Monday, September 29, 2008

Scotty's Swiss Diary Part 2

7:30 am, Tuesday, September 30th
My body is so twisted turned and upside down that I haven't been able to sleep much - thus I am awake at this hour. Actually, I've been up for four hours watching MTV Europe, CNN and German sports. There was a Swiss Sportscenter-ish show on another channel and it seemed to have a nice preview to today's Rangers v. Bern game and an additional feature piece on Christian Dube but both were in German, so I really have no idea. The Rangers homepage also has an article up on him here.

Speaking of Christians, I sign on today and Backman had a goal and an assist for Columbus last night??? What is going on? Toots had a goal and two assists as well in the 7-1 blowout of the Hawks so congratulations to him. Backman ... *shakes head*

I also just read that the Islanders claimed Thomas Pock. It is a damn shame because I always thought Pock was a solid player and he gave the Rangers the option to move him to offense if pressed - like Jason Studwick last season. It is good for him and good for the Islanders but, of course, I loathe them so I hope they both rot. He will join Mitch Fritz on the fishermen, who I still can't believe jumped ship after collecting a Hartford paycheck last season while being injured.

More later!

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