Monday, September 24, 2012

Catching Up

We are just under two weeks until hockey season and there is some news to report about the Eagles. First of all, Destry Straight missed practice today because of an injury but he should be good to go for the start of the season. As I watch more and more practices, I can see that some guys have really improved their games since last season. Two guys that I think are skating pretty well right now are forwards Danny Linell and Mike Sit. Both guys are going to need to play at a high level for this team this upcoming year and I believe they are both very close to turning it up to that next level. With their speed, both guys have the ability to create some space and make plays so hopefully we see that out of them as the season goes on. Johnny G, Pat Mullane, Steve Whitney, and Bill Arnold have all been skating at that high level they have been at ever since they came to BC so I wouldn't be too worried about them in the early going. In terms of the freshman forwards, I believe that Brendan Silk and Frank Vatrano both still hold spots in the opening night lineup but we will see if anything changes between now and next Friday when New Brunswick comes to town.

On the defensive end, I am becoming more and more confident about this group. I don't make these predictions very often but I have to say, I think Mike Matheson will be the best defenseman in the league by the end of this year. This kid can do it all, he can skate, he can defend (although this needs the most work), he can make plays, and he can fire the puck. Very similar to some Dumoulin guy I remember from a year ago. While some people will have BC's defense as the teams biggest question mark, I wouldn't be surprised to see this unit develop into a very solid one by the end of October.

To be honest, I like this squad. I love the fact that we have four of the top seven forwards returning from last years team and have some great leaders like Mullane and Wey to help with the younger guys. This team isn't as deep as last years or the 2011 squad, but it has seven or eight guys that will be able to play night in and night out and make a big impact. The one big lineup question as of now is who will start at right wing on the first line, once that is decided on by the staff, things will be all set. October 6th can't come soon enough.

BC was selected as the #1 team in the USA Today preseason poll. 

Until next time,


 Catching Up: The Value of Reconnecting in a Fast-Paced World

In our fast-paced, digitally connected world, the concept of "catching up" may seem quaint or even unnecessary. We live in an age where we are constantly updated with the latest information, from the news to social media, and where our calendars are often packed to the brim with appointments and commitments. However, amidst this hustle and bustle, the act of catching up holds a unique and timeless significance.

This article explores the importance of catching up with others, whether it's friends, family, or colleagues, and delves into the benefits of taking the time to reconnect in a meaningful way. We'll also address frequently asked questions about the art of catching up to help you navigate these social interactions more effectively.

The Art of Catching Up

Catching up, in its essence, is about reconnecting with people we care about. It's an opportunity to bridge the gap created by time and distance, to share experiences, and to reaffirm the bonds that connect us. In our increasingly digital world, where we often communicate through screens, catching up provides a chance for face-to-face interaction or, at the very least, a heartfelt conversation.

Why Catching Up Matters

Strengthening Relationships: Catching up allows us to nurture and strengthen our relationships. Whether it's with friends we haven't seen in years or family members we rarely have the chance to visit, these moments of connection reinforce the ties that bind us.

Sharing Experiences: Life is a journey, and catching up provides an opportunity to share our experiences, both the triumphs and the challenges. Whether it's a new job, a personal milestone, or a recent adventure, these stories help others understand our lives better.

Building Trust: Trust is a foundation of healthy relationships, and catching up plays a role in building and maintaining that trust. By showing interest in someone's life and actively listening to their stories, we demonstrate our care and concern.

Mental and Emotional Support: Sometimes, catching up is an opportunity to provide and receive mental and emotional support. Life's difficulties are easier to bear when we have a network of friends and loved ones to lean on.

Rediscovering Common Ground: Over time, interests and priorities may shift, and catching up allows us to rediscover common ground and shared interests. It can rekindle old passions and forge new connections.

The Benefits of Catching Up

Emotional Well-Being: Meaningful social interactions, like catching up with friends or family, can contribute to our emotional well-being. These connections provide a sense of belonging and reduce feelings of isolation.

Reduced Stress: Taking time to catch up can serve as a break from the stresses of daily life. It provides an opportunity to relax, enjoy the company of others, and temporarily escape the pressures of work or other responsibilities.

Improved Communication Skills: Engaging in conversations with others helps hone our communication skills. It encourages active listening, empathy, and the ability to express ourselves effectively.

Enhanced Perspective: Hearing about the experiences and viewpoints of others broadens our perspective. It can challenge our assumptions and lead to personal growth.

Fostering Gratitude: Catching up often involves reflecting on our lives and expressing gratitude for the people and experiences that enrich them. This practice of gratitude can improve our overall outlook on life.

FAQs About Catching Up

How do I initiate a catch-up session with someone I haven't spoken to in a long time?

Initiating a catch-up can be as simple as sending a friendly message or making a phone call. Express your desire to reconnect, mention a shared memory or interest, and suggest a time to meet or chat.

What if I don't have much in common with the person I'm catching up with?

Finding common ground doesn't require sharing all the same interests. Instead, focus on being a good listener, showing genuine curiosity about their life, and finding topics that both parties can engage with.

Is it okay to schedule catch-up sessions regularly, or should they happen more spontaneously?

The frequency of catch-up sessions depends on your relationship and personal preferences. Some people enjoy regular, scheduled catch-ups, while others prefer more spontaneous interactions. Find what works for you and your friends or loved ones.

What if the person I want to catch up with is always busy or hard to reach?

It's common for people to have busy schedules. Be patient and understanding. Suggest multiple options for meeting or catching up and be flexible with timing.

What if I want to catch up with someone but don't know where to start the conversation?

Begin by asking open-ended questions like, "What have you been up to lately?" or "Tell me about any exciting developments in your life." These questions encourage the other person to share their experiences.

In a world that often feels like it's constantly moving forward, taking the time to catch up with the people who matter to us is an essential practice. It's a reminder that amidst the rapid pace of life, our relationships and connections hold timeless value. Whether it's a coffee date with a friend you haven't seen in years or a heartfelt conversation with a family member, catching up enriches our lives, enhances our well-being, and strengthens the bonds that make life meaningful. So, the next time you think about someone you haven't spoken to in a while, consider reaching out and catching up—it's an investment in the relationships that make life truly special.

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