Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ooo, Scary Trojan Man ...

So there is the new Senators logo. I am unimpressed. Perhaps they are trying to cash in on the dvd release of the 300?? I don't know. All I do know is that the Senator isn't all that intimidating, which I think is the intended effect of having him stare straight out of the logo. Ah well, that franchise is going downhill anyways.

Personally I think their original jerseys looked best, as modelled by one of my favourite goalies of all time - Peter Sidorkiewicz. Picture courtesy of Sports E-cyclopedia's great Sens page. Sidorkiewicz was an NHL All Star and looked well despite being quite beleaguered in both Ottawa (and Hartford before that) and is thus remembered as a Legend of Hockey. For those wondering, he is now coaching in the OHL with the Erie Otters.

And I don't want to look to happy with glee, as the Rangers may very well trade for him at the deadline, but Mike Peca signed with Ken Hitchcock in Columbus. My feelings about Peca are well-known (or just read older posts on this site), but personally I think Hitch is a good coach. Unfortunately for him, I think it will take a lot more than a third line center to get that team to the playoffs. Good luck tho. As they are in the Central, they are not our problem this year. Gotta love the NHL scheduling.

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