Now as many know I am not a baseball fan. I won't watch it unless I get paid to because it is dreadfully boring. Games last move than three hours on a regular basis and maybe, maybe there is 15 full minutes of actual action in that time.
However, as a sports fan, I can appreciate accomplishments and New York Mets pitcher Tom Glavine getting his 300th win tonight is a tremendous one. He may also be the last to reach the mark, what with five man rotations and piss-poor bullpens around the league.
Now to tie it into this blog, I think the Rangers should honour Glavine this season. It would be a great public relations move for the team to have him drop the puck on February 5th, the night the Los Angeles Kings come to town. L.A. drafted Glavine in 1984 and he would likely have been a solid player, had he not took the soft way out and played baseball instead. A guy here on Fanhouse has Glavine's explanation. Sissy. Granted, he could be considered smart as pitchers only have to work once out of every five days and are at little to no risk of concussions, etc. Still ... what a wuss.
Real men play hockey.
But whatever, the Garden faithful would give a warm ovation to the pitcher, who will likely retire so it could well be one of his last in New York. Being as there has been a dearth of promotions for Rangers games, this is one that would cost the team little and would get them a good return in PR.
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