Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pat Mullane Interview

Today I was fortunate enough to sit down with Eagle forwards Pat Mullane and Johnny Gaudreau. I would first of all like to thank both guys for taking the time to talk with me after a long, hard practice. I mainly asked about how it feels to be in the “Frozen Four” and how the team has been able to turn the ship around after being swept by the Maine Black Bears in late January. Both guys were very forthcoming with me and for that I thank them and hope to talk with them again soon. Here it is 

Pat Mullane Interview 

Question One- How does it feel to be back in the Frozen Four after losing to Colorado College last season ? 

Pat- Obviously, it feels great to be back as a team. You know, freshman year, I didn’t have as big of a role as I do this year (obviously). My first year we kind of walked through everyone and everyone was like “wow”. Last season you know we found out that you know, this is hard to do. We said this year we’re going to show up and we’re going to play hard. We know how hard it is to get back and that flight down to Tampa will be fun. 

Question Two- How have Paul, Johnny, and yourself developed into such a powerful line ?

Pat- You know, I think it’s just a lot of different dynamics. We get along together and we all play an honest brand of hockey. We all play a brand that is inside our comfort level. Paul Carey does what he does well. He uses his speed and size really well and Johnny you know, he is really skilled and we want to get him the puck down the stretch. With myself, I am focused on improving my play in the defensive zone, especially on the defensive zone faceoffs. 

Question Three- What is the biggest thing that has changed since being swept up in Orono ? 

Pat- I think everyone has kind of bought in so to say. Everyone has bought into Boston College hockey you know, buying into what the team wants to accomplish, not you own personal goals. We need to put the team first and the goal of winning as a team first and foremost. So, if you watch, guys are getting pucks in deep and and not turning the puck over as often. For myself, you now I would turn it over and I would say “No big deal” no when I do that, I am more bought in and when I don’t have a play, I am getting it in deep. 

Question Four- What do you guys know about the Gophers ?

Pat- Well you know, I was getting bored in class today and looked at their stats and said  you know wow they have some great players that can put the puck in the net like Haula, Rau, and Bjugstad that can really put the puck in the net but if you look at our team, we also have some guys that can really put the puck in the net so it should be a great matchup. I also know their goaltender (Patterson) is playing extremely well right now so it will be a fun matchup for us. 

 An Exclusive Interview with Pat Mullane: Hockey, Leadership, and Beyond

In the world of ice hockey, few names resonate with as much admiration and respect as Pat Mullane's. A former Boston College star and captain, Pat Mullane's journey has been marked by his unwavering commitment to the sport and his role as a leader both on and off the ice. In this exclusive interview, we sit down with Pat Mullane to delve into his hockey career, leadership experiences, and his outlook on life beyond the rink.

Section 1: The Early Years

Humble Beginnings: Pat Mullane reflects on his early days in hockey, his introduction to the sport, and the influences that shaped his love for the game.

Youth Development: How Pat's youth hockey experiences laid the foundation for his future success.

Section 2: College Hockey and Leadership

An exploration of Pat Mullane's college hockey days at Boston College:

Choosing Boston College: Why Pat chose BC, and the impact it had on his hockey career and personal growth.

Leadership at BC: Reflecting on his role as captain of the Boston College Eagles and the responsibilities that came with it.

Section 3: Transition to Professional Hockey

A look at Pat Mullane's transition from college hockey to the professional ranks:

Pro Hockey Journey: Pat's experiences in the AHL and ECHL, and the challenges he faced as he pursued his dream of playing in the NHL.

Life Lessons: What he learned from his time in the minor leagues, both on and off the ice.

Section 4: Beyond Hockey

Pat Mullane's insights into life beyond the rink:

Post-Hockey Career: Pat's transition to a career outside of professional hockey and how his experiences in the sport prepared him for it.

Giving Back: His involvement in charitable initiatives and the importance of using his platform to make a positive impact.

Section 5: Leadership and Mentorship

Leadership Philosophy: Pat's thoughts on leadership and the qualities that make a great captain.

Mentoring Young Players: How he continues to support and mentor young athletes pursuing their hockey dreams.

Section 6: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Pat Mullane Interview

Answering common questions and discussions related to Pat Mullane's journey and insights:

What advice does Pat have for young hockey players aspiring to reach the collegiate or professional level?
Pat's tips for aspiring athletes and the importance of resilience and perseverance.

How does Pat stay connected to the game of hockey and the Boston College community today?
Pat's continued involvement with the sport and his alma mater.

What are Pat's future aspirations and goals, both professionally and personally?
Pat's outlook on the future and the impact he hopes to make in various facets of life.

Section 7: Looking Ahead

In conclusion, this interview with Pat Mullane offers a unique perspective on the life of a dedicated and influential figure in the world of hockey. His experiences, both on and off the ice, serve as an inspiration to aspiring athletes and leaders, highlighting the importance of commitment, teamwork, and giving back to the community. Pat's story reminds us that the lessons learned through the sport of hockey extend far beyond the confines of the rink, shaping individuals into resilient and compassionate leaders in all aspects of life.

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