Friday, September 21, 2007

Time To Tape Up The Sticks

Well, its finally here. After yet another summer, hockey season starts tonight. Granted, its preseason, but its a Rangers game nonetheless.

MSG Network has their hour-long season preview show on in five minutes (6pm) and the Rangers will face off against the Devils at 7pm. As it is the Hebrew holiday, I will be forced to watch Rangers Rewind later so please no txts or calls!!!

I will post my observations, thoughts, reactions, whatever later tonight.

Let's Go Rangers!!!

 "Time To Tape Up The Sticks: The Art and Science of Hockey Stick Preparation"

"Time To Tape Up The Sticks" is a familiar refrain for hockey players of all levels, from the NHL to recreational leagues. The process of preparing hockey sticks involves more than just aesthetics; it's about enhancing performance and personalizing equipment. In this article, we'll delve into the art and science of hockey stick preparation. We'll explore the various aspects of taping hockey sticks, from blade to handle, and the role it plays in a player's performance on the ice. Additionally, we'll address frequently asked questions to provide a comprehensive guide to stick taping.

Part I: The Basics of Hockey Stick Taping

Understanding the Purpose

Taping a hockey stick serves multiple purposes. It provides grip, protection, and a way to personalize the stick's appearance. Grip is particularly essential, as it affects puck handling, shooting accuracy, and overall performance.

Part II: Blade Taping

Blade Taping Techniques

Taping the blade is a critical aspect of stick preparation. We'll explore various techniques, such as the toe-to-heel method and the candy cane method, and their impact on puck control and shooting.

Selecting Tape Material

Choosing the right tape material for the blade can make a significant difference in performance. Factors like friction, durability, and feel come into play when selecting tape.

Part III: Handle Taping

Handle Taping Techniques

Taping the handle, or "the knob," is a highly personalized aspect of stick preparation. We'll discuss techniques for creating a comfortable and secure grip, including the classic knob, grip-enhancing styles, and player-specific preferences.

Grip vs. Tackiness

Players have different preferences when it comes to the grip's tackiness. We'll explore the balance between grip and tackiness and how it can impact stick handling and shooting.

Part IV: Personalization and Superstitions

Personalization of Stick Taping

Many players use tape colors and patterns to personalize their sticks. We'll delve into the creative side of stick taping and how it can become a player's unique signature.

Superstitions and Rituals

Hockey players are known for their superstitions and rituals, and stick taping is no exception. We'll explore some of the quirky and interesting superstitions related to stick taping in the hockey world.

Part V: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let's address some frequently asked questions about stick taping:

1. How often should I re-tape my stick?

The frequency of re-taping depends on personal preference. Some players re-tape before every game, while others do it less frequently. It's essential to monitor the tape's condition and re-tape when it becomes worn or loses grip.

2. Does the type of tape used affect stick performance?

Yes, the type of tape used can impact stick performance. Some players prefer cloth tape for grip, while others opt for rubberized or friction tape for added control. Experimenting with different tape types can help you find what works best for your style of play.

3. Can stick taping help with shot accuracy and power?

Yes, stick taping can play a role in shot accuracy and power. A well-taped blade can provide better puck control and shot accuracy, while a comfortable handle grip can enhance shooting power by allowing players to maintain control during the shot.

"Time To Tape Up The Sticks" highlights the significance of stick taping in the world of hockey. Beyond aesthetics, stick taping is a fundamental aspect of player preparation and performance enhancement. Whether you're a professional player or a weekend warrior, the art and science of stick taping can impact your game on the ice. By understanding the purpose of taping, experimenting with different techniques, and personalizing your stick, you can fine-tune your equipment to suit your playing style and preferences. Stick taping is not just a practical necessity; it's a ritual that connects players to the tradition and culture of the sport, making it an integral part of the hockey experience. So, the next time you hear, "Time To Tape Up The Sticks," remember that it's an opportunity to perfect your hockey weapon and elevate your performance on the ice.

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