Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mark Your Calendars

Just released:
Seven Games on 2009 Slate

New York, July 14, 2009 – New York Rangers President and General Manager Glen Sather announced the 2009 pre-season schedule today, featuring three games at Madison Square Garden and a total of seven games in 13 days.

The Rangers will kick off the 2009 pre-season with a back-to-back set, opening against the Boston Bruins on Tuesday, September 15, before travelling to Newark to face-off against the New Jersey Devils on Wednesday, September 16. New York will then head to Detroit to face the Red Wings on Friday, September 18, in the first of back-to-back road games. The Blueshirts will travel to Boston to face the Bruins in the second game of the back-to-back road set on Saturday, September 19. On Monday, September 21, the Rangers return to The Garden to host the Red Wings. The Rangers will wrap up their pre-season schedule with a home-and-home set against the Capitals beginning on Thursday, September 24, in their final home game of the exhibition season, and concluding on Sunday, September 27, in an afternoon contest at Washington.

The 2009 New York Rangers training camp begins with players reporting to New York for physical testing at the Madison Square Garden Training Facility on Saturday, September 12.


Day Date Opponent Site Time
Tuesday Sept. 15 Boston Madison Square Garden 7:00 PM
Wednesday Sept. 16 New Jersey Newark, NJ 7:00 PM
Friday Sept. 18 Detroit Detroit, MI 7:30 PM
Saturday Sept. 19 Boston Boston, MA 4:00 PM
Monday Sept. 21 Detroit Madison Square Garden 7:00 PM
Thursday Sept. 24 Washington Madison Square Garden 7:00 PM
Sunday Sept. 27 Washington Washington, D.C. 12:00 PM

All Times Are Eastern Standard Time.

 "Mark Your Calendars: The Art and Science of Scheduling"

In a world filled with appointments, deadlines, and events, calendars serve as our trusty companions, helping us navigate the complexities of life. They keep us organized, ensure we meet our commitments, and even offer a sense of anticipation as we look forward to upcoming events. This article delves into the art and science of scheduling, exploring the history of calendars, the psychology of planning, and offering practical tips for effective time management. We also address frequently asked questions (FAQs) to provide a comprehensive guide to mastering the calendar.

Section 1: The Evolution of Calendars

1. Ancient Origins

The history of calendars dates back to ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and the Babylonians, who devised rudimentary systems to track time, often based on lunar or solar cycles.

2. The Gregorian Calendar

The calendar most commonly used today, the Gregorian calendar, was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. It refined the previous Julian calendar and is now the standard worldwide.

3. Cultural Variations

Different cultures and religions have their own calendar systems, such as the Islamic lunar calendar and the Chinese lunisolar calendar. These calendars reflect the cultural significance of time in various societies.

Section 2: The Psychology of Planning

1. The Benefits of Planning

Psychologists have long recognized the positive impact of planning on mental well-being. Having a structured schedule can reduce stress, increase productivity, and provide a sense of control over one's life.

2. Delayed Gratification

Planning often involves delaying immediate gratification for future rewards. Understanding this psychological concept can help individuals make better long-term decisions.

Section 3: Practical Tips for Effective Scheduling

1. Set Clear Goals

Before filling in your calendar, establish clear goals and priorities. Knowing what you want to achieve will guide your scheduling decisions.

2. Time Blocking

Time blocking involves dedicating specific blocks of time to different tasks or activities. This technique helps ensure you allocate sufficient time for essential responsibilities.

3. Prioritize and Delegate

Learn to prioritize tasks and delegate when possible. Not everything on your to-do list requires your personal attention, and delegating can free up valuable time.

4. Embrace Technology

Calendar apps and digital scheduling tools offer advanced features like reminders, synchronization, and accessibility across devices, making them valuable allies in time management.

Section 4: FAQs About Scheduling

1. How can I balance work, personal life, and hobbies effectively on my calendar?

Balancing various aspects of life requires careful prioritization and setting boundaries. Allocate time for each category, and be flexible enough to adapt when necessary.

2. What's the best way to deal with unexpected disruptions to my schedule?

Anticipate that disruptions will happen, and build flexibility into your schedule. Consider buffer time between appointments to accommodate unforeseen events.

3. Can overplanning be detrimental to my mental health?

Yes, overplanning can lead to stress and burnout. It's crucial to strike a balance between structure and spontaneity in your schedule.

Section 5: The Joy of Anticipation

1. Looking Forward to Events

One of the most delightful aspects of scheduling is the sense of anticipation it provides. Marking special occasions, vacations, or even simple gatherings on the calendar adds an element of excitement to our lives.

2. Celebrating Milestones

Calendars help us celebrate milestones and achievements. Birthdays, anniversaries, and personal accomplishments take on special significance when we mark them in our schedules.

Calendars are more than just tools for tracking time; they are windows into our lives, reflecting our goals, priorities, and aspirations. From their ancient origins to their modern digital forms, calendars have evolved alongside human civilization. Their psychological impact on our well-being is profound, offering structure, reducing stress, and facilitating personal growth. Whether you prefer the tactile satisfaction of a physical planner or the convenience of a digital calendar app, mastering the art and science of scheduling is a valuable skill that can enhance both your personal and professional life. So, mark your calendars, set your goals, and embrace the joy of anticipation as you navigate the intricate dance of time.


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