Friday, January 11, 2013

He's Back.

Thanks to multiple point nights from Johnny G, Pat Mullane, Steve Whitney, Kevin Hayes, Billy Arnold, and Destry Straight, the Boston College Eagles pulled off perhaps their biggest win of the year as they defeated the UNH Wildcats by a score of 5-2 Friday night @ Conte. What can I say ? There is nothing anyone can do to stop Johnny G when he decides to bring his game up to the level that he did tonight. I just can't explain it, he just sees everything about 4 or 5 seconds before anyone else does and because of that, BC is able to get fantastic chances to score goals. However, the game actually didn't start the way the Eagles wanted it to as UNH scored almost halfway through the first period off a bad turnover by Patrick Wey behind Parker Milner. It looked like Wey was trying to make a play off the boards but just got out-muscled by a UNH forward who eventually centered a pass out front for an easy tap in. After that goal though, it was all BC, all the time. The Eagles dominated the remainder of the first and were rewarded with beautiful goals from Kevin Hayes (thanks to a great pass from Billy Arnold) and one from Pat Mullane who put home an out of this world pass from Johnny G to make it 2-1 after one. In the second, BC continued to outplay a talented Wildcat team that had a very hard time to adjusting to the speed at which BC played at tonight. Throughout  the second stanza, BC played solid in their own end and because of it, they were able to create a ton of odd man rushes, which eventually led to goals from Johnny G, Arnold, and Mullane.

Let's start off by giving credit to the first line. They played maybe their best game of the year tonight even though they were on the ice for a long, long time. Pat Mullane said it best in his post game presser when he basically said that Johnny G just makes everyone around him a much better hockey player. Sure, BC has had a lot of real good hockey players come through and make their mark but none of them, not even Gionta or Gerbe had the ability to do some of the things Johnny G can do. I mean look, is it just a little bit out of whack that BC gets smoked by the Gophers 8-1 and got badly outplayed by Yale without him and they come back and dominate the nations #4 team ? No, it's not a coincidence....he is that good. Overall, I'm sure the staff is happy about the way all four lines played tonight as it was the first time in quite a long time where each and every forward played at a high level. BC didn't get any secondary scoring tonight but the bottom six forwards certainly played very well in both ends and probably should've had a goal or two. It's difficult to win games when you have one player or one line playing at a high level, especially against teams like UNH.  It takes a full team effort to utterly dominate teams like those. That's what BC had in them tonight.

The thing the staff has to be really happy about tonight is the play of the defenseman (besides that little blemish by Wey). BC actually did get outshot overall but thanks to some really fine play by the D core, most of UNH's shots were from the perimeter, ones that were easy saves for Parker Milner. One guy that I thought played his game of the year tonight was Travis Jeke. He is one of those guys that is filled with talent and ability but needs to be thrown into the fire a little bit before he can take the next step. Tonight, thanks to his solid puck moving and smart play in his own zone, he looked like one of those guys that can start to be relied on more and more. I will be interested to see if he is able to carry that momentum of good play into tomorrows game on the Olympic sheet.

All in all, I'm really happy about the way the Eagles played tonight. They played fast, the played aggressive, they manifested their speed and skill, and most importantly, they played @ 100 % for a full 60 minutes. That's what it takes to beat teams like UNH. You've got to be at your best from puck drop to the final horn. BC did that tonight as because of it, they've got a chance to pick up a weekend sweep tomorrow night @ the Whit.

Also, congrats to Coach Cav and Coach Brown on getting the win tonight. They certainly did a phenomenal job in Coach York's absence.

Why BC won-

1. Johnny G was Johnny G. Plain and simple.

2. They played really hard for a full 60 minutes. Whether it was offense, defense, or special teams, I thought BC gave it 100% all night.

3. They created odd man ruses that really seemed to throw UNH's D off. That needs to continue tomorrow night.

Player of the game- Johnny G.

Next Up- @ UNH  tomorrow. 7 PM puck drop.

 "He's Back: The Return of a Legendary Icon - Exploring the Comeback of Iconic Characters"

In the world of entertainment, there are certain characters that transcend time and become etched into our cultural consciousness. These characters hold a special place in our hearts, and when they make a comeback, it's an event worth celebrating. In this article, we'll dive deep into the phenomenon of iconic character comebacks and explore the reasons behind their enduring popularity. We'll also answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about this fascinating topic.

Chapter 1: The Magic of Iconic Characters

Iconic characters are those that have left an indelible mark on our collective imagination. They are often associated with a particular era, franchise, or medium, and they represent more than just a fictional persona. They embody values, aspirations, and emotions that resonate with audiences across generations. These characters become timeless, and their appeal endures even as years pass.

Chapter 2: The Comeback Craze

The concept of iconic characters making a comeback is not new. In fact, it's a trend that has been gaining momentum in recent years. From classic movie monsters like Godzilla and King Kong to beloved superheroes like Spider-Man and Batman, the return of iconic characters generates significant buzz and excitement among fans.

But what drives these comebacks? Let's explore some of the key factors:

Chapter 3: Nostalgia in the Digital Age

In an era where information is readily accessible and nostalgia is easily indulged, the return of iconic characters is fueled by a longing for simpler times. Many fans who grew up with these characters want to relive the magic of their childhood or introduce these beloved icons to a new generation.

Chapter 4: The Power of Reboots and Remakes

One common way iconic characters make a comeback is through reboots and remakes. This approach allows creators to reimagine classic stories with modern sensibilities while paying homage to the source material. For example, the 2019 film "The Lion King" brought back the beloved characters from the 1994 animated classic in a visually stunning CGI adaptation.

Chapter 5: Expanding the Universe

Another way iconic characters return to the spotlight is through expanded universes. This approach involves introducing new characters and storylines within the same fictional universe. For instance, the "Star Wars" franchise has continued to thrive by introducing new characters like Rey and Kylo Ren while maintaining connections to the original trilogy.

Chapter 6: Fan Engagement and Social Media

Social media has become a powerful tool for fan engagement and marketing. Studios and creators leverage platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to build excitement around the return of iconic characters. Teasers, trailers, and behind-the-scenes content allow fans to feel a part of the journey, making the comeback even more anticipated.

Chapter 7: The Economic Incentive

Let's not forget the economic factor. Successful franchises have a built-in fan base that can drive box office sales, merchandise revenue, and streaming subscriptions. The return of iconic characters can be a win-win for both creators and fans, resulting in financial success and satisfying fan cravings.

Chapter 8: Common Questions About Iconic Character Comebacks

Now that we've explored the phenomenon of iconic character comebacks, let's answer some common questions that often arise in discussions about these beloved figures.

FAQ 1: Are character comebacks always successful?

While iconic character comebacks often generate a lot of excitement, they are not always successful. The reception can vary depending on factors such as the quality of the new material, the faithfulness to the original source, and the expectations of the fan base. Some comebacks are celebrated as triumphant returns, while others are met with disappointment.

FAQ 2: Can a comeback tarnish a character's legacy?

Yes, there is a risk that a poorly executed comeback can tarnish a character's legacy. When creators mishandle beloved characters or make significant departures from what fans love about them, it can lead to backlash and damage the character's reputation. Striking the right balance between nostalgia and innovation is crucial.

FAQ 3: What challenges do creators face when bringing back iconic characters?

Bringing back iconic characters comes with its own set of challenges. Creators must navigate the expectations of fans who have a deep attachment to these characters. They also need to find ways to make the characters relevant to a new audience while honoring their history. Balancing these factors requires careful planning and creativity.

FAQ 4: Are there any iconic characters that should never make a comeback?

While it's tempting to bring back beloved characters from the past, there are instances where it's best to let them rest in peace. Some characters have had such a perfect ending or story arc that any attempt to resurrect them could undermine their legacy. Creators must tread carefully and consider whether a comeback is warranted.

FAQ 5: Can a comeback revive interest in a dormant franchise?

Yes, a successful character comeback can indeed revive interest in a dormant franchise. It can serve as a reawakening, attracting new fans and rekindling the passion of long-time enthusiasts. A well-executed comeback can breathe new life into a franchise and open up new opportunities for storytelling.

Chapter 9: Conclusion

The return of iconic characters is a phenomenon that continues to captivate audiences around the world. Whether it's the reappearance of a beloved superhero, a classic movie monster, or a timeless literary figure, these comebacks remind us of the enduring power of storytelling and the connection we share with these fictional icons.

As we've explored, the reasons behind these comebacks are diverse, from nostalgia and reboots to fan engagement and economic incentives. However, the success of a comeback ultimately hinges on the creators' ability to strike the right balance between honoring the character's legacy and providing fresh, compelling stories.

In an age where the past is just a click away, the return of iconic characters reminds us that some stories are timeless and that the magic of these characters can continue to inspire and entertain us for generations to come.

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