Monday, February 25, 2013

Kevin Hayes Back @ Practice

I walked into Conte Forum today and was pleasantly surprised when I saw #12 in gold on the ice. Yes, that means Kevin Hayes has been reinstated by Coach York and is now back on the team. I was not expecting Hayes to be back until Thursday or Friday at the earliest and I certainly did not think he would be on the ice today. I thought that since he had been out for over a week, Kevin would look a bit out of sorts. I was wrong. Not only did he skate well, but he looked ecstatic to be back on the ice. All the other guys seemed to welcome him with open arms and clearly forgave him for any mistakes he made. Give the guy credit, he bounced back quicker than anyone, even the staff, was expecting.

Now, I'm sure you all want to know if he is in the lineup tomorrow or not. Unfortunately, nobody knows for sure if he will play except for the staff but if he is back, all I will say is watch out for #12 in white tomorrow night.

Preview coming up later.

Go Eagles.

Kevin Hayes Back @ Practice 

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