Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekend Review

As I was walking out of the Whittemore Center on Saturday night, I thought to myself, "hey you know what, this was once heck of a weekend". Sure, BC came out on the wrong side of things on Saturday vs the Wildcats but when it came to 5 on 5 hockey this weekend, BC was the better hockey team, in fact, they played their best 5 on 5 hockey in a long, long time in both games this weekend. The loss on Saturday was a real tough one to swallow especially with the despicable calls made late in that hockey game. I try as hard as I can on the blog not to try and act like a BU person and rant about the officiating for 15 minutes but in all honesty, I think BC could have came out on the right side of the stick if not for some suspect calls. Anyways, I'll stop ranting. First off, I really liked the way all four lines played this weekend, whether it was on the regular sheet at Conte or the big ice @ The Whit. I thought each and every line had moments in which they created some odd man rushes and could have scored some goals. You could clearly see that with Johnny and Destry back in the lineup, everyone was a little bit more comfortable in their old roles, ones they have not been in since early November. Seeing all twelve forwards play like that vs a tough team like UNH is as big a positive as BC can take out of this weekend.

On the defensive side of things, everyone is certainly improving day by day. I thought freshman Travis Jeke took some big steps out there this weekend, especially in Friday's win. I liked the way Teddy Doherty and Pat Wey play when paired together. They're quickly becoming BC's go to D pairing and in order to get two wins this weekend, their solid play must continue. One problem that I'm sure the staff has already addressed is Mike Matheson's tendency to take so many penalties. If you ask me, he is without a doubt BC's best defenseman and when he is on the ice, anything can happen because of his terrific speed and playmaking ability. Not to mention he is also one of the main guys Coach Cav turns to when BC goes on the penalty kill. He cannot be in the box. When he is taking penalties, it kills this team and in order for BC to succeed in all phases of the game, he needs to be on the ice, not in the penalty box. Otherwise, I loved the way BC's defense competed this weekend. Yes, there were some problems and a turnover here and there but I thought for the most part, each and every guy stepped up his game this weekend.

As for the special teams, I thought the penalty kill was solid for the most part on both nights even though they gave up the eventual game winner on Saturday. Killing off two 5 minute majors in less than a week is no easy task and it is clear that the unit is getting better at every aspect in that part of the game. As for the power play, I'm not really sure what to say. It is quite evident that the addition of Johnny G has clearly helped the first unit but the bottom line is that they didn't score at critical junctures in Saturday's game. I look for both PP units to have a big weekend vs the Minutemen and Huskies.

Overall, it is pretty safe to say that this club is moving in the right direction. When it comes to 5 on 5 hockey, this team looks a whole worlds better than they did vs Yale and the Golden Gophers. If you ask me, BC was the better team when it came to 5 on 5 hockey this weekend and if they can stay out of the box, they will have a chance to win each and every game. On the injury front, many have asked about Patrick Wey after he suffered a wrist injury on Saturday. He is fine and did indeed practice full today.


The school announced today that Coach Cav and Coach Brown will continue to lead the team as Coach York will remain out for this weekend. The school also said that the night to commemorate Coach York,, which was supposed to be Friday, will now be on a later date.

BC remained #2 in the USCHO poll.

The Eagles will host UMass on Friday before heading to Matthews Arena on Saturday to face the Huskies.

 Weekend Review: Uncovering the Art of Leisure and Productivity

In the fast-paced world we live in, weekends serve as a precious respite from the daily grind. They offer an opportunity to unwind, rejuvenate, and explore activities that bring us joy and fulfillment. The concept of a "Weekend Review" is gaining popularity as a way to make the most of these precious days. In this article, we will delve into the art of the Weekend Review, its benefits, and answer frequently asked questions to help you harness the power of your weekends.

What is a Weekend Review?

A Weekend Review is a deliberate and structured approach to evaluate and plan how you spend your weekends. It is more than just a casual reflection; it involves setting goals, assessing accomplishments, and optimizing your leisure time. Think of it as a performance review for your personal time.

The Benefits of a Weekend Review

Increased Productivity: Contrary to the notion that weekends are meant solely for relaxation, a Weekend Review can boost your productivity. By setting clear goals and priorities for your weekend, you can accomplish more in less time.

Enhanced Well-being: A well-structured weekend that includes activities you enjoy can significantly contribute to your overall well-being. The Weekend Review helps you identify these activities and make time for them.

Stress Reduction: When you plan and organize your weekend in advance, you reduce last-minute stress and decision fatigue. Knowing what to expect from your weekend can lead to a more relaxed and enjoyable experience.

Improved Work-Life Balance: A Weekend Review is an excellent tool for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. By allocating time for both work-related and personal activities, you can avoid overworking and burnout.

How to Conduct a Weekend Review

Now that we understand the benefits, let's explore how to conduct a Weekend Review effectively:

Reflect on Your Previous Weekend: Take a moment to reflect on how you spent your last weekend. What went well? What could have been better? What did you enjoy the most? Use these insights as a foundation for your next Weekend Review.

Set Clear Goals: Define your objectives for the upcoming weekend. Are there specific tasks you need to complete? Do you want to explore a new hobby or spend quality time with loved ones? Setting clear goals will give your weekend purpose.

Plan Your Activities: Create a rough schedule for the weekend, allocating time blocks for different activities. Be realistic about how much you can accomplish and leave room for flexibility.

Prioritize Self-Care: Make sure to include self-care activities in your plan. Whether it's reading, meditation, exercise, or simply enjoying a leisurely brunch, prioritize activities that recharge you.

Limit Work-Related Tasks: If possible, avoid bringing work home or spending excessive time on work-related tasks during the weekend. However, if work is unavoidable, allocate specific time slots for it.

Unplug and Disconnect: Consider setting aside specific periods for digital detox. Disconnecting from screens and social media can help you fully engage with your chosen activities.

Review and Adjust: At the end of the weekend, review how you spent your time compared to your initial goals. Celebrate your accomplishments and identify areas for improvement. Use this feedback to refine your Weekend Review process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is a Weekend Review only for people with busy work schedules?

No, a Weekend Review can benefit anyone, regardless of their work schedule. It's a tool for optimizing your leisure time and ensuring you make the most of your weekends, whether you have a hectic job or a more relaxed one.

2. What if I don't want to plan my weekends in advance?

While planning in advance can be helpful, a Weekend Review doesn't necessarily mean rigidly scheduling every minute of your weekend. It can simply involve setting goals and priorities, leaving room for spontaneity and relaxation.

3. Can a Weekend Review help with family and social commitments?

Absolutely. A Weekend Review can help you allocate time for family and social activities, ensuring you maintain strong relationships and create lasting memories.

4. How can I adapt my Weekend Review when traveling or during special occasions?

Adapting your Weekend Review for special occasions or travel is perfectly reasonable. In such cases, your goals and priorities may change, but the underlying principle of intentional planning remains the same.

5. What if my weekends are already packed with chores and errands?

If your weekends are filled with responsibilities, a Weekend Review can still help. It allows you to allocate time efficiently and make room for leisure activities, even if your schedule is tight.

6. Can I do a Weekend Review with my partner or family members?

Yes, involving your partner or family members in the Weekend Review can be a great way to align your goals and make collaborative plans for quality time together.

The Weekend Review is a powerful tool that can transform your weekends from unstructured downtime into periods of fulfillment, productivity, and well-being. By reflecting on your past weekends, setting clear goals, and intentionally planning your activities, you can make the most of these precious days. Whether you lead a busy life or prefer a more relaxed pace, the Weekend Review can be adapted to suit your needs and enhance your overall quality of life. So, start your journey to more purposeful weekends today and savor the joy of truly living in the moment.

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