Monday, October 15, 2012

Gettin' Back My Game

Well, in the wake of Friday night's season opener - for the Whale and for me - I feel like it may be best to get back into the game myself. I won't be stepping on the ice - at least not anytime soon - but I'll start blowing some of those 140 character tweets back up into posts again.

There honestly has been more than a little bit of burnout from over five years of blogging about the Blueshirts but, with a new season underway everywhere outside of the NHL and Australia (their seasons go on over our summer, southern hemisphere and all that), the itch is back and my nails are long enough again to scratch it. At least for the moment.

I have about a half dozen pieces already underway about an assortment of topics, with the first due to be upped tomorrow. So stay tuned as I get the wheels on this bus going again and watch out, at some point I may just make it look mean too.

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