Saturday, March 31, 2012

Johnny Gaudreau Interview

For the second time, I was extremely fortunate to talk with Eagle forward Johnny Gaudreau on Wednesday. Johnny is obviously a great hockey player and from what I can tell, is a great kid off the ice. My thanks to Johnny for taking his time to talk with me.

Johnny Gaudreau Interview 

Question One- What did you guys do well this weekend versus Air Force and Duluth ? 

Johnny- Well ya, you know we did a good job of keeping things simple and not trying to do to much. Getting pucks in their own and not turning it over in our zone. 

Question Two- What has changed Since Maine ? 

Johnny- You know after Maine, we had a huge team meeting and we did a good job of figuring out what we needed to do to improve and obviously we have done that over the past couple of months. We found a lot of problems, especially turnovers and we got that out of our system and since then we have been great.

Question Three- What makes your line so special 

Johnny- Well you know Paul is just a big guy and he is great with the puck and he is good in his own zone. Patty has a great vision so its a good match. Unfourtunaltley, we didn’t get paired together at the start of the year but we have been playing really well. 

Question Four- How you liking BC so far ?

Johnny- O I love it here you know it was a great choice, thankfully I got a chance to come here instead of Northeastern. I love Coach York and the guys we have around this program. 

Question Five- What do you guys need to do to win a championship ? 

Answer- Well like I said, the turnovers are big, we gotta come at them with all four lines. Our fourth line has been great you know it’s amazing what they have accomplished so far this season so hopefully we can come away with a victory. 

Question Six- What do you do off the ice ? (Are you a Golfer) 

Answer- Ya I love golf and I love playing NHL with Mike Sit and Danny Linell but yea hanging around the guys and the whole team is really fun. 

Johnny Gaudreau Interview

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