Friday, May 4, 2012

Where Does This Team Rank Among The Best Hockey East Teams of All Time ?

The title above, "Where does this BC team rank among the all time best in Hockey East " ? is certainly a good one and could be a great debate. Here is what I have to say, I think this is the third best team in the history of Hockey East. The first place team without a doubt is the 1993 Maine Black Bears who steamrolled everyone and went 42-1-2 on their way to a National Title. The second best time in my opinion is the 2001 Boston College Eagles. When you look at this team compared to the 01 Eagles, you could certainly make the argument that this is the more talented squad but 01 Eagles just didn't miss a beat. Other teams that would be up there are the 2010 Eagles and the 2009 and 1995 Terriers. When I look at this team, because of their slow start I don't think it's fair to put them above the 2001 squad or the 93 Black Bears. If the team played like they did post Maine series in the beginning of the year, then maybe we would be talking about the best Hockey East team ever. I mean compare the 01 and 12 teams and you see some striking similarities. Both teams won the Hockey East championship, Beanpot championship (Both over BU !), and National Championship in dominating fashion. I guess thats just the DNA of a Jerry York coached hockey team, you don't lose in the playoffs. Anyways, the 09 BU team was admittedly pretty darn good as they had Matt Gilroy and Collin Wilson to help them to their 5th National Championship. I'm not saying this in a bias way or anything but that was not the best Hockey East team I have ever seen. sure they were good but we managed to play them tough three times out of four and should have beat them in the Hockey East semifinals. UNH has also had some good teams but unlike the Eagles, the DNA for a UNH hockey team is to just completely throw it in reverse come playoff time.  Some other teams that could also be in the top five are the 99 Black Bears (National Champs), 2011 Eagles, 99 UNH Wildcats, and the 2004 Maine Black Bears. So here is my final list..

1. 1993 Maine Black Bears 

2. 2001 Boston College Eagles 

3. 2012 Boston College Eagles 

4. 2009 Boston University Terriers

5. 2010 Boston College Eagles 

Until next time, 


 Where Does This Team Rank Among The Best Hockey East Teams of All Time?

Hockey East, one of the premier collegiate ice hockey conferences in the United States, has seen its fair share of outstanding teams over the years. These teams have left an indelible mark on the sport, capturing championships and etching their names in the annals of college hockey history. In this article, we'll embark on a journey to explore where the current team stands among the best Hockey East teams of all time. We'll dive into the rich history of the conference, examine the criteria for greatness, and address frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the rankings and legacy of these teams.

Section 1: The Rich History of Hockey East

Conference Overview: An introduction to Hockey East, its founding, and its evolution into one of the most competitive college hockey conferences.

Championship Legacy: A look at the storied history of Hockey East championships and the teams that have claimed the title.

Section 2: Defining Greatness in Hockey East

Delving into the criteria that define a team's greatness in the context of Hockey East:

Championship Success: The significance of winning Hockey East championships and how it elevates a team's legacy.

Individual Accomplishments: The impact of star players, award winners, and NHL talent on a team's greatness.

Consistency and Dominance: How consistently competitive a team is and its ability to dominate its opponents over time.

Section 3: Analyzing the Current Team

Examining the current team's performance, achievements, and potential:

Current Season Highlights: A snapshot of the team's recent achievements, including season records and standout moments.

Key Players: Spotlighting standout players who have made a significant impact on the team's success.

Team Dynamics: Exploring the chemistry, coaching, and strategies that have contributed to the team's performance.

Section 4: Ranking Among the All-Time Greats

Using the established criteria, we'll assess where the current team stands among the best Hockey East teams of all time:

Comparative Analysis: A comparative analysis of the current team against past championship-winning teams in terms of championships, player accolades, and dominance.

Legacy Potential: The potential for the current team to leave a lasting legacy in Hockey East and college hockey history.

Section 5: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Hockey East Greatness

Addressing common questions and discussions surrounding the ranking of Hockey East teams:

How do current teams compare to those from the past in terms of skill and competition?
The evolution of the sport, changes in coaching, and advancements in player development make direct comparisons challenging.

Is winning the Hockey East championship the only measure of greatness?
While championships hold significance, other factors like player development and consistency contribute to a team's legacy.

Can a team be considered great even without winning a championship?
Yes, teams that consistently perform at a high level, produce NHL talent, and make deep playoff runs can be celebrated as great.

Section 6: Conclusion

The question of where the current team ranks among the best Hockey East teams of all time is a complex one, shaped by a multitude of factors and subjective perspectives. Regardless of its specific ranking, every team that competes in Hockey East contributes to the storied history and ongoing legacy of the conference. It's a testament to the enduring excellence and passion for college hockey that continues to captivate fans and inspire the next generation of players. Whether celebrating championships or the journey to greatness, Hockey East remains a vibrant and cherished part of the college hockey landscape.

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