Thursday, September 6, 2007

Scotty Doesn't Know

The man who made our life as Ranger fans more difficult and got the not-all-that-mighty Ducks a Stanley Cup held a press conference today to tell the world his decision on retirement.

You know what Scott Niedermayer said? NOTHING. He had a Giambi-esque press conference where he said nothing (but didn't imply anything, unlike Giambi). There are mp3s here from his presser where he apologizes for not making up his mind. If I was a Duck I would be pissed not knowing if the best player on the team wanted to come back or not. I'm not saying he should retire, the guy was the best player on the ice for much of the last year so he clearly has a lot left. But let's face it, he has nothing left to prove so it comes down to whether or not he still has the love to play. Before leaving Jersey he said his wish was to play alongside his brother. He did that, and he won the guy a Stanley Cup he otherwise would not have gotten.

I know it's not an easy decision, but he had two months to figure it out and now people's careers hang in the balance. Some kid is coming to Ducks camp hoping to fight for a spot not knowing if it will be there or not ... not to mention that plenty of Western coaching staffs want to know if they need to prepare for the game that Niedermayer brings. My opinion? He should hang 'em up. He has won at every level, so why not leave a legacy that few will ever come near? His spot in the Hall of Fame is sealed so why risk injury (to himself or that legacy) for another season?

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