Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Midweek Column- Time to make a move, now.

This team needs a big half from guys like Kevin Hayes

With the exception of Other School week, this may very well be the biggest weekend of the year for this Boston College team. I know I say this a lot but this team is really struggling right now in many different areas even though the results haven't really showed it. Yes, Hockey East is a competitive league, I mean just look at Northeastern who is 8th in the league but they are 17th in the pairwise and are said to be favored vs BC this week. Over the course of the last four games, BC has averaged just two goals and are seemingly not creating many chances. I think the issue with this team is it's confidence. I think they were about to peak after the magical win at that dump of a campus on the other side of The Ave but the break killed them and then they didn't have Arnold for the GLI which created a lot of offensive problems. Now that this team has it's full opening day roster it is time to fly and the time is now.

As we look at the weekend ahead, UMass might just be the biggest road game this team has played in a while. The Minutemen are undefeated @ The Mullins and seem to be playing some very good hockey. UMass is similar to BC in that they have speed. TJ Syner is one of the more underrated players in the league so the BC defensive attack must be ready. Not only does BC need a win, they need to win BIG. Scoring 2-3 goals a game is not going to cut it vs teams like Maine, Merrimack, and The Other School. Some guys really need to start putting the puck in the net in order for this team to get back on track.

When I look at this team I think "wow they have some really good skill and speed" with these traits, you need to be able to put the puck in the net. Guys like Kreider, Gaudreau, Arnold, and Carey did a very good job of that in the first half but their production has dropped and it is clear on the ice. Those are the guys that have overall, have done their jobs and played pretty well. The guys I really want to see come up big are Whitney, Hayes, and Mullane. Of the returning players, Pat Mullane was second on the team in scoring from a year ago and Steven Whitney has more speed and skill than anyone on this team. They must step up on the offensive end for this team to succeed.

This team is good and they work hard. The talent is there for this team to really start to go on a run and go deep into the national tournament. My theory is that over the last 10 years here at BC, we have had some great scorers. Brian Gionta and Nathan Gerbe were two guys that could really light the lamp when their team needed it. This BC team does not have that. Somebody, whether it be Kreider, Gaudreau, Arnold, or Carey needs to step up and take control. If the scoring goes up, this team will win a lot of games. If it doesn't well this team is not going places this year.

Title: Midweek Column - Time to Make a Move, Now


In the fast-paced world of business, sports, and life in general, there often comes a moment when we realize that it's time to make a move, to take action, and to seize the opportunities that lie before us. This sentiment of seizing the moment and making strategic decisions at the right time is the focus of this midweek column. In the following article, we will explore the concept of making a move, the factors that drive such decisions, and provide insights into when and how to take action. Additionally, we'll address some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you navigate the art of making calculated moves in various aspects of life.

The Art of Making a Move

Making a move can mean different things to different people, depending on the context. It might refer to a career change, a business decision, a sports strategy, or even a personal life choice. Regardless of the context, making a move often involves the following key elements:

Assessment: The first step in making a move is assessing your current situation. Whether it's your career, a sports game, or a personal relationship, understanding where you stand is crucial.

Opportunity Recognition: Recognizing an opportunity is the spark that ignites the decision-making process. It's the realization that something worth pursuing lies ahead.

Risk Evaluation: Every move carries some degree of risk. Assessing and understanding the potential risks and rewards associated with a decision is essential.

Timing: Timing is critical. Sometimes, making a move too early or too late can significantly impact the outcome. It's about finding the right moment to act.

Execution: Taking action is the final and most crucial step. Execution requires planning, determination, and a willingness to follow through on your decision.

When to Make a Move

The decision to make a move is deeply personal and can depend on various factors, but there are common scenarios where taking action is often warranted:

Career Advancement: If you're feeling stagnant in your current job or believe there are better opportunities elsewhere, it might be time to update your resume and explore new career options.

Entrepreneurship: If you've been nurturing a business idea and have done your market research, taking the leap into entrepreneurship can be a significant move.

Investments: In the world of finance, making a move often involves investing your money strategically. This might mean diversifying your portfolio, seizing investment opportunities, or cutting losses.

Sports Strategy: In sports, making a move can be a game-changer. Whether it's a coaching decision, a trade, or an in-game strategy adjustment, the right move at the right time can lead to victory.

Relationships: Sometimes, making a move involves taking a step in your personal life. It could be asking someone out, resolving conflicts, or making a commitment.

FAQs About Making a Move

How do I know if it's the right time to make a career move?
The right time to make a career move varies for each individual. Consider your career goals, financial stability, job satisfaction, and opportunities available in your field when making this decision.

What if I'm afraid of taking risks when making a move?
Fear of risks is natural, but it shouldn't paralyze you. Evaluate the potential risks and rewards, and consider seeking advice from mentors or experts to make informed decisions.

What strategies can help me make a successful move in sports?
Successful moves in sports often involve preparation, strategy, and teamwork. Analyze your opponent, anticipate their moves, and communicate effectively with your team to execute a successful strategy.

Can making a move improve my personal life?
Yes, making a move in your personal life can lead to positive changes. Whether it's addressing conflicts, taking on new challenges, or committing to a relationship, personal growth often requires taking action.

How can I overcome procrastination when it comes to making a move?
Overcoming procrastination requires setting clear goals, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and holding yourself accountable. Seek support from friends, family, or a coach if needed.

In the grand tapestry of life, moments of decision and action are the threads that shape our destiny. The midweek column, "Time to Make a Move, Now," serves as a reminder that life is a journey of choices and opportunities. Whether it's in your career, business, sports, or personal life, recognizing the right time to make a move and having the courage to act can lead to transformative outcomes. So, when the moment arises, seize it, make your move, and embrace the journey ahead with confidence and determination.

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