Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ranger FanFest 2009

The Rangers held a FanFest today for season ticket subscribers who paid via Amex. Originally scheduled for last weekend, the postponed event avoided ill weather and took place under shimmering Ranger-blue skies. I don't have the cable for my camera so pictures will have to wait until Monday.

Unfortunately, the postponement resulted in some changed plans and the event - at least my experience of it - suffered. The FanFest was supposed two shifts, 10-1 and 2-5, so I made arrangements to go to the 10-1 before beating a path back home so I could get to work on time. Because of previously scheduled events, fans were not allowed into the practice facility itself until after three. Considering the high sun, warm temperatures and the fact that there is a coolness factor to skating on the same ice as the stars, not getting inside at all was a major bummer.

And that wasn't the worse part. Press releases originally describing the event listed current Rangers - Ryan Callahan, Aaron Voros, Dan Girardi and coach John Tortorella - in addition to Ranger alumni. Because the event was rescheduled - and the press releases never revised - I arrived to find one "current" Ranger, Tyler Arnason. Arnason sat inside a tent and played video games against some kids before signing some autographs. If anyone else showed up after I left, for those that were there, please chime in in the comments.

As for alumni, it was the usual cast of characters, Ron Duguay, Nick Fotiu and Adam Graves. In addition to signing autographs, they each took part in some of the fun (I saw Duguay playing ball hockey with some kids) and each had a fan forum with Sam Rosen.

Graves, in his usual smooth ambassador demeanor, helped raise the hopes for the coming season. He raved about the youth - saying Gilroy and MDZ are the favourites for the third defense pairing - and he said that the power play will be better. His best line was about my buddy Brashear: "He's a guy who you don't know what he's going to do ... respectfully."

I skipped Duguay's forum but caught most of Nicky's and he gave some interesting insight to the Rangers Stanley Cup loss in 1979, saying that the Blueshirts were intimidated by the Canadiens and "no one answered the bell." (He was not dressed for any of those games.)

The biggest revelation of the FanFest was the debut of Blueshirts United, something they are calling "The Official Fan Community of the New York Rangers." So official that it costs a minimum of $50 to join. Few details were released and the website officially launches September 12th. My guess is that it is like the 'membership' I had to buy so I could purchase tickets to Arsenal. My membership to the Gunners got me a book and a dvd and the opportunity to buy tickets to home and away matches. An extra fee, just to buy tickets? How did it take Dolan this long to think of it? I'll keep an eye on this BU bs as it comes to fruition ...

While my experience at the FanFest was ... lacking ... plenty of people were there and they had a good time, especially if they had young children with them. There was plenty for the tikes to do, from street and box hockey to arts and crafts to video games. For a shamelessly corporate event (brought to you by Coke Zero!), there was still fun to be had and perhaps next year some players can actually show up.

 "Ranger FanFest 2009: A Celebration of Hockey Fandom"

Sports fandom transcends geographical boundaries and brings people together in a shared passion for their favorite teams. In the world of hockey, the New York Rangers have one of the most dedicated and passionate fan bases. Ranger FanFest 2009 was an event that celebrated this fervent community, offering fans a unique opportunity to connect with their beloved team, meet players, and immerse themselves in all things hockey. In this article, we will delve into the vibrant atmosphere of Ranger FanFest 2009, explore the experiences of fans who attended, and address frequently asked questions (FAQs) to relive the excitement of this memorable event.

Section 1: The Magic of Ranger FanFest

1. A Gathering of Blue and Red

Ranger FanFest 2009 was a grand celebration that brought together Rangers fans from all walks of life. The event was held at a central location, easily accessible to fans eager to participate.

2. Meet the Heroes

One of the highlights of FanFest was the opportunity for fans to meet and interact with their hockey heroes. Rangers players past and present, along with coaches and alumni, were on hand to sign autographs and take photos with fans.

3. Hockey Heaven

The event featured a mini hockey rink where fans of all ages could lace up their skates and take to the ice. This interactive element allowed fans to experience the thrill of playing hockey themselves.

Section 2: Fan Experiences and Memories

1. Autograph Sessions

For many fans, the chance to meet their favorite Rangers players in person was a dream come true. Autograph sessions provided an intimate opportunity to connect with the athletes who graced Madison Square Garden.

2. Storytelling and Q&A Panels

Hockey enthusiasts had the chance to hear firsthand accounts and stories from Rangers legends during Q&A panels. These sessions offered insights into the game, team dynamics, and memorable moments from Rangers history.

3. Interactive Games and Contests

Ranger FanFest 2009 featured various interactive games and contests, where fans could test their skills, win prizes, and bond over their love for the sport.

Section 3: The Impact of FanFest

1. Strengthening the Fan-Team Bond

Ranger FanFest 2009 deepened the connection between the team and its fans. The event served as a reminder of the mutual appreciation and admiration that exists between athletes and their supporters.

2. Building Community

The event fostered a sense of community among Rangers fans. It provided a platform for fans to meet one another, share stories, and celebrate their shared passion for the team.

3. Inspiring Future Generations

FanFest inspired young hockey enthusiasts by allowing them to engage with their hockey idols. Meeting real-life Rangers players served as motivation for the next generation of athletes.

FAQs: Ranger FanFest 2009

Let's address some frequently asked questions about Ranger FanFest 2009:

1. Is Ranger FanFest an annual event?

Ranger FanFest is not an annual event but has been organized periodically by the New York Rangers to celebrate their fans and connect with the community.

2. Are there similar fan events in the NHL?

Yes, many NHL teams host fan festivals or similar events to engage with their fan base, showcase their team, and create memorable experiences for supporters.

3. How can I stay updated about future Ranger FanFest events?

To stay updated about future Ranger FanFest events, fans can check the official New York Rangers website, follow the team's social media accounts, or subscribe to newsletters and announcements.

Ranger FanFest 2009 was a testament to the unbreakable bond between the New York Rangers and their devoted fan base. It provided a platform for fans to come together, celebrate their love for the sport, and connect with their hockey heroes. The event's impact extended beyond the rink, strengthening the sense of community among fans and inspiring future generations of hockey enthusiasts. As fans continue to cheer for the Rangers, they can look back on FanFest 2009 as a cherished memory—a day when the blue and red united to celebrate their shared passion for hockey.

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