Friday, July 13, 2012

Catching Up

As we head into the weekend, there was some major news circling around Hockey East this morning (even though it has nothing to do with BC). Zemgus Girgensons, a highly touted Vermont recruit, has decided to forgo his commitment to UVM and sign with the Buffalo Sabers. Girgensons will report to the Sabers' AHL affiliate for next season according to reports. Seems that Kevin Sneddon and his staff can't catch a break these days. Another big story, while not concerning Hockey East, is that the Kitchener Rangers (CHL) are suing the University of Michigan's student paper, the Michigan Daily. About a week ago, Matt Slovin, a reporter for the Daily, reported that UM recruit Jason Trouba was getting offered $200,000 by the Rangers to jump out of his commitment to UM and sign with their team. I follow Slovin on twitter and I think he does a great job reporting about the Wolverines so hopefully it all gets settled sooner rather than later. Another big story that came out is that Mark Carlson has turned down UMass' offer to become their next head coach. Carlson is currently the coach/gm of the Cedar Rapids Rough Riders (USHL). Earlier it was reported that UNH assistant Scott Borek interviewed well with UMass AD John McCutcheon and could be a potential candidate to land the job. A UNH assistant over a BC assistant. Wow.

Earlier today it was announced that former Eagle standout Benn Ferriero signed a deal with the Pittsburgh Penguins. The Penguins now have six former Eagles in their system. Congratulations to Benn and hopefully he can make the most of this opportunity. With regards to the schedule, I have not added anything new but I am pretty sure BC will play @ UMass on 10/19 (the night before banner night) and on 1/18. The third game is not yet known but it could be in the beginning of November. 

Until next time, 


 Catching Up: The Art of Reconnecting

In the fast-paced world we live in, it's easy to lose touch with friends, family, and acquaintances. Life's demands, work, and responsibilities often take center stage, leaving little time for meaningful connections. However, the act of catching up holds immense value, not only for personal relationships but also for personal growth. In this article, we will explore the art of catching up, why it matters, how to go about it, and address frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to reconnecting with people from our past.

Section 1: The Importance of Catching Up

Catching up is more than just a social nicety; it's a vital component of maintaining healthy relationships and personal well-being:

Strengthening Bonds: Reconnecting with friends and family strengthens the bonds that tie us together, fostering a sense of belonging and support.

Personal Growth: Conversations with people from our past can provide fresh perspectives, new insights, and personal growth opportunities.

Preserving Memories: Catching up allows us to reminisce about shared experiences, preserving cherished memories for years to come.

Section 2: The Art of Catching Up

Catching up is an art that requires intention and effort. Here's how to master it:

Reach Out: Initiating contact is the first step. Send a message, make a call, or send a handwritten letter to express your interest in reconnecting.

Ask Open-Ended Questions: During your catch-up conversation, ask open-ended questions that encourage the other person to share their experiences, thoughts, and feelings.

Listen Actively: Actively listening is a key element of catching up. Pay attention to what the other person is saying and show genuine interest in their life.

Be Vulnerable: Share your own experiences, challenges, and achievements. Vulnerability fosters authenticity and strengthens connections.

Section 3: The Digital Age of Catching Up

In today's digital age, catching up has taken on new forms:

Social Media: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn allow us to follow the lives of friends and acquaintances, making it easier to reconnect.

Video Calls: Video calls through platforms like Zoom and Skype provide a face-to-face connection, even when physical distance separates us.

Messaging Apps: Instant messaging apps enable real-time communication, making it convenient to send a quick message to check in.

Email: Traditional email remains a reliable way to catch up with a longer, more thoughtful message.

Section 4: FAQs - Reconnecting with People

Let's address some common questions related to reconnecting with people from our past:

What if I've lost touch with someone for many years? Is it too late to catch up?

It's never too late to reconnect with someone from your past. Reach out with a friendly message expressing your desire to catch up, and see where the conversation takes you.

I'm an introvert and find it challenging to initiate conversations. Any tips?

Starting a conversation can be daunting, but remember that many people appreciate a sincere message of reconnecting. Start with a simple greeting and express your interest in catching up.

What if the other person doesn't respond to my message or seems disinterested?

Not everyone may be ready or interested in reconnecting. Respect their decision and don't take it personally. You've made the effort, and that's what matters.

Is it appropriate to bring up past conflicts or disagreements during a catch-up conversation?

While addressing past conflicts can be therapeutic, it's essential to approach such topics with sensitivity and respect for the other person's feelings. Use your judgment and consider their comfort level.

Section 5: The Benefits of Catching Up

Catching up offers a range of benefits, including:

Renewed Relationships: Reconnecting with old friends and acquaintances can breathe new life into relationships, leading to more meaningful connections.

Reduced Loneliness: In an age where loneliness is a prevalent issue, catching up provides opportunities for social interaction and reduces feelings of isolation.

Networking Opportunities: Catching up with professional contacts can open doors to new career opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships.

Mental Health: Meaningful conversations and connections contribute positively to mental well-being, reducing stress and anxiety.

Catching up is an art that enriches our lives in numerous ways. It strengthens relationships, fosters personal growth, and provides a sense of connection in an increasingly disconnected world. Whether you're reconnecting with an old friend, a family member, or a professional contact, the act of catching up is a simple yet profound way to invest in your social and emotional well-being. So, reach out, initiate a conversation, and rediscover the value of staying connected with the people who have shaped your life.

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