Monday, June 1, 2009

Damn Dolan

Arrived in Pittsburgh to get a text from a friend and an e-mail from the team with bad news. Garden ticket prices have gone up again. Granted, it was completely expected, but still. After the hardest season to be a fan since the lockout, prices continue to skyrocket well above what they were prior to the work stoppage - when we were supposed to get relief as owners got cost certainty. Yet again, they lied. Yet again, we the fans get screwed. I don't have the actual prices, I will amend this post with them when I get a chance. To make you feel better, below is the farce of a letter from Glen Sather trying to justify the raise with how wonderful the team is ... I wonder if you subtract the remainder of Redden's contract, would it offset the increase?
Rangers Subscribers,

Five years ago, we made it our priority to build the New York Rangers team for long-term success by developing a core foundation of young players and adding key veterans as our youngsters matured. Our philosophy remains steadfast, and this past season, six young players whose NHL careers began here in New York played major roles in taking us to the playoffs for the fourth consecutive year.

Although we were not satisfied with this past season's results, we believe we are on the right track. We continue to focus on the development of players and are excited about several talented prospects in our system. At the same time, we still have work to do as we strive toward our ultimate goal — to compete for the Stanley Cup each and every season.

Under the direction of our new Head Coach, John Tortorella, you will see a retooled Rangers team in 2009-10 that will feature a system that emphasizes aggressive forechecking and puck possession. This up-tempo approach has made John an accomplished winner in the NHL, earning a Jack Adams Award as Coach of the Year and delivering a Stanley Cup to Tampa Bay in 2004.

The key objective for this off-season is to complement our strong defensive play and league-leading penalty-kill with more goal-scoring, stemming from this aggressive system. We are determined to add players who make significant contributions in 2009-10, enabling us to dictate the pace of the game on a regular basis.

With an All-Star goaltender, and a mix of accomplished veterans and hungry youngsters, we expect to make our fans especially proud this season. Your loyalty and enthusiasm has always made The Garden a very intimidating place for visiting teams, and you will see a team whose style of play makes it even tougher.

We remain humbled and thankful for your energetic support and look forward to seeing you at The Garden for a great season of Rangers hockey.


Glen Sather, President and General Manager, New York Rangers

 "Damn Dolan: The Rise and Impact of a Digital Phenomenon"

In the vast landscape of the internet, certain figures and phenomena emerge that captivate and bewilder audiences worldwide. "Damn Dolan" is one such enigma—a phrase that has become a digital battle cry, transcending its origins and taking on a life of its own. In this article, we'll delve into the origins, impact, and unique cultural significance of "Damn Dolan."

The Enigmatic Origins

"Dolan" is a character originating from the surreal and often absurd world of internet humor, particularly within the realm of meme culture. Dolan, a crudely drawn version of Disney's Donald Duck, is known for his bizarre and nonsensical behavior. He became a character who represented randomness and absurdity in online communities.

The phrase "Damn Dolan" likely emerged as a way to express surprise, amusement, or shock at the character's antics. It's important to note that the internet has a unique way of taking seemingly innocuous phrases or concepts and turning them into cultural phenomena. "Damn Dolan" is a prime example of this phenomenon.

The Cultural Impact of "Damn Dolan"

The impact of "Damn Dolan" extends far beyond its origin. It has become a symbol of internet culture, embodying the irreverent and unpredictable nature of online communities. Here are some key aspects of its cultural significance:

1. A Reflection of Internet Humor

Internet humor is often characterized by its absurdity and lack of boundaries. "Damn Dolan" captures this essence perfectly. It serves as a reminder that online communities value humor that defies conventional norms and embraces the unexpected.

2. The Virality Factor

"Dolan" memes and "Damn Dolan" catchphrases have gone viral multiple times, spreading across social media platforms and forums. The rapid dissemination of these memes highlights the internet's ability to amplify and perpetuate cultural phenomena.

3. Adaptability and Remix Culture

Internet culture thrives on remixing and adapting existing content. "Damn Dolan" has been remixed and repurposed in countless ways, reflecting the internet's inclination for creativity and mash-up culture.

4. A Sense of Community

For those familiar with "Damn Dolan," it fosters a sense of belonging within a specific online subculture. It's a shared language and reference point that connects individuals across geographical and cultural boundaries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About "Damn Dolan"

Now, let's address some frequently asked questions about "Damn Dolan" and its place in internet culture:

1. Who is responsible for creating "Damn Dolan"?

The origins of "Damn Dolan" are murky, as it is a product of internet meme culture, where content is often created and shared anonymously. It's likely that multiple individuals contributed to the creation and popularization of "Damn Dolan" memes.

2. Why is "Damn Dolan" funny or appealing to people?

The humor in "Damn Dolan" lies in its absurdity and unpredictability. The character's nonsensical behavior and the phrase itself serve as a form of comedic release in the world of internet humor, where the unexpected is celebrated.

3. Is "Damn Dolan" limited to a specific online platform or community?

While "Damn Dolan" may have originated in certain online communities, its virality has spread it across various platforms and subcultures. It is not limited to a specific online space and can be found in various corners of the internet.

4. Can "Damn Dolan" be considered a form of art or cultural expression?

"Dolan" and "Damn Dolan" can certainly be viewed as forms of cultural expression within the context of internet culture and meme creation. They reflect the unique ways in which internet communities communicate, create, and share content.

5. What does the future hold for "Damn Dolan"?

The trajectory of internet memes is often unpredictable. While some fade into obscurity, others resurface and evolve. "Damn Dolan" may continue to make appearances in various forms, adapting to the changing landscape of online culture.

"Damn Dolan" is a testament to the ever-evolving and unpredictable nature of internet culture. It represents the irreverence, creativity, and shared language that define online communities. While its origins may remain shrouded in mystery, its cultural impact is undeniable. As long as the internet continues to thrive as a platform for creativity and expression, we can expect to encounter more enigmatic phenomena like "Damn Dolan" that both baffle and unite digital denizens in the vast online world.


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