Saturday, September 20, 2008

Preseason: Penalty Party In Ottawa

Yay!!!!! Hockey's back! As you can guess, I am giddy to see the boys back on the ice. And let that serve as a warning that this game wrap runs a bit long as I took notes while I was watching this parade to the penalty box in Ottawa. The good news is that the Rangers' pk was solid, even if the team went on to lose 3-2.

But before I get to the game, I want to wish John Dellapina the best of luck. Dellapina is leaving the Daily News to join Bettman's staff at the league as the Director of Media Relations. His writing has always been exceptional and I, for one, will miss reading his work. Now onto my work:

*For all of the initial joy to see the initial opening animation to the game, seeing Joe Micheletti back when they first came on camera bummed me out. If you missed the broadcast, don't worry, Joe is still the same annoying, obnoxious dolt who has no idea on how to properly do colour commentary. And they came out of the first break with technical difficulties, what a way to start a season. They also lost a minute or two of the third period but luckily didn't miss much action.

*I find it remarkable that these professional athletes get tired after a 30 second shift. The Rangers took a bad penalty, got pinned in their own zone and stood around as the Sens scored a gimme goal by Ferrari fanatic Dany Heatley to go up 1-0. It was the same laziness that hurt the Rangers during Game 3 against the Pens last season, but at least then there was some understanding because it was late in a game in April. This is the first game after training camp. I just don't get it; these guys play scrimmages for hours and stop skating after 30 seconds in a game.

*We got out first peak at Mike "Pie F-er" Del Zotto in this one and I can't say I was impressed. He panicked and threw the puck out of the zone on his first shift, and took a silly penalty his second. He settled down later on but certainly is a year or three away from the NHL.

*Michal Roszival returned from surgery and looked to be in the same defensively-lacking form he was in before going under the knife. His ridiculous giveaway at the point on the power play gave Jason Spezza a breakaway and you just can't give Spezza a breakaway. 2-0 Sens.

*As they say, it's preseason for the officials, too. This game was a throwback to the games right after the lockout where they called most EVERYTHING. Nineteen power plays. 19! Painful!

*Something to contemplate: Was this split squad doomed from the start? Perry Pearn, the author of last year's awful power play, was the head coach ...

*Chris Drury wore the captain's C, but it was just a preseason game on a split squad so we will see who has it opening night. There will be a blog here on Monday about that matter ... oh, and speaking of blogs, you should check out Puck Daddy's Ranger preview - a fun snapshot of the team.

*Drury was forced to come down low and clear out the crease early in the second period and let's face it, that isn't his forte. 3-0 Sens.

*After getting knocked around on their first shift of the first period, Cally/Dubi/Voros looked good when they got some power play time later in the period. Voros went to the net, Cally dug the puck off the boards and Dubi worked the middle. All three stood up for each other on that shift after watching the Sens pick them off one-by-one on that opening shift.

*Dubi showed off what he learned from playing with Jaromir Jagr by powering through the Ottawa zone to score the first Ranger goal, 3-1. He did it again with a pin-point wrister to make it a 3-2 game with a shorty in the third off a great play by Cally, who had that same energetic form that he flashed last season.

*Of all of the intermission interviews I've seen, Aaron Voros' might have been the sweatiest. He was dripping between the second and third and I do not envy the audio guy who has to wipe down those headsets. After spouting some cliches he finally showed some personality in admitting that he was a 'stupid' (as in huge) fan of Mark Messier when he was a kid.

*Greg Moore had a really solid game for the Blueshirts. He seemed to hustle every second he was on the ice and made a good statement, even without getting on the scoresheet.

*Miika Wiikman looked a lot better in net for the Rangers than Valley but that is not unexpected. Valley is a career backup goaltender while Wiikman is a future NHL starter. But at the same time, it wasn't like the Rangers gave Valley much support either while they settled down as the game went on and played better in front of Wiki.

*How were there no fights in this game? The closest we came was when Danny Bois bounced back from getting hit by Dane Byers and went after Colton Orr in the third. Now Bois had turned away from the Ranger and towards the boards but Micheletti cried that it was a penalty because Bois was helpless. Luckily, the refs didn't see it that way (the wrong way) and they didn't make the call. Bois raced up-ice to go after Byers, collided with Orr and the linesmen jumped right in before punches could be thrown. That's half the fun of preseason! Hopefully Monday we will see some fisticuffs.

*PHW Three Stars
3-Martin Gerber - 23 saves
2-Brandon Dubinsky - two goals
1-Dany Heatley - one goal

Scotty Hockey Three Stars
3-Jarkko Ruutu - I hate you Jarkko! And that is because you are so damn good at being such a pain in the ass. Ruutu was disruptive and physical early and it threw the Rangers off their game.
2-Heatley - He can't drive but he sure as hell can play hockey. Heatley skated a game-high 24:10 and worked hard on both sides of the ice while playing a physical game. There is a reason he is one of the top 10 talents in the NHL ...
1-Dubi - As I said earlier, I think he really showed off what he learned from Jagr: how to use his size to his advantage while keeping the skills and quickness of a smaller player.

 "Preseason Penalty Party in Ottawa: Lessons from the Exhibition Matches"

Preseason in the world of sports is a time for teams to fine-tune their skills, test their strategies, and evaluate their rosters before the regular season begins. It's a period of experimentation and preparation, where victories and defeats are less critical than the lessons learned. In this article, we'll delve into the phenomenon of preseason penalty parties in Ottawa and what they can teach us about the importance of discipline, teamwork, and preparation in sports. We'll also address frequently asked questions (FAQs) to provide a comprehensive understanding of preseason in the sports world.

The Preseason Penalty Party
An Uncommon Occurrence
Preseason games in Ottawa during one particular season became synonymous with a high number of penalties. While preseason games typically have more relaxed rules and officiating, this particular season saw an unusually high frequency of infractions, resulting in penalty-filled matches.

The Impact on Games
The prevalence of penalties had a significant impact on the flow and outcome of preseason games. Teams struggled to maintain momentum, and games often felt disjointed with frequent stoppages. Players, coaches, and fans alike were left puzzled by the trend.

Lessons from the Penalty Party
Discipline Matters
The preseason penalty party underscored the importance of discipline in sports. Teams that consistently took fewer penalties had a distinct advantage in maintaining control of the game and giving their opponents fewer opportunities to capitalize on power plays.

Special Teams Are Crucial
The prevalence of penalties emphasized the significance of special teams, particularly penalty killing and power plays. Teams with effective penalty kill units and power play strategies had a competitive edge during the preseason.

Teamwork and Communication
The preseason penalty party highlighted the need for effective teamwork and communication among players. Penalty kill units needed to work cohesively, while power play units required precision in executing strategies.

The Role of Preseason
Experimentation and Evaluation
Preseason is a time for experimentation and evaluation. Coaches try out different line combinations, defensive pairings, and tactical approaches to assess their team's strengths and weaknesses.

Roster Decisions
Preseason games play a crucial role in roster decisions. Coaches and management evaluate players' performances and determine who will make the final cut for the regular season roster.

Building Chemistry
Preseason offers an opportunity for players to build chemistry and rapport with their teammates. Effective teamwork and understanding each other's playing styles are critical components of success in the regular season.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Why are there more penalties in preseason games compared to regular season games?
Preseason games often feature more penalties due to relaxed officiating and the need for players to adjust to game speed and timing. It's also a time when referees may be more lenient to allow players to acclimate to rule changes.

2. Do preseason games have any bearing on a team's regular season performance?
While preseason games provide valuable preparation and evaluation opportunities, they are not necessarily indicative of a team's regular season performance. The focus in preseason is on experimentation and readiness rather than winning.

3. Can players be penalized for the same infractions in preseason and regular season games?
Yes, players can be penalized for the same infractions in both preseason and regular season games. The rules of the game remain consistent, although the officiating may be more lenient in preseason.

4. Are preseason games open to the public, and do fans attend them?
Yes, preseason games are typically open to the public, and fans often attend them. While the atmosphere may be more relaxed compared to regular season games, preseason matches offer fans an opportunity to see their favorite teams in action.

5. How do coaches determine their preseason strategies and objectives?
Coaches determine their preseason strategies and objectives based on their team's specific needs and areas for improvement. They may focus on developing certain aspects of their game, testing new tactics, and evaluating players' performances.

The preseason penalty party in Ottawa serves as a reminder of the complexities and nuances of the sports world. While preseason games are less about winning and more about preparation and evaluation, they can still provide valuable insights into a team's strengths and weaknesses.

Discipline, effective special teams, teamwork, and communication emerged as critical factors during the penalty-filled preseason. These lessons extend beyond the hockey rink or sports field, emphasizing the importance of preparation, adaptability, and the ability to work cohesively as a team.

As sports enthusiasts, we can appreciate the preseason for what it is—a necessary phase of experimentation and preparation that ultimately contributes to the excitement and drama of the regular season. So, the next time you witness a preseason penalty party, remember that it's not just about the penalties; it's about the lessons learned and the journey toward the regular season.

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