Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Musings on MSG's Renovation

Friend of the blog Patrick Hoffman wrote an article for TheGoodPoint.com and he asked me a six-pack of questions about the on-going Garden renovations. While some of my answers made his final article, I figured I would post the full monty here for your perusal.

1) Why do you think Madison Square Garden decided to do these renovations?

The short answer is because James Dolan is a businessman who likes to make money. The long answer is because Dolan was shortsighted and shot down the west-side Jets stadium. Once he did that, he slammed the door shut on Bloomberg and the rest of the NYC politicos and thus couldn't set up any kind of tax breaks or financial assistance for a new MSG. Without being able to build a new building, Dolan had to find other ways to raise long-term profits and a full renovation was the next-best thing. The old layout only had so much space for sushi bars and other trappings of the rich, corporate elite that Dolan hopes to attract more of. Yes, regular people enjoy sushi too, but not at hockey games.

2) When you first heard that the Garden would be undergoing renovations, what was your reaction? Why?

I was less than pleased, because I saw a dark future in it - a future where hardcore fans and children can't afford to go to games. A future where the Garden is as intimidating as the Air Canada Center in Toronto (which is not intimidating at all). A future where the team goes back to it's mercenary ways where they overpay for names to keep bringing in corporate clients. I was part of a focus group the Garden held with other season ticket holders. The third-party gentleman that they brought in to conduct the group asked a battery of questions, all along the line of 'what would make it alright for them to take your seat away and give you a worse one?' The answer, unanimously, was nothing. The fellow recommended an exclusive entrance to the building, some exclusive concession stands or minor discounts on said concessions. He was completely unable to grasp the concept that hardcore Ranger fans don't care about the accommodations or intermission entertainment options, they care about watching the game.

3) How do you think these renovations will end up benefiting Ranger fans at the game?

The renovations will make everything shinier and make it easier for fans to empty their wallet. There won't be any more limited view seats and there should be less congestion in the concourses during intermissions. There should be more of an impetus for Sather to build a winning team to justify the huge increases in cost but, looking at Toronto again, that won't necessarily be the case.

4) Do you think that their could be any negatives with these renovations? If so, what are they?

See my answer to number two. The Garden will be another vanilla building, albeit one even more full of tourists and businessmen endlessly talking on Blackberries while ignoring the action. Being a Ranger fan becomes more difficult the more they try to make going to games a luxury. In this day and age, what lower or even middle class families can afford to spend hundreds of dollars to go to a game? How many kids will ever get a chance to sit down low and see and feel the speed and power of live hockey, and thus become hooked on it? As great of a hockey city as New York is, the sport is not ingrained in people the way baseball and basketball is. Hockey is a big niche but a niche just the same. When you charge $60, 70 for nosebleeds, how many of the blue collar fans will bring the wife and kids to several games a season? Not many. They will sit at home and watch it on television, where it becomes just another program - like Jersey Shore or American Idol (and with Joe Micheletti doing analysis, just as obnoxious). It is just another case of eroding your long-term fanbase in exchange for a short-term money grab.

5) As someone who attends the Garden to watch hockey, how do you think the renovations will enhance your viewing experience?

Enhance my experience? Not at all. They may add some convenience as there will be less crowds to fight through towards the increased number of bathrooms and concessions. As a Garden regular after the lockout (when I finally had the money to be), I rarely had problems with the crowds. Like many of the other season ticket folks, I learned the best ways, means and timing to get everything I wanted. And, it must be said that those wants are not many outside of seeing the game. A pregame pretzel, maybe a beer and a stop at the bathroom (after said beer). In fact, the renovations will actually detract from the viewing experience as there will be less hardcore fans to commiserate with, less fans to make noise with and less chance I will be able to afford to go in the future.

6) Any other thoughts you'd like to share regarding the renovations and how it relates to the Rangers?

Dolan and O'Neil and the rest of the Garden brass are doing what they need to do to increase revenues and help maintain the building's standing as the self-proclaimed World's Most Famous Arena. I understand that. But, in doing so, the characteristics that have helped make the place one of the most intimidating, interesting and unique in all of the world are being stripped away. The building is stepping further from the gritty Garden and more towards personality-free corporate cleanliness. It is not entirely unlike Disney taking over Times Square and making it 'safe': it is business- and tourist-friendly but it has no personality.

 Musings on MSG's Renovation: A Glimpse into the Future of Iconic Arena

Madison Square Garden (MSG), often referred to as "The World's Most Famous Arena," holds a special place in the hearts of sports fans and concertgoers worldwide. It's a venue steeped in history, where legendary events have unfolded for over a century. However, like any enduring institution, MSG must adapt to the times. In this article, we will delve into the exciting renovation plans for MSG, exploring the motivations behind the project, the expected changes, and the impact it will have on the arena's future.

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Legacy of Madison Square Garden

A Historical Overview
The Need for Renovation
The Motivation Behind the Renovation

Modernizing the Fan Experience
Staying Competitive in the Industry
A Glimpse into the Planned Changes

Architectural and Technological Upgrades
Enhanced Fan Amenities
Preserving the Iconic Elements

Honoring MSG's Legacy
Balancing Tradition with Modernization
Anticipating the Impact on Events

Attracting Top Acts
Elevating the Sports Experience
The Future of Entertainment at MSG

How the Renovation Shapes MSG's Legacy
The Excitement Surrounding the Reopened Arena
FAQs: Common Questions About MSG's Renovation

1. Introduction: The Legacy of Madison Square Garden

A Historical Overview

MSG, located in the heart of New York City, has been the stage for countless historic moments. From iconic sports events, such as championship boxing matches and NBA games, to legendary concerts featuring music's biggest stars, MSG's history is an integral part of pop culture.

The Need for Renovation

Despite its storied history, even iconic venues like MSG require updates to meet the evolving demands of the entertainment industry. The renovation project aims to ensure that MSG remains a premier destination for fans and artists alike.

2. The Motivation Behind the Renovation

Modernizing the Fan Experience

One of the primary motivations for the renovation is to enhance the overall fan experience. This includes improved seating, better sightlines, and cutting-edge technology that will elevate the way fans engage with events.

Staying Competitive in the Industry

MSG faces competition from newer arenas with modern amenities. By renovating, MSG aims to remain at the forefront of the entertainment industry, attracting top talent and securing its status as a global entertainment hub.

3. A Glimpse into the Planned Changes

Architectural and Technological Upgrades

The renovation project encompasses architectural changes that will modernize the arena's appearance. Additionally, MSG plans to implement state-of-the-art technology, such as high-definition video displays and enhanced sound systems, to deliver an immersive experience for fans.

Enhanced Fan Amenities

Fans can look forward to upgraded amenities, including improved concessions, lounges, and restrooms. These enhancements are designed to make attending events at MSG more comfortable and enjoyable.

4. Preserving the Iconic Elements

Honoring MSG's Legacy

While modernization is a key goal, preserving the iconic elements that define MSG's character is equally important. The renovation plans include efforts to protect and celebrate the arena's rich history.

Balancing Tradition with Modernization

The challenge lies in striking a balance between preserving tradition and embracing innovation. MSG aims to update its facilities while retaining the timeless atmosphere that fans have cherished for generations.

5. Anticipating the Impact on Events

Attracting Top Acts

Renovations are expected to attract even more top-tier artists and performers. The improved facilities and enhanced fan experience will make MSG an even more attractive venue for musicians, comedians, and other entertainers.

Elevating the Sports Experience

Sports fans can also expect an elevated experience. From upgraded seating to improved concessions, the renovation project aims to enhance the enjoyment of attending games and sporting events at MSG.

6. The Future of Entertainment at MSG

How the Renovation Shapes MSG's Legacy

The renovation project will undoubtedly shape MSG's legacy for decades to come. It ensures that the arena remains a cultural icon and a symbol of entertainment excellence.

The Excitement Surrounding the Reopened Arena

Fans and performers alike are eagerly anticipating the reopening of MSG. The transformed arena promises to offer an even more unforgettable experience for all who walk through its doors.

7. FAQs: Common Questions About MSG's Renovation

Q1: How long will the renovation project take?

A1: The renovation timeline may vary, but it is expected to span several years to ensure all planned improvements are implemented effectively.

Q2: Will ticket prices increase due to the renovation?

A2: While some price adjustments may occur, MSG aims to offer a range of ticket options to accommodate various budgets.

The renovation of Madison Square Garden represents a pivotal moment in the arena's history. By modernizing its facilities while preserving its iconic elements, MSG aims to secure its place as an unrivaled destination for entertainment. As fans and artists eagerly await the grand reopening, the future of MSG promises to be even more dazzling and unforgettable than its storied past.

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