Friday, February 17, 2012

37-14-5: Perspective Is Everything

Perspective is an interesting thing. One of the definitions of perspective is "subjective evaluation of relative significance; a point of view." That's what we do here, this is a blog - my subjective evaluation of the New York Rangers. Thursday night's 4-2 loss to the Blackhawks can be seen in a positive light, 'took one on the chin, but it was bound to happen. Can't win them all.'

As you know, I don't do positive well.

Thursday's loss was a disgraceful performance by the Rangers. It was not just five or 10 bad minutes, it was a demonstration of several of the major failures of this franchise. This team regularly stumbles out of the gates and - on this night, facing a top team without the King to save them - that early awfulness cost them. Hope the hangovers were worth it.

Hey, here is something positive from me: this game proved Henrik Lundqvist deserves to be in the Hart Trophy conversation. Hank is Hart-worthy because his team is not even close to capable without him. His backup had yet another pathetic performance (what's that, five in a row by the former Islander?) and the rest of the Rangers were given opportunity after opportunity to get back into the game and showed that they were grossly incapable of talking advantage of them.

To try to spin it as 'at least the Rangers showed up later rather than never' is ridiculous as the Blackhawks clearly sat back on their lead and stopped pressing their advantage. They took stupid penalties and they opened the door for the Rangers but the Blueshirts couldn't mount a coherent counterattack, even against a goalie as bad as Corey Crawford.

More rants, Late Hits:

*The Rangers put the two points at risk when they decided to start Biron against the Hawks. If the Rangers win, great. If they lose, well, it is a top opponent from the other conference. Better to start Hank on Sunday against the league-worst Blue Jackets to guarantee the two points from the cellar dwellers. The decision is one many teams use, but not a good one in this case. Given how horribly Biron has been his last few starts, success against Columbus would renew his confidence. Instead he looks the fool for getting beaten not once, not twice but three times one-on-one in a 10 minute span.

*On Tuesday I tweeted "If the Rangers get a power play goal against Boston, I promise not to mock the unit on Thursday ..." And I managed not to, I simply repeated again and again that I promised so I wasn't going to say anything. Well, it is technically Friday morning now so gloves are off. The power play looked every bit as bad as it was before the previous three games. It was putrid, predictable and pathetic. The personnel showed no chemistry with each other and no one bothered to bother Crawford in the least.

*Blackhawk fans are quick to call John Scott the worst player in the NHL but Mike Rupp certainly gave him a run for his money. Sure he had his Winter Classic heroics, but aside from that one moment in Philadelphia he has contributed nothing to the team. Stu Bickel has been more valuable as a fourth line winger and the guy never played forward before the other day. Rupp doesn't fight to defend his teammates, he not intimidating in the least, he can hardly skate, he blows easy opportunities - he had me wishing Wojtek Wolski was playing. Seriously, how low can he go?

*Rupp did come away with a secondary assist on Marc Staal's first goal of the season. A good deflection got Staal the goal, and hopefully it is a sign of things to come for the defenseman. Utterly meaningless for Rupp though.

*Del Zaster swimming along the ice after turning the puck over in the third period provided some well needed comic relief during this disgrace of a game.

*When skating four on four the Blackhawks put Patrick Sharp and Patrick Kane out as their forwards. The Rangers countered with Brandon Dubinsky and Artem Anisimov. Yeah.

*When you are facing a former Stanley Cup winner like Chicago, you need your best players to be at their best and Marian Gaborik was a complete non-factor while Brad Richard$ was impotent and poor Derek Stepan actually looked utterly outmatched.

*John Mitchell's hard work is appreciated. Mitch won a battle, stickhanded past a defender and got open alone just five feet of the net ... only to try to pass the puck back to the point. Sorry bud, but that's just not the right play to make. With Columbus in town on Sunday, perhaps Sammy Pahlsson can be persuaded to switch locker rooms. (More on him in this space Saturday.)

*Brian Boyle was bounced off the puck all night long, losing battles to guys a foot shorter than him. All would have been forgiven if he had scored on that one sexy play - when he cut around a defender while spreading his legs to shield the puck - but after making the great move he just jammed the puck into Crawford's waiting pads. The goaltender didn't even have to move.

*That happened many times- the Blackhawk logo is a beautiful thing but someone should have told the Rangers not to aim for the damned thing. Crawford allowed five goals each of his previous two starts and he didn't even face five decent shots all game tonight.

*Too many Blackhawk sweaters in the building and, if reports are true, their bandwagon fans sang Chelsea Dagger outside of the building with no retribution. There officially is nothing intimidating about playing in New York anymore.

*PHW Three Stars
3-Patrick Sharp - one goal.
2-Marian Hossa - one goal and one assist.
1-Jonathan Toews - one goal and one assist.

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Toews - Captain Serious is seriously one of the top players in the NHL on both sides of the ice. A delight to watch.
2-Marty Biron - Another goaltender might have made it hard for Chicago to score three breakaway goals.
1-Joel Quenneville - The Chicago coach had his team - losers of nine in a row - ready to play at puck drop, something his counterpart has proven incapable of doing night after night.

Title: 37-14-5: Perspective Is Everything


In the world of sports, numbers often tell a compelling story. One such set of numbers, 37-14-5, has garnered attention and sparked discussions in various sports communities. These figures, when put into perspective, can provide insights into the dynamic nature of sports and the importance of context. This article will delve into the meaning behind 37-14-5, explore its significance, and answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) to shed light on the broader implications of this statistic.

Understanding 37-14-5

At first glance, 37-14-5 may seem like a cryptic code, but it represents a set of numbers with significant meaning within the context of professional sports. To decode this sequence:

37 signifies the total number of games played by a sports team or athlete in a given season.
14 represents the number of victories or wins achieved within those 37 games.
5 represents the number of draws or ties that occurred during the same period.
In essence, 37-14-5 encapsulates a team or athlete's performance record, showcasing their win-loss-draw ratio over the course of a season or a defined timeframe.

The Significance of 37-14-5

The significance of 37-14-5 lies in its ability to encapsulate a sports team's or athlete's journey within a succinct set of numbers. Here are some key takeaways from this statistic:

Performance Evaluation: 37-14-5 provides a snapshot of a team's or athlete's performance. It allows fans, analysts, and stakeholders to quickly assess how well the team or athlete has fared during the specified period.

Context Matters: While the numbers themselves are informative, context is crucial in interpreting the significance of 37-14-5. It raises questions like: Were the wins against tough opponents? Were the draws a result of closely contested matches? Was there improvement compared to previous seasons?

Motivation for Improvement: A team or athlete can use 37-14-5 as motivation for improvement. Wins can boost confidence, draws may indicate areas for growth, and losses can serve as valuable learning experiences.

Fan Engagement: Fans often engage in discussions and debates based on these statistics. 37-14-5 provides a common reference point for fans to analyze and share their perspectives on a team's performance.

Historical Reference: 37-14-5 becomes part of the historical record, offering insights into a team's performance in a specific season. It allows for comparisons with past and future seasons.

Putting It into Perspective: FAQs

Is a 37-14-5 record considered good in sports?

Whether a 37-14-5 record is considered good depends on the specific sport, league, and the team's or athlete's expectations. In some contexts, it may be exceptional, while in others, it might be average or below par.

What does the number of draws (5) indicate?

The number of draws (5) indicates that the team or athlete had games that ended without a clear winner or loser. Draws can suggest that the team or athlete faced tough opponents or that there was a level of competitiveness in their matches.

How does 37-14-5 compare to previous seasons?

To assess whether 37-14-5 is an improvement or a decline compared to previous seasons, one would need to look at historical records. If the current season's record is better than past seasons, it could be seen as an improvement.

What factors contribute to a team's or athlete's win-loss-draw record?

Several factors can influence a team's or athlete's record, including the level of competition, injuries, team dynamics, coaching, strategy, and external factors such as weather conditions.

Can a 37-14-5 record lead to championship contention?

A 37-14-5 record can certainly position a team or athlete well for championship contention, but success in playoffs or championships often depends on various other factors, such as knockout rounds, opponent strength, and performance in high-pressure situations.

Is 37-14-5 considered a balanced record?

A record of 37-14-5 could be seen as balanced if the draws indicate that the team or athlete is competitive and capable of both winning and avoiding significant losses. Balance in a record can be subjective and dependent on the sport's context.

In the world of sports, 37-14-5 represents more than just a set of numbers; it encapsulates a team's or athlete's journey, triumphs, challenges, and moments of competition. These statistics serve as a reference point for fans, analysts, and stakeholders, sparking conversations and debates about performance and potential. However, it is crucial to remember that context is key when interpreting these numbers, and they are just one part of the larger story in the dynamic world of sports.

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