Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What A Day, What A Day ...

After taking a glance at the schedule at noon, I ran out for lunch with an old friend and some errands. Who knew I would miss a bustling afternoon of hockey action ... on June 22nd?!?

Instead of multiple posts, it would probably be best to wrap it all up in a one-stop shop so here we go:

Florida's Nathan Horton was traded with Greg Campbell to Boston for Dennis Wideman, the 15th overall pick this year and a third rounder next year.
Boston got better while Florida jumpstarted their new look/rebuilding process. Wideman was jeered throughout much of the season in Boston for not living up to the standard he set in 2009 but still is a capable defenseman. Horton, who just looks like a Bruin, will bring his scoring tough to Beantown and could make for the perfect center to go with Milan Lucic. Considering Horton only had three goals in his last 10 games against the Rangers, Boston adding him isn't a huge concern. It is quite likely the asking price was too high for Sather's taste and, frankly, I don't think he is fast enough for Torts.

Scott Niedermayer retired.
As much as it hurts to say this about the former Devil, Niedermayer was one of the best defensemen of this generation and should be included in any discussion of the top-15, maybe top-10 all time. Ray Bourque was just as great of a passer, just as great of a defender - but he wasn't a winner like Niedermayer. When it is his turn to be eligible for the Hall, there could be no dissension. (Unlike this year ...)

Hockey Hall of Fame voters selected Dino Ciccarelli, women's players Cammi Granato and Angela James, Detroit Red Wings executive Jimmy Devellano and the late Daryl Seaman.
This is a disgrace. The lone NHL player to get entry to the Hall is not best remembered for his play on the ice but for getting mad that he was a sportsman and shook Claude Lemieux's hand. Sure he was a above-average power forward for a long amount of time but the Hall should be for star players who left an impact on games and Dino wasn't and he didn't. The women getting in is silly, considering they play at a high school boys level but hey, the people want equality so I guess they should get in. Fine. My issue is that it is easier for the old boys club to select women than it is for them to select Russians - that is just shameful. That they didn't put Pat Burns in is worse. Seaman got in because another Calgary owner, Harley Hotchkiss, happens to be the Director of the Hall ... how about that? Then again, they are putting Seaman in posthumously, I guess they are waiting to put Burns in the same way. As for Jimmy D, let's face it, the entire Red Wing front office deserves to be honoured after turning that franchise from '80s also-rans to the archetype for the league.

Tomas Plekanec re-signed with Montreal.
Plekanec helped the Canadiens and my fantasy teams tremendously this season. You know why he was on some of my teams? Because I knew he was in a contract season. You would think that the Habs would realize that too, but they still foolheartedly gave him a six-year, $30 million deal for a season of inspired play. What the over/under is until Canadien fans get pissed at him and beg for him to be traded? This coming New Years?

Brooksie said that the Rangers will not extend a qualifying offer to Enver Lisin.
It really was of no surprise that the Russian speedster would return. As I said in the Facts of Life, Enver rarely had a consistent role and that can cause havoc on experienced players, much less a kid with less than two seasons of NHL experience.

Pat Quinn washed his hands of the Edmonton mess and handed it to Tom Renney.
That Quinn was able to make it through all of last season with his grace and reputation intact is a tribute to the man. Now it will be Renney's turn. As a friend pointed out and I've written here many times in the past, Tom doesn't necessarily coach to win but not to lose. For a young team trying to get their skates under them, that will be enough to buy them some time until they are ready to break out and contend.

San Jose told Evgeni Nabokov 'thanks for your service but don't let the door hit you on the way out.'
A great regular season goaltender who couldn't win the crunch-time games, Nabby will find work and a payday elsewhere, that is for sure. Atlanta seems perfect for him as he wouldn't have to worry about crumbling in the playoffs with them but I could see Stevie Y adding him, hoping for Khabibulin 2.

Pittsburgh re-signed Matt Cooke.
Greeaaaaaaat. Three more seasons in the Atlantic Division for the head-hunting pain-in-the-ass. Just great.

 "What a Day, What a Day..." – Celebrating Life's Extraordinary Moments

Life is a journey filled with a series of moments, both ordinary and extraordinary, that shape our experiences and memories. While we often cherish milestone events like birthdays, weddings, and graduations, there's also immense beauty in celebrating the small, unexpected joys that sprinkle our daily lives. In this article, we'll explore the significance of embracing and commemorating these extraordinary moments and offer tips on how to make the most of life's ordinary days.

Recognizing the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

The Beauty of Small Wins: Life's extraordinary moments often hide in plain sight, like completing a task you've been procrastinating, mastering a new recipe, or finally hitting a personal fitness goal. These small wins deserve recognition and celebration.

Spontaneous Acts of Kindness: Acts of kindness, whether receiving or giving them, can brighten any day. A friendly gesture from a stranger, helping a neighbor in need, or simply smiling at someone can create beautiful, unexpected moments.

Nature's Wonders: Pause to appreciate nature's beauty. The colors of a sunset, the tranquility of a forest, or the sight of a blooming flower can all be sources of extraordinary moments.

Shared Laughter: Laughter is a universal language that brings people together. A hearty laugh with friends, a hilarious joke, or a funny movie can turn an ordinary day into something truly extraordinary.

Why Celebrate Everyday Moments?

Mindfulness and Gratitude: Celebrating everyday moments encourages mindfulness and gratitude. It prompts us to pause, reflect on the present, and appreciate life's simple pleasures.

Boosting Happiness: Recognizing and celebrating small achievements can boost our mood and overall happiness. It reinforces a positive mindset and encourages a sense of accomplishment.

Strengthening Relationships: Sharing everyday joys with loved ones deepens our connections. Celebrating together fosters bonds and creates shared memories.

Counterbalancing Challenges: Life is a mix of ups and downs. Celebrating everyday moments provides a counterbalance to the challenges we face, helping us maintain perspective and resilience.

Practical Tips for Celebrating Everyday Moments

Keep a Gratitude Journal: Dedicate a journal to jotting down everyday moments that make you smile. Reviewing it regularly can be a source of inspiration and positivity.

Practice Random Acts of Kindness: Make it a habit to perform random acts of kindness, whether it's paying for someone's coffee, leaving a kind note, or volunteering your time.

Create Traditions: Establishing traditions around everyday celebrations can make them even more meaningful. It could be a weekly family movie night, a monthly cooking challenge, or a daily moment of reflection.

Capture Memories: Take photos or make short videos of everyday moments. These visual reminders can evoke feelings of nostalgia and happiness when revisited later.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can ordinary moments really have a lasting impact on our lives?

Absolutely. Ordinary moments, when celebrated and cherished, can become cherished memories that shape our perspectives and bring lasting joy.

2. How do I find extraordinary moments in a routine or mundane day?

Start by paying attention to the small details of your day. Focus on the sensations, interactions, and experiences that bring you joy, no matter how trivial they may seem.

3. What if my life is filled with challenges and stress?

Celebrating everyday moments can serve as a source of solace and resilience during difficult times. It's a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is beauty and joy to be found.

4. Are there cultural or regional differences in how people celebrate everyday moments?

Yes, cultural and regional differences can influence how people celebrate everyday moments. However, the universal theme is the recognition of joy in everyday life.

*5. Can I share my everyday celebrations with others on social media?

Certainly! Sharing your moments of joy on social media can inspire others to find joy in their daily lives and create a sense of community around celebrating the ordinary.

Life is a tapestry woven with threads of extraordinary and ordinary moments. While we often mark special occasions with grand celebrations, it's equally important to embrace the beauty of everyday life. Recognizing and celebrating small joys, acts of kindness, and the wonders of nature can enrich our lives and bring us closer to a state of contentment and gratitude.

So, the next time you find yourself thinking, "What a day, what a day," take a moment to pause and appreciate the extraordinary moments that make life's journey so wonderfully unpredictable and full of surprises.

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