Monday, September 24, 2007

Even Beer Couldn't Make Me Happy

In this space I would love to regale you with the details of what happened in vicious battle between two of the biggest rivals in the NHL. I would love to continue my game-by-game observations and analysis. I would love to curse out the NHL more for allowing Simon the Barbarian to play even though he is suspended.

But I won't, because I can't.

You know why? Because I didn't see the game!!!! In an abrasive, aggressive and pathetic move, the Islanders/Rangers preseason battle was not televised. Now MSG has made it clear that they are not doing preseason games away from Garden ice, so FSN New York should have picked up the ball but they were too busy airing, and I kid you not, the Wrangler Pro Tour: Ariat Playoffs Rodeo.

Without any kind of press statement, I can only hazard a few guesses as to why it didn't go to air:
1 - FSN decided not to cover it to save costs as it is 'only hockey' - a quite likely explanation that is quite likely the real reason, it is utterly infuriating considering FSN doesn't cover the live games - regular season or not - of any other local professional sports.
2 - The Islanders encouraged this to promote their top-notch broadband service Islanders TV.
3 - The Islanders encouraged this to promote the Islander fan blogs that they support in their Blog Box.
4 - The Islanders did both 2&3 to make the Rangers' services look bad as their On Demand video service has comparably weak content and does not play on many computers well. And the Rangers fan bloggers were shut out. The top beat writer blogs who did live updates didn't capture the action nearly as well as they were too busy working on deadline for their papers.

Now I know that it's only preseason and in most sports many of the exhibition matches don't make air, but it isn't like the local broadcasters were booked with football (just one game, on ESPN, not like either MSG or FSN air NFL games), basketball (hasn't started yet), or baseball (both networks lost rights to the two local teams). So the only live franchises that these regional networks cover all year long aren't worth showing? I am at a loss here and at this point am too aggravated to bother trying to come up with an explanation for the inexplicable.

EDIT: Gotta love YouTube. I love how the Islanders after the game bitched about the Rangers sending a third man in on Simon when in both cases he clearly jumped Hollweg. What scum.

Title: "Even Beer Couldn't Make Me Happy: Understanding the Impact of Mental Health and Seeking Happiness"


"Even Beer Couldn't Make Me Happy" is a poignant expression of the profound impact of mental health on one's overall well-being. In this article, we'll delve into the complex relationship between mental health and happiness, exploring the factors that contribute to happiness, the role of external indulgences like alcohol, and the importance of seeking professional help when needed. We'll also answer frequently asked questions to shed light on this critical issue and provide guidance for those facing similar challenges.

Part I: The Quest for Happiness

What Is Happiness?

Happiness is a multifaceted and subjective emotion that encompasses feelings of joy, contentment, and overall life satisfaction. It is influenced by a combination of internal and external factors.

Internal Factors for Happiness

Mental Health: A healthy mental state, free from conditions like depression or anxiety, is fundamental to experiencing happiness.
Resilience: The ability to cope with life's challenges and setbacks plays a crucial role in maintaining happiness.
Positive Mindset: Cultivating a positive outlook on life and practicing gratitude can enhance happiness.
Part II: The Pursuit of External Pleasures

The Role of External Indulgences

External pleasures like alcohol, while providing temporary relief or enjoyment, cannot substitute for lasting happiness. They may offer a momentary escape but do not address the root causes of unhappiness.

Alcohol and Mental Health

While alcohol can temporarily alleviate stress or anxiety, excessive and long-term alcohol use can contribute to mental health issues, including depression and addiction. This highlights the importance of moderation and seeking healthier coping mechanisms.

Part III: The Impact of Mental Health

Mental Health and Happiness

Mental health and happiness are deeply interconnected. Poor mental health can hinder one's ability to experience happiness, while happiness can, in turn, positively affect mental health.

Recognizing Mental Health Challenges

It is essential to recognize the signs of mental health challenges, such as persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, changes in sleep or appetite, and difficulty concentrating. Seeking professional help is crucial when these signs are present.

Part IV: Seeking Help and Finding Happiness

The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health

Stigma can prevent individuals from seeking help for mental health issues. It is essential to break down these barriers and prioritize mental well-being.

Finding Happiness Through Treatment

Seeking therapy, counseling, or medication when necessary can significantly improve mental health and, by extension, one's overall happiness. It is a courageous and empowering step towards well-being.

Part V: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let's address some frequently asked questions about mental health and happiness:

1. Can alcohol or other substances provide temporary relief from mental health issues?

Yes, substances like alcohol can temporarily alleviate symptoms, but they are not a long-term solution and can worsen mental health issues if abused.

2. How can I differentiate between temporary unhappiness and a mental health issue?

Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed may indicate a mental health issue. Consult a mental health professional for an accurate assessment.

3. Is seeking therapy a sign of weakness?

No, seeking therapy is a courageous and proactive step towards addressing mental health challenges and finding happiness. It demonstrates strength and self-awareness.


"Even Beer Couldn't Make Me Happy" is a stark reminder of the profound impact of mental health on our overall well-being and happiness. While external indulgences may offer temporary relief, true and lasting happiness is rooted in a healthy mental state. Recognizing the signs of mental health challenges, seeking professional help when needed, and practicing self-care and resilience are crucial steps toward finding happiness. Let us break the stigma surrounding mental health, encourage open conversations, and prioritize our mental well-being, knowing that happiness is within reach, even in the face of life's challenges.

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