Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Eavesdropped on the Glen Sather media conference call, can't type quick enough so these were a few bites as best as I could get 'em on the fly - I am not a typist and refuse to listen to this a second time. Judge them as you may:

"Gaborik is the guy we had targeted from the beginning."

"We are happy to get him and we didn't have to give anyone from our roster to get him. Money is the same, term is the same [as Heatley]."

"We had our scout deliver a video to his home in slovakia, he has seen him, he has talked to him ... he is very healthy, Mario Lemieux had the same surgery and look at him."

"We weren't in on the Hossa deal ... at all."

"I think in the next CBA there is a pretty firm chance that they are going to put a limit on these kinds of things (long term deals)."

"He's certainly in the top 10, I mean, you know, that's a difficult question to answer because every guy has a different evaluation system ... he can skate he can do a lot of great things he is a great player and he is young. i certainly think he is in the top 10 in this league."

"Gaborik played under that system (Minnesota's) and he got almost a point per game ... it will be interesting to see how he does in the Tortorella system. as torts has described we will have a very up-tempo game and this guy fits it to a T."

"I don't think anyone is going to come after our guys (the RFA's) at this stage ... at this stage we can still protect everyone."

"We've had conversations with our doctors with the people who did the surgery on him and his agent ... Rozsival had that surgery last year, he came back and played 17 games and hasn't had a problem since"

"We think that Brashear gives you a couple of other things. He is quicker (then Colton Orr), he can get under the puck a little faster and under the style of game we are going to play we think he will be more effective for us."

(Even after what happened in the playoffs last year) "I think our players would be excited to have him (Brashear) in our room."

"I like to think we will get a little more offense from everyone in our lineup."

"I know we are a lot better team with Gaborik and Higgins then we were at this time last year."

"We still have some balls in the air so we will have to see what happens tomorrow. at this stage I don't think anyone knows what's going to happen."

"I think that Dubinsky is capable of being a number one center but if the deal presents itself - through free agency or through a trade, I've had some conversations - if there is the right player we are going to do it."

 "Sather-isms: Insights from the Mind of a Hockey Legend"

In the world of hockey, few names carry as much weight and respect as Glen Sather. Throughout his illustrious career as a player, coach, and executive, Sather has left an indelible mark on the sport. But beyond his on-ice and front-office accomplishments, Sather is known for his unique brand of wisdom and humor, often referred to as "Sather-isms." In this article, we will delve into some of the most memorable Sather-isms, offering insights into the man behind the quotes and answering frequently asked questions (FAQs) about his impact on hockey.

Section 1: The Life and Legacy of Glen Sather

1. From Player to Coach to Executive

We'll explore Glen Sather's journey through the ranks of hockey, from his playing days to his role as a legendary coach and executive.

2. The Edmonton Oilers Dynasty

Learn about Sather's role in building and coaching the Edmonton Oilers dynasty of the 1980s, a team that dominated the NHL.

Section 2: The Wit and Wisdom of Sather-isms

1. "I have more Stanley Cup rings than I have fingers."

Delve into this classic Sather-ism and its underlying message of humility and gratitude.

2. "The only way you can fail in hockey is if you don't work hard enough."

Uncover the importance of hard work and dedication as emphasized by Sather.

3. "I love those guys like they're my own kids."

Explore the deep bond between Sather and his players, highlighting his role as both a coach and a mentor.

Section 3: Leadership Lessons from Sather

1. Empowering Players

Learn how Sather empowered his players to take ownership of their success and make decisions on and off the ice.

2. Building a Winning Culture

Discover Sather's approach to fostering a winning culture within a team, emphasizing camaraderie and trust.

Section 4: The Impact of Sather's Philosophy

1. Sather's Influence on Modern Coaching

Explore how Sather's coaching philosophy has influenced generations of hockey coaches and leaders.

2. His Lasting Legacy

Learn about the enduring impact of Glen Sather's contributions to the sport of hockey and his influence on the Edmonton Oilers franchise.

Section 5: FAQ About Glen Sather and His Sather-isms

1. What makes Glen Sather's coaching style unique?

We'll delve into the distinctive aspects of Sather's coaching style, including his ability to connect with players.

2. How did Sather balance toughness and empathy as a coach?

Explore how Sather's leadership style combined toughness on the ice with genuine care for his players' well-being.

3. What can aspiring coaches and leaders learn from Glen Sather?

Discover valuable lessons from Sather's career that can be applied in various leadership roles.

Glen Sather's contributions to the world of hockey extend far beyond his numerous Stanley Cup victories. His wisdom, wit, and unique coaching style have left an indelible mark on the sport and continue to inspire coaches, players, and hockey enthusiasts around the world. As we explore the world of Sather-isms and the insights they provide, we gain a deeper appreciation for the man behind the quotes and the enduring legacy he has created. Through his leadership and philosophy, Glen Sather has not only achieved greatness but has also shared the secrets of success with future generations of hockey aficionados.

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