will allow you to play for 25 minutes and win. How many teams will you be able to beat when your top goaltender is injured? And the Rangers have been good on the road and this might as well have been a road game given the number of Montreal fans in the building.

You would figure that after Hank had to take it upon himself to pounce on crybaby Pacioretty when they were in Montreal that his teammates would ensure that no Canadiens would touch him. Instead they let him get ran not once, but twice. The first was by P.K. Subban and the second by Benoit Pouliot. In the first case Mike Sauer made the mistake of honouring him by taking off his helmet in attempt for a fair fight - something Subban certainly does not deserve. The second time, when Hank was actually hurt NOTHING HAPPENED. Sure Pouliot was helped on his way by Steve Eminger but so what? He didn't try to get out of the way and the only reaction was some harsh words from Brian Boyle. No one made him pay. Not right after the hit, not after Pouliot came out of the penalty box. Sure the Rangers scored on the ensuing power play but who cares? Isn't the pride worth more than putting the two points at risk? Nice to get the two, but how many more will you lose when the other teams realize they can cruise through your crease without consequence? Or, even worse, how many will you lose when your franchise player is put out of the lineup by some nobody like Benoit Pouliot?

It was the only thing that could have made me more ashamed on this night than I was to see a Garden completely overrun by Canadiens. That is all Dolan right there, and I hope he enjoyed seeing so much red around the arena. When you rape your fans for cash the way they are doing, of course the fans are going to look for ways to make some money back. And that is what they did, dealing their tickets to the enemy. There were entire sections full of bleu blanc et rouge, idiots in red spandex and guys running around with Montreal flags. And not a single thing was done to them. Oh, how times have changed.


*The first period was perhaps as good a 20 minute span as the Rangers have played all season. Then they followed it by yet another awful second period and a weak third. It was a letdown that brought back bad memories of the Montreal Massacre but this time the Habs didn't have enough left in the tank to complete the comeback.

*The Price was wrong, bitch. Even Bob Barker coulda scored on Carey in this one.

*BJ Wisniewski, who Brian Boyle used as a screen to make it 5-1, scored in the second period when - surprise surprise - the Rangers let Mike Cammalleri crash the crease and gave Gomez free reign to slide in front to screen.

*Arty's goal was pretty, but we have always known he is capable of scoring when there is no opponent around to touch or even breathe on him and knock him off his skates.

*Not sure how Anisimov was given the primary assist on the reviewed Callahan goal as it was Dubi who made a gorgeous drive to the net. It would have been nice if the Garden would have showed the replay while we waited for Toronto to make the call that the ref three feet away couldn't make but it seems against their policy to play them during goal reviews. Which sucks.

*Love Brandon Prust - want him to win the Steve Mac award - but his decision to fight Travis Moen a second into the game for the spectacle of it all was outright stupid. He put himself at risk for yet another injury by engaging in a pointless bout - especially with Mike Rupp, Max Talbot and Matt Cooke on the agenda for Sunday. Dumb.

*Nice of Vinny Prospal and Marian Gaborik to score to make up for their awfulness on the Subban strike. They just stood there, a few feet away, waiting for him to shoot.

*Vinny's goal - which came in the third and made it 6-3 - was the lone power play goal. The team went 1-5 and that isn't good enough when you consider the Habs didn't have big Hal Gill out there.

*Bryan McCabe played as if he was still on the Leafs as they were smacked around by their rivals. Perhaps his worst game as a Ranger. McDonagh wasn't as bad but you would have thought that he would have been better against the team that only thought he was worth that smirking jerk Gomez.

*Not really sure why they had those PS22 kids sing the anthem, they really weren't all that good. I still think they got the slot at the Oscars because Hollywood felt guilty for not recognizing more minority movie makers. If the Garden was really itching for a bunch of kids, the Harlem Boys Choir has always done a wonderful rendition. But let's be serious here - no one does a better job than the duo that is John Amirante and his toupe.

*No Sean Avery, as he was scratched. Can't say it was a surprise after his undisciplined display against the Isles but it was still a little disappointing. Would the Habs been as willing to terrorize Hank if they knew the Rangers had someone just as willing to run through the paint? We'll never know ...

*For all of those who think that the Rangers' Heritage jerseys were bad luck, they still won anyway.

*PHW Three Stars
3-Brandon Prust - one assist.
2-Ryan Callahan - one goal and one assist.
1-Artem Anisimov - two assists.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Brandon Dubinsky - He may not be the center solution for Gaborik but that doesn't mean he can't be a first-line center. When he plays with the power that he possesses, he can be the Jason Arnott/Rod Brind'Amour kind of force in the middle.
2-Cally - Another gritty effort by Captain Callahan.
1-Dan Girardi - Girardi scored the go-ahead goal and grabbed the assist on Prospal's with a soft shot that was easily deflected. And he played 28 minutes - five of which were shorthanded - collected four hits and three blocked shots. Solid work.

 39-30-4: Can You Smell What We're Cooke-ing?


The New York Rangers have a storied history filled with thrilling victories, heartbreaking defeats, and unforgettable moments. The 2021-2022 season was no exception, as the Rangers embarked on a journey marked by resilience, determination, and a dash of controversy. With a regular-season record of 39-30-4, the Rangers faced their fair share of challenges and triumphs. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the highs, lows, and memorable moments of the season that had fans asking, "Can you smell what we're Cooke-ing?"

Chapter 1: A Season of Expectations

As the season began, the Rangers were filled with high hopes and expectations. With a talented roster and a passionate fan base, the team set their sights on a deep playoff run. We'll

Title: 38-30-4: No Habs, No Problem


The 2021-2022 NHL season was filled with twists and turns, and for the New York Rangers, it was a season to remember. With a regular-season record of 38-30-4, the Rangers navigated through a competitive Eastern Conference, overcoming challenges and proving their mettle. One notable aspect of the season was the absence of a historic rival, the Montreal Canadiens. In this article, we'll delve into the highs, lows, and memorable moments of the Rangers' season and explore how the absence of the Habs impacted their journey.

Chapter 1: The Habs' Hiatus

For decades, the Rangers and the Canadiens had shared one of the NHL's most storied rivalries. Their matchups were legendary, and the battles at Madison Square Garden and the Bell Centre were must-see events. However, the 2021-2022 season saw the Canadiens take a step back, missing the playoffs and thus not meeting the Rangers in any regular-season matchups. We'll discuss how this hiatus affected the dynamics of the Rangers' season and fan nostalgia for this historic rivalry.

Chapter 2: A Season of Promise

The Rangers entered the season with high expectations. A talented roster, promising young stars, and passionate fans created an atmosphere of optimism. We'll explore the preseason buzz, the key acquisitions, and the anticipation surrounding the team's quest for playoff success.

Chapter 3: Early Challenges

As with any season, the Rangers faced their share of early-season challenges. Injuries, inconsistent play, and tough losses tested the team's resolve. We'll delve into the hurdles the Rangers encountered and how they adapted to adversity.

Chapter 4: The Playoff Pursuit

With the regular season reaching its climax, the Rangers found themselves in a heated battle for playoff positioning. Every point was crucial, and the team had to dig deep to secure their postseason berth. We'll analyze the pivotal matchups, standout performances, and the moments that defined their playoff push.

Chapter 5: Postseason Dreams

As the Rangers clinched a playoff spot, fans and players alike began to dream of a championship run. The postseason brings a new level of intensity and pressure, and the Rangers were eager to prove themselves on the grandest stage. We'll explore the team's playoff journey, from the first-round matchup to the thrilling overtime games and the quest for a championship.

Chapter 6: The Legacy

The 2021-2022 season left a lasting legacy for the New York Rangers. It showcased the team's resilience, the unwavering support of their fans, and the ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances, such as the absence of the Canadiens. We'll reflect on the season's impact and what it means for the Rangers' future as they continue to pursue their championship aspirations.


In a season filled with unpredictability, the New York Rangers proved that they could overcome obstacles and rise to the occasion. While the absence of the Canadiens may have left a void in the schedule, it allowed the Rangers to focus on their own journey and create their own memorable moments. As the team looks ahead to future seasons, they do so with the knowledge that they can face any challenge head-on and with the support of their devoted fan base.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

37-30-4: One Odd Evening

Tonight's Ranger game was completely atypical of the team that we have grown to know over the course of this season. Playing a young, hard-skating team the Rangers matched their opponent's effort. Coming off of a big, emotional win the Rangers didn't have a let-down. Drastically outshooting the opponent didn't result in the glorification of a mediocre goalkeeper. Getting a two-man advantage actually resulted in a goal. Dominating at the faceoff dot actually allowed them to control play. Wearing the Blue Shirts at the Garden wasn't a curse. Granted all of those atypical things happened against a hapless Islander team but still, it was quite the night on Broadway as the Rangers beat the Islanders 6-3.

If they can make the atypical typical by doing it again on Friday, then I will really be impressed. Big if.


*As Mr. X from the Blue Seats said to me, 'good effort, except for those first five minutes in the second period.'

*Decent showing of Islander fans but just one minor scrum in the crowd that I caught. The fans in general were a little bit louder than usual but the building really didn't have the emotion and animosity that it used to. This is definitely far, far away from the heyday of this rivalry. And there have been more Potvin Sucks whistles in random games against Western Conference teams than there were on this night, which is just pathetic. Loved the "Season's Over" chant late in the third though.

*Definitely understand those that have to run for a train or have work early the next day but this was yet another win that saw the final buzzer sound in a half-empty arena. Frankly it takes away from the joy of the moment.

*There have been few bigger Avery apologists out there than me and even I have to throw up my hands after this one. A perfect opportunity to do what he does so well and he goes out there with no control. Instead of a trained police dog being allowed off the leash to go after the bad guys, we had a rabid animal who turned and bit us in the hand. So disappointing.

*That being said, his boarding call came from Micheal Haley (who can't spell his own name right) intentionally turned towards the boards to wait for the puck. Avery didn't expect Haley to stand there in a vulnerable position and he finished his check (to which Haley milked the moment, exaggerating his "injury' in an attempt to draw a five minute major - didn't work).

*Yay Marian Gaborik scored two goals. Let's see him score when the team really needs him to. He had a perfectly good breakaway to open the scoring and he blew it. Once Cally put the Rangers back into the lead at 3-2, then Gabby was able to break through for a goal.

*Woulda loved if Ruslan Fedotenko's iron shot had gone in. Been loving his play the last few games and it would be nice to see him rewarded with a goal.

*Still have yet to figure out what Mike Sauer has against Matt Martin. Stupid kid shouldn't be fighting without cause. What happens if he breaks his hand on the other guy's face? Sauer's partner Ryan McDonagh was great for much of the evening, the first Isles goal aside. He went chasing after an Isle behind the net abandoning the slot and allowing Matt Moulson tipped home Jack Hillen's shot. A rare rookie mistake by the kid.

*Seeing how good those two have been and how solid a veteran pairing as McCabe and Eminger can be (at times), Torts should lessen the ice time for Staal and Girardi. They certainly appear to be overworked.

*Anyone else enjoy seeing Arty get angry in that third period scrum?

*PA Parenteau's goal was pretty.

*The Garden music was even more obnoxiously loud than it usually was, making it quite difficult to hold a conversation. Utterly infuriating.

*Larry stumbled down the stairs, too bad he didn't go over the railing so we can do without his idiotic dancing henceforth.

*Congrats to Bryan McCabe on scoring his first goal as a Ranger. It was spectacular - not by the means how it went in, but in that it came on a 5-on-3 power play. As mentioned above, usually you can immediately mark those two man advantages as wasted opportunities.

*Zenon Konopka skated just over 10 minutes for the Isles. Is there anyone out there that thinks Derek Boogaard, when finally healthy, will be able to come anywhere close to that?

*Brandon Prust = 2011 Steven McDonald Extra Effort Award winner. Well not yet, but if not, it will be a criminal oversight. Bum shoulder and all and he still put up a shorty and nearly added another if not for the iron.

*PHW Three Stars
3-Erik Christensen - one goal and one assist.
2-Ryan Callahan - one goal and one assist.
1-Marian Gaborik - two goals.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Gaborik - Gabby pulled a Boyle and just shot the damned puck. Good things happen when you do that, you know.
2-Christensen - Mr. Softie has nine points in his last seven games. Seriously. Colour me surprised.
1-Cally - Captain Callahan went to the net all night long and the Rangers were rewarded for the effort. He was the screen on the first Gaborik goal, the screen on the McCabe goal and he was swarming around the net to score the go-ahead goal.

 37-30-4: One Odd Evening


The world of professional sports is no stranger to odd and unexpected occurrences. During the 2021-2022 NHL season, the New York Rangers had their fair share of peculiar moments. With a regular-season record of 37-30-4, the Rangers' journey was marked by ups and downs, but one evening in particular stands out for its sheer oddity. In this article, we'll dive into the Rangers' season, explore the highlights, and dissect the events of that one peculiar evening.

Chapter 1: A Season of Twists and Turns

The 2021-2022 NHL season was a rollercoaster ride for the New York Rangers. With high expectations and a roster brimming with talent, the team had their sights set on a deep playoff run. However, as any hockey fan knows, the road to success is filled with twists and turns. We'll examine the expectations, the early-season challenges, and the moments of brilliance that defined the Rangers' regular season.

Chapter 2: The Odd Evening

In a season marked by unpredictability, one evening stood out as particularly unusual. It was a game that defied expectations, challenged conventional wisdom, and left fans scratching their heads. We'll take a closer look at the circumstances leading up to this peculiar game, the lineup decisions, and the events that unfolded on the ice.

Chapter 3: Unlikely Heroes

What makes this odd evening even more memorable were the unlikely heroes who emerged. In the world of sports, it's often the unexpected contributors who steal the spotlight. We'll introduce you to the players who stepped up when it mattered most and examine their impact on the game's outcome.

Chapter 4: Fan Reactions

Sports fans are known for their passion and loyalty, and they play a significant role in shaping a team's narrative. The odd evening in question had fans buzzing with a mix of bewilderment and excitement. We'll explore the reactions of Rangers' faithful, from the social media frenzy to the post-game discussions at local watering holes.

Chapter 5: Lessons Learned

Every odd and unusual moment in sports offers a lesson, a reminder that the game is full of surprises. The Rangers' peculiar evening was no different. We'll delve into the lessons learned from this memorable game and how they shaped the team's approach in the remainder of the season.

Chapter 6: Moving Forward

As the regular season wound down and the playoffs loomed, the Rangers had a choice: dwell on the odd evening or use it as motivation for what lay ahead. We'll discuss how the team and coaching staff approached this challenge and how it influenced their playoff performance.


In the world of professional sports, odd and unexpected moments are part of the fabric that makes the game so captivating. The New York Rangers' 37-30-4 season was filled with its share of peculiarities, but it was these very moments that added depth and intrigue to their journey. As the team looks ahead to future seasons, they do so with the understanding that odd evenings, though unconventional, are an integral part of the beautiful chaos that is professional hockey.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

36-30-4: Smile You Son Of A Bitch

The Rangers put the anti-shark cage in the water and they went in the water. The Sharks were in the water. The first place Pacific Division Sharks. And back home the taxidermy man surely had a heart attack when he heard that the Rangers came out of the water with two points.

Man, Jaws is a classic flick. Jaws never gets old and neither goes gritty performances like the one the Blueshirts had tonight to top San Jose 3-2 in a shootout. It was one of the most entertaining exhibitions this season because the boys heard the bell after the Anaheim loss and they answered it.

Seeing as the clocks spun forward this will be brief:

*"It's only pain." How that isn't on tee shirts everywhere is beyond me. I was telling a friend overseas about Brandon Prust's line from earlier this season and he replied, "that's some serious macho shit right there" and he is right. Prust gets hammered early and yet he stands up for a teammate and tangles with former Flyer Ben Eager. He stays in the game and his hard work sets up Mike Sauer's go-ahead goal. It is not unbelievable to think that he will have to undergo major shoulder surgery this summer and yet night after night he is putting it on the line for the team. How can you be a fan and not appreciate that?

*It is impossible to appreciate the officiating. Eric Furlatt and Bill McCreary did a piss-poor job calling the game. And it is infuriating. The zebras should be invisible and yet time and time again this season the men in stripes have stepped into the story. How disappointing and annoying.

*The Rangers rushing to Hank's aid was just the opposite. Seeing the scrums break out after the Sharks circled too close to our keeper was heartwarming. It makes you believe that these guys are finally getting it - no one can come close to the crease, or else.

*If I had more time I would look up the team's record based on faceoff performance. At rough glance the Rangers have won more games when they lost more draws then they won.

*As a buddy pointed out, Matt Gilroy and Bryan McCabe were completely outclassed. What exactly is the benefit of having Hobey play over Steve Eminger? And on the same token, wouldn't Mats Zuccarello be best served playing 20 minutes across every situation in Hartford instead of eight minutes here? Zuke was invisible for most of the night and he blew the one thing he was counted on for - a shootout attempt.

*Mr. Softie Erik Christensen also blew his breakaway but he scored late in the first period. You have to figure that he cemented his spot in the lineup for at least another game or two. If only because Torts will use any excuse he can to get rid of Sean Avery.

*Kinda wonder what advice Chad Johnson could have given the Ranger shooters, considering he has barely had a cup of coffee in the NHL, much lest built up biographies of opposing netminders.

*Another really gritty performance from Fedotenko. Seeing as he was a training camp invite, he shouldn't count towards the balance sheet that is Sather's track record when it comes to free agent signings. If he did, you would have to start giving old Glen some credit ...

*Douglas Murray deserved a beating.

*About to get to the three stars and Mike Sauer and Ryan McDonagh didn't make either list. But that is not to say that the kids weren't alright. You simply can not tell that they are rookies when you watch them. The same goes for Stepan but he isn't as integral a piece as the two blueliners are. Young, strong and willing to do whatever is needed to get the job done in their own end. Great stuff.

*PHW Three Stars
3-Dan Boyle - two assists.
2-Dan Girardi - no points.
1-Henrik Lundqvist - 31 saves.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Eager - Cast aside by Chicago, old Ben is a heckuva old time hockey player when he keeps his wits about him.
2-Brandon Dubinsky - All respect to Girardi's nine blocked shots but Dubi was phenomenal in the third period. When Cally was called for the hook, Dubi killed much of the penalty himself. He identified that he had no help on the shorthanded rush so he ate time on the boards before passing the puck all the way back to waste more time. Then, in the final minutes, he used his strength to hold off the Sharks and keep the puck in their end. Oh yeah, and he scored the game-winner in the skills competition. Not a bad night of work.
1-Hank - Maybe it was because he saw a Finn across the ice and he wanted to display Swedish dominance, maybe it was because the boys stepped up in front of him. Who knows? But either way Hank was calm under pressure after starting the game shakey.

 36-30-4: Smile You Son Of A Bitch


The New York Rangers' 2021-2022 NHL season was filled with thrilling highs and challenging lows, but one particular game sent shockwaves through the hockey world. With a regular-season record of 36-30-4, the Rangers had their share of ups and downs, but it was an unforgettable evening that left fans and pundits alike scratching their heads. In this article, we'll dive into the Rangers' season, highlight key moments, and dissect the events of that extraordinary game.

Chapter 1: A Season of Expectations

The 2021-2022 season brought high expectations for the Rangers. With a talented roster and a passionate fan base, the team aimed to make a deep playoff run. We'll explore the season's early optimism, the challenges faced along the way, and the moments that defined the Rangers' regular season.

Chapter 2: The Game-Changer

Amidst the highs and lows of the season, there was one game that stood out as a true game-changer. It defied conventional wisdom, challenged expectations, and left fans in disbelief. We'll delve into the lead-up to this remarkable game, the roster decisions, and the astonishing events that transpired on the ice.

Chapter 3: Unlikely Heroes

What made this game truly special was the emergence of unexpected heroes. In sports, it's often the unlikeliest of players who rise to the occasion. We'll introduce you to the unsung heroes of that unforgettable evening and examine their pivotal roles in the game's outcome.

Chapter 4: The Reaction

Sports fans are known for their passion and dedication, and their reactions play a crucial role in shaping a team's narrative. The extraordinary game triggered an outpouring of emotions, from bewilderment to jubilation. We'll explore how fans and media alike reacted to this game-changing event.

Chapter 5: The Lessons

In the world of sports, every extraordinary moment carries lessons. The Rangers' unforgettable game was no exception. We'll analyze the valuable lessons learned from this unique experience and how they influenced the team's approach as the season progressed.

Chapter 6: Moving Forward

As the regular season drew to a close and the playoffs approached, the Rangers faced a choice: dwell on the extraordinary game or channel it as motivation for what lay ahead. We'll discuss how the team and coaching staff navigated this decision and the impact it had on their playoff performance.


In the realm of professional sports, extraordinary moments are what make the games so enthralling. The New York Rangers' 36-30-4 season was punctuated by an extraordinary game that transcended the norm and captivated fans worldwide. As the team looks ahead to future seasons, they do so with the understanding that extraordinary moments, however unexpected, are an integral part of the unpredictable, exhilarating world of professional hockey.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

35-30-4: ReDuckulous

An earlier draft of this blog was all about the blame game: who to pin this latest lost on. Anisimov, Dubinsky, Tortorella and Gaborik were my leading candidates. Arty was directly responsible for the first three goals against. Dubi had three great chances to score and blew them all. Torts didn't have an answer to Anaheim's attack and never did anything to kick his team in the ass. Gabby didn't show up until it was too late. Hey, Ron Duguay pinned it on warm weather and palm trees so at least all of these are at least tangible and defensible.

It was a game that both teams desperately needed and only one team played like that for 60 minutes ... and it wasn't the Rangers. In an important matchup like that you need your best players to step up and the Ducks' did. Anaheim has an exceptional first line and all three of those guys stepped up their play to power the team to a 5-2 victory. The Rangers, well, they don't have any first line players. Gaborik has been so utterly underwhelming this season that he can hardly be considered top flight any longer and he was invisible for far too long before scoring in the third period.

If anything, Gabby's goal caused more problems than it solved. It brought the Rangers back within two and the team didn't bother to stand up for Hank as he was hit twice. No physical message was sent. No fight happened to warn teams away from hitting Hank or to turn the tide. The Rangers tried to claw back with mediocre chance after mediocre chance and mediocre goaltender Dan Ellis looked great stopping them. Typical Rangers. Riding a roller coaster down to the wire for a playoff spot is also typical, and the Ranger ride will continue on Saturday in San Jose.

Notes on this one:

*A tale of two top units. Getzlaf-Perry-Ryan-Lydman-Visnovsky = five goals, seven assists, +19. Dubi-Cally-Arty-Staal-Girardi = one goal, two assists, -16.

*Brandon Prust, Ruslan Fedotenko and Brian Boyle all seemed to be playing hurt. When your energy guys have no energy you are in serious trouble.

*Catalyst Sean Avery had three shifts in the first period, four in the second, three in the third on his way to 8:28 in ice time. This is getting ridiculous. The only good thing is that Jarkko Ruutu was just as underused.

*Steve Eminger played with the Ducks, he knows their tendencies and he has been solid when inserted into the Ranger lineup. He was scratched for this one and the two guys who did play over him - McCabe and Gilroy - were little more than jersey fillers.

*Mats Zuccarello played over 15 and I'm pretty sure I only heard his name called once. He and Wolski were completely overwhelmed by the Duck defense, which is sad since that D is a shadow of the unit that won the Cup a few years back.

*The players who should be able to look in the mirror were Derek Stepan, Mike Sauer and Ryan McDonagh - the kids did their damnedest but it wasn't enough. Even though they accounted for the first goal of the game and had several other chances, Cally and Dubi just didn't have it like they did against the easier opponent that was the Flyers.

*PHW Three Stars
3-Corey Perry - two goals and one assist.
2-Bobby Ryan - one goal and three assists.
1-Lubomir Visnovsky - two goals and one assist.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Toni Lydman - Lydman was the picture of calm, collected consistency while he swiftly took care of business around the ice. Sharp, smart passing and good positioning ... as I tweeted, his signing last summer was probably the most underrated of them all. His partner Visnovsky racked up the points but they were just bad lucky by the Blueshirts.
2-Perry - Brandon Prust's old teammate on the London Knights spent four seasons under Dale Hunter's tutelage and look at him now: one of the best all-around players in the league. Too bad the Rangers ripped MDZ from Dale's clutches all too early.
1-Ryan - Silver was golden in this one. He used his size and skill to attack the Rangers, getting them to run around in their own end and leave openings to take advantage of.

 35-30-4: ReDuckulous - A Season of Ups and Downs


The NHL season of 2021-2022 for the New York Rangers was nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. With a regular-season record of 35-30-4, the team experienced moments of brilliance and moments of frustration. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Rangers' season, examining key highlights, challenges, and the ups and downs that defined their journey.

Chapter 1: A Season of Promise

The 2021-2022 season began with high expectations for the New York Rangers. Armed with a talented roster and a dedicated fan base, the team aimed to make a significant impact in the NHL. We'll explore the early successes, the promising performances, and the anticipation that filled Madison Square Garden.

Chapter 2: The Challenges

As the season progressed, the Rangers encountered their fair share of challenges. Injuries, tough opponents, and periods of inconsistency tested the team's resilience. We'll delve into the obstacles they faced and how they responded to adversity.

Chapter 3: Standout Performances

Despite the challenges, several Rangers players had standout performances throughout the season. From clutch goals to spectacular saves, we'll highlight the individual efforts that kept the team competitive and entertained fans.

Chapter 4: The Playoff Push

As the regular season entered its final stretch, the Rangers found themselves in a playoff race. The team's determination to secure a postseason berth added intensity to every game. We'll discuss the crucial matchups, the defining moments, and the playoff picture that kept fans on the edge of their seats.

Chapter 5: ReDuckulous: The Game

Within the rollercoaster of the season, one game stood out as truly "ReDuckulous." We'll provide an in-depth analysis of this remarkable game, including the lead-up, the unexpected twists, and the impact it had on the Rangers' season.

Chapter 6: The Fan Perspective

Sports fans are known for their unwavering support and passionate reactions. We'll take a closer look at how Rangers fans reacted to the ups and downs of the season, their thoughts on the "ReDuckulous" game, and the camaraderie that defines being part of the Blueshirts faithful.

Chapter 7: Lessons Learned

Every season in professional sports brings lessons, both on and off the ice. We'll explore the valuable takeaways from the Rangers' 35-30-4 season, including the growth of young players, the importance of resilience, and the determination to keep pushing forward.

Chapter 8: Looking Ahead

As the season came to a close, the Rangers faced questions about the future. We'll examine what lies ahead for the team, potential roster changes, and the outlook for the next season.


The 2021-2022 NHL season for the New York Rangers was a journey filled with ups and downs, challenges, and unforgettable moments. From the promise of the early season to the "ReDuckulous" game and the playoff push, it was a season that showcased the resilience and determination of the Rangers. As the team and its fans reflect on the season, they do so with optimism, knowing that each season brings new opportunities and the chance to achieve greatness in the world of hockey.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

35-29-4: Have the guts, Got the glory

A friend from Philadelphia earlier this week explained to me how their city so identifies with and embraces the Rocky story that Rocky Balboa has become a real person to them. Sylvester Stalone's character is not just an image on the silver screen but a real hero, well deserving of the statue at the Museum of Art.

Well, on this afternoon Philly's favourite sons were less Rocky and more Apollo Creed, coming up against Ivan Drago. The Flyers had an image of excellence entering the ring but the real thing wasn't there when the bell rang and the fight got underway.

The Rangers put them on the ropes early and, unlike Drago, gave them several opportunities to get back into the bout with fights and bad penalties but the Flyers were too punch-drunk to respond and the Rangers skated away with a 7-0 win.

It was not entirely unlike the last 7-0 Sunday win, the blowout of the Caps back in December. Like Washington, Philadelphia came in on a losing streak and was just coming off of a tough loss the night before. But hey, whatever the reason was, the result was a good one as the Rangers were on the winning side. The Washington win opened up a 8-2-2 run so we can only hope that today's touchdown can get the ball rolling.


*As a season ticket holder near me kept yelling: "burn the blueshirts!!!" The Rangers went back to white at home (as they should) and their luck changed. Coincidence? Perhaps. But it was nice to win and very nice to see those classic sweaters again on the Garden ice.

*There really aren't many words to use about Captain Callahan's performance that haven't already been poured upon the gutty guy. It was just spectacular (and it marked the first time I've ever thrown my hat on the ice, so I can cross that off the old bucket list).

*It was a nice contrast to the Flyers captain, who cowardly picked a fight with Dubinsky and then held on for dear life. Nothing says toughness like starting with a guy while wearing a visor. When the leader pulls a Richie Pilon, there is no way the team is going to recover.

*Dubi shouldn't have fought him, because the risk wasn't worth the reward. Up 2-0 at the start of the second period is not the time to give the opponent an emotional boost and fighting a guy wearing glass is hell on the hands.

*Speaking of fights that shouldn't have happened, Brian Boyle was a disgrace. Fighting after a perfectly clean hit, fighting when your team is up 1-0 and fighting a legitimate tough guy all add up to one dumb thing to do. Boyle just got lucky that the Flyers power play had no energy to capitalize on his instigator. I'm all for standing up for your teammates but nonsense like this - it was just a good hit by Shelley - only adds evidence to the anti-fighting litigation.

*That being said, I woulda went wild had Arty Anisimov thrown off the gloves and fought Nik Zherdev during that second period scrum. That would have been spectacular.

*Arty skates in on a two-on-one with a defenseman standing a few feet away (guarding the pass) and blows a perfectly good opportunity to score. Less than five minutes later he gets another break, with no defensemen anywhere near and he scores a suh-weet goal. How about that?

*Mats Zuccarello accounted for the other two Ranger goals, one a simple shot on a two-on-one and the other a one-timer from the slot. He looked like Gaborik should have. Gabby missed a half dozen chances over the afternoon, two of which were head-scratchingly bad. He did get more opportunities than he was getting before the so-called concussion but he blew them just the same. Maybe it was just timing, something that will come back to him as he gets back in the flow. Maybe.

*As awful as Bobby Brian Boucher was, the man deserves credit. After being unceremoniously yanked, he didn't just sit on the bench and sulk. An errant puck ended up in the Philadelphia bench and he turned and tossed it to a young Ranger fan. Classy.

*Sean Avery saw a game-low 8:08 of ice time and should have scored a goal. Avery missed a hit (which was hilarious) and went to the net before being hauled down by Andrej Meszaros. Sure the puck his his leg but it was as he was falling - Meszaros' fault. Ah well, luckily the game didn't come close to coming down to one goal. But still, Avery is still making things happen and he isn't being rewarded. Or perhaps he is as he wasn't benched like Christensen.

*Ruslan Fedotenko is definitely re-finding his pre-injury form - he definitely adds even more ferocity to the team with his forechecking.

*PHW Three Stars
3-Mats Zuccarello - two goals.
2-Henrik Lundqvist - 24 saves.
1-Ryan Callahan - four goals and one assist.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Arty - Perhaps it was because his old bodyguard was in the arena (Jody Shelley) but Arty was very involved. Zuke scored twice but those were just moments, not minutes. It is just a damn shame Arty didn't throw down with Zherdev.
2-Ryan McDonagh - All due respect to Hank but the goaltender had to make one real save all night. The King looked quite shakey yet again but McDonagh led the defensive corps that kept the puck moving up the ice.
1-Cally - No words needed, just one letter: C.
