Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Is This The Greatest Boston College Hockey Team Of All Time ?

BC celebrates the big Beanpot win over BU. I love this picture. 
A lot of people have come up to me over the past couple of days and have asked the same question in which the title states, "Is this the best BC team of all time"?. Here is what I want to say, I think this is the best run by a BC hockey team of all time. I mean ending the season with 19 straight wins is just incredible. The improvement of so many players as the season went on was also pretty remarkable. I mean, look at Parker Milner, he lost his job in December but thanks to hard work with Coach Louge, he earned his job back and boy did he shine. In terms of superstars, this team sure has it's fair share in Dumoulin, Kreider, Johnny G, and Milner but they also had a lot of players that are really good, under the radar type of guys (Mullane, Carey, Almeida, Cross). To answer the question above, I would have to say no, this is not the best BC team of all time. There are a couple of reasons why I think this. First of all, the best team in my mind was the 2001 National Championship team which finished with a 33-8-2 record. That team also won the Beanpot, Hockey East tournament, and obviously NCAA championships. Also, while this team has it's stars, that team was full of some of the greatest players in the history of Boston College hockey. Leading the 2001 team was forward Brian Gionta who is by far and away, the greatest player in the history of Boston College hockey. I don't think there is anyone even close. I mean the guy had an amazing 54 points (33 G 21 A) in his senior year and mix that in with other stars like Krys Kolanos (Who had the OT winner vs UND) who also had a 50 point season with 25 goals and 25 assist. Throw in guys like Tony Voce, Ben Eaves, and Chuck Kobasew and it doesn't get any better.

Ok, I love this team and all but to be honest, I just don't think it is the best BC team of all time. I think it is definitely better than the 2008 team which really wasn't star loaded except for a guy named Nathan Gerbe. The best comparison would be the 2010 team, as I have been debating this one for a while. I think I will go with this team over that team. While that team was good, they didn't dominant everyone down the stretch like this team did. I mean the only close game we had this year from the Beanpot on was the National Championship game which was still a three goal victory. If you compare the teams, both have some amazing talent. 2010 had guys like Atkinson, Whitney, Gibbons, and Muse all of whom are some of the best players ever to play under Coach York. But this team also had it's fair share of talent and was much deeper. From top to bottom, I would say this team is better than the 2010 championship team, but not what the 2001 team had. When you have guys like Gionta, Kolanos, Eaves, and Voce, it is really hard to say that any team, let alone any other BC team, can top them. Feel free to comment and state who you think is the best BC team of all time.

Until next time,


 Is This The Greatest Boston College Hockey Team Of All Time?

Boston College (BC) hockey has a storied history of success, boasting numerous national championships and producing NHL stars. In this article, we'll delve into the question of whether the current BC hockey team is the greatest of all time. We'll analyze the team's performance, compare it to past BC squads, and address frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the legacy and greatness of BC hockey.

Section 1: The Dominance of the 202X-XX BC Hockey Team

Historic Season: Providing an overview of the current season's accomplishments, including win-loss records, goal differentials, and notable victories.

Statistical Supremacy: Analyzing key statistics that highlight the team's dominance, such as power play efficiency, penalty kill success, and scoring leaders.

Section 2: The Legacy of Past BC Hockey Teams

Comparing the current BC hockey team to some of the most iconic teams in the program's history:

Historical Perspective: Exploring the standout seasons and championships won by previous BC teams.

Key Players and Moments: Highlighting the legendary players and moments that defined past eras of BC hockey.

Section 3: The Factors Behind Greatness

Examining the factors that contribute to a team's greatness:

Coaching Excellence: Discussing the impact of coaching staff and their ability to develop talent and foster a winning culture.

Team Chemistry: Analyzing the role of team cohesion and chemistry in achieving greatness.

Section 4: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - The Legacy of BC Hockey

Addressing common questions and discussions related to the legacy and greatness of BC hockey:

What sets BC hockey apart from other college programs, and how has it consistently produced successful teams?
Exploring the traditions, facilities, and recruiting strategies that contribute to BC's success.

How do BC alumni perform in the NHL, and how has BC's program influenced the professional hockey landscape?
Discussing the impact of BC players in the NHL and their contributions to the sport.

What challenges does BC hockey face in maintaining its high level of success, and how does it adapt to changing circumstances?
Providing insights into the challenges of sustaining success and BC's ability to adapt to evolving dynamics.

Section 5: Conclusion

Determining whether the current BC hockey team is the greatest of all time is a subjective question, but it's undeniable that they are a dominant force in college hockey. The legacy of BC hockey, built on a foundation of excellence, continues to thrive, with each new generation of players aiming to add their chapter to the program's storied history. Whether or not this team is officially crowned the greatest, one thing is certain: they are a testament to the enduring tradition of excellence that defines Boston College hockey. As fans, we can only marvel at their achievements and eagerly anticipate the next chapter in BC's hockey journey.

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