Wednesday, July 25, 2007

So the Devils, huh?

The Devils appear to be the only team doing anything today, naming Larry Robinson, John MacLean, and Tommy Albelin as assistant coaches, Jacques Caron as goaltending coach and resigning Cam Janssen and Grant Marshall along with some other prospect types.

Its nice to see that Larry and Johnny Mac continue to have no pride, having been unceremoniously ditched in Larry's case and passed over in Johnny's. Both were great players who had honourable careers but the Devils ... well Puppetmaster Lou ... have not exactly done the right thing by either.

As for the players they resigned, whatever. Marshall is a depth guy and Janssen is a pain in the ass. Just to refresh everyone's memory, here is him trying to look all tough after Sean finally gave Marty what he deserved ... its two minutes in but the whole scenario is worth rewatching:

And one last note on the Devs -- I just saw that they are going to have a indoor soccer team named the Ironmen share the Prudential Center (The Rock). The scary thing is that the soccer team could very likely draw more fans in Newark ...

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