Saturday, July 2, 2011

Same Story, Different Ending?

In the last 25 minutes I've re-written the lede to this post nine times as the reality of the news has sunk in. Glen Sather gave Brad Richards a nine-year, $58.5 million deal. A man raked over the coals for the folly of his big money contracts time and time again just handed another one out. Well, we knew Sather didn't care about public perception, so why would he change? You would hope that he would learn from his mistakes - and it had appeared that he was starting to - but the simple truth is that you can't teach old dogs new tricks.

Of course, growing a young team and winning multiple Stanley Cups was something Sather has done before but that was so long in the past and he is so old that he likely has forgotten that has even happened. Instead, the GM has fallen back on the modus operandi that has defined his time in New York: analyze what is wrong and throw money at the problem.

In 2007 the Rangers had a problem. Michael Nylander wanted a multi-year deal for a decent amount of money. The 35 year old had just averaged a point per game for two seasons as the pivot for the Blueshirts star sniper Jaromir Jagr but he was 35 years old. So instead Sather looked at the free agent class and signed Scott Gomez. He didn't look and realize that there was no way the two could possibly possess the puck at the same time all the time. But he wanted a center, Gomez was out there and he signed him to a ridiculous deal. It didn't work out and Sather cut ties with Jagr. Then Sather cut ties with Gomez. Hamstrung by other insane signings, Sather was forced to embark on a youth movement. Times were tough but they were moving in the right direction. Except, his star sniper needed a center.

Seeing that supposed stud Chris Kreider has no confidence in himself or would rather party in college for another year or whatever, Sather needed someone to be the first line center and Richards was the best one available.

Over the last three seasons Richards played 208 games and collected 216 points as the first line center on the Dallas Stars. He looked great and he made Loui Eriksson into an All Star but, it must be said, Dallas didn't make the playoffs any of those three seasons. As Sean Avery found out, Dallas is not New York. But, in this case, this is a good thing: the Rangers have a far better back end then the Stars and are deeper up front.

When Gomez arrived he came to a team caught between styles - some lines played north-south, others played east-west. He was expected to share the puck with Jagr and, with a shrug and that damned smirk, he didn't put the effort in to adapt his game. Marian Gaborik is more Eriksson then he is Jagr and that should allow Richards to play his own high-tempo style without making major modifications.

The contract that he received is ridiculous but, let's face it, that doesn't matter. At 31 already, Richards will not play all nine years - the length of the deal is there to lower the annual cap hit. The Rangers have shed Drury and will bury Redden again so there is room for Richards this coming season. And if the experiment goes the way of Gomez, the upcoming expiration of the CBA should allow Sather to correct the mistake before it drags the franchise down.

Now it must be said that we don't know exactly who's idea signing Brad Richards was; it might not have been Sather's. With the NBA locking out their players this week Jimmy Dolan may have pulled the Rangers back out of his toybox and decided to play with them again - rumours yesterday had him talking to Richards to further seduce him to the dark side renovated Garden. John Tortorella may have pushed very hard for Richards, given their successful history and how frustrated he was with the Slovakian slacker Gaborik last season.

No matter who made the ultimate call, the simple fact is that the Rangers threw patience and the rebuild to the wind. The timetable has been pushed up - Dolan wants a winning team to justify the prices of the renovated Garden and who knows what is happening with the Knicks. There is little room for mistakes this coming hockey season, the Rangers not only have to make the playoffs, they will be expected to win a round or two. And they surely will be expected to win the Cup within the next three years before Gabby and Hank's current contracts finish. The Ranger brass believes that Brad Richards is the man who can make that happen. Let's pray they're right.

 Same Story, Different Ending? Examining the Impact of Continuity in Sports

In the world of sports, we often witness the familiar narrative of teams striving for greatness year after year. Some teams maintain their dominance, while others face seasons of ups and downs. What separates these two outcomes? The answer often lies in the concept of continuity. In this article, we will explore the significance of continuity in sports, its potential impact on team performance, and how it can lead to different endings in the same story. We will also address frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to this topic.

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Role of Continuity in Sports

Understanding Continuity
The Power of Consistency
Continuity in Team Sports

Roster Stability
Coaching Staff
Organizational Philosophy
The Impact on Performance

The Success of Continuity
Challenges Faced by Teams in Transition
Case Studies: Same Story, Different Ending

Teams That Embraced Continuity
Teams That Struggled with Change
FAQs: Continuity in Sports

How does continuity affect team chemistry?
Can too much continuity lead to complacency?
What strategies can teams employ to maintain continuity?
1. Introduction: The Role of Continuity in Sports

Understanding Continuity

Continuity in sports refers to the stability and consistency within a team's roster, coaching staff, and organizational philosophy. It represents the extent to which a team remains unchanged over time.

The Power of Consistency

Consistency is a fundamental element in sports success. Teams that can maintain a stable environment are often better equipped to achieve their goals year after year.

2. Continuity in Team Sports

Roster Stability

In team sports, continuity is most evident in the roster. Teams with core players who stay together for multiple seasons often develop a deep understanding of each other's playing styles.

Coaching Staff

Continuity among coaching staff members, including head coaches and assistants, provides stability in strategy, leadership, and player development.

Organizational Philosophy

A consistent organizational philosophy shapes how a team operates, recruits, and approaches competition. It can serve as a guiding principle for success.

3. The Impact on Performance

The Success of Continuity

Teams that embrace continuity often find themselves consistently competitive. They can build upon previous successes and maintain a winning culture.

Challenges Faced by Teams in Transition

On the flip side, teams undergoing significant changes, such as player turnover or coaching staff shake-ups, may experience challenges in maintaining their performance levels.

4. Case Studies: Same Story, Different Ending

Teams That Embraced Continuity

Case studies of teams that have thrived on continuity, such as the New England Patriots in the NFL and the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA, demonstrate the sustained success that can result from stability.

Teams That Struggled with Change

Conversely, teams that have faced difficulties due to a lack of continuity, like the Cleveland Browns in the NFL and the Sacramento Kings in the NBA, showcase the challenges of constant turnover.

5. FAQs: Continuity in Sports

Q1: How does continuity affect team chemistry?

A1: Continuity can enhance team chemistry as players become more familiar with each other's tendencies and personalities. This familiarity often leads to improved on-field or on-court cooperation.

Q2: Can too much continuity lead to complacency?

A2: While continuity is valuable, excessive stability can potentially lead to complacency. Teams must strike a balance between maintaining their core and introducing fresh elements to keep players motivated.

Q3: What strategies can teams employ to maintain continuity?

A3: Strategies include contract extensions for key players, consistent coaching philosophies, and a commitment to player development within the organization. Teams must also adapt to changes when necessary.

Continuity in sports is a powerful force that can shape the destinies of teams. It can lead to familiar narratives of success or alter the course of a team's story. While continuity is not a guarantee of victory, it significantly increases a team's chances of achieving long-term excellence. Ultimately, the impact of continuity in sports reminds us that the same story can indeed have a different ending based on the stability and consistency within a team.

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