Thursday, October 23, 2008

Causin' Chaos: Sean Avery On The Island

The New York Islanders gave me a photo pass for this evening's game against the Dallas Stars. My assignment for them? Get a good shot of Doug Weight. I did that. In fact, I used my dumb luck mad skills and came away with a good number of decent shots not only of my primary target, but of several other players. But since the spotlight heading into this game was on one player in particular, I made sure to get him.

So here is Sean Avery's night at the Coliseum, in pictures:

The only one I want to put a caption on is this last one. Avery wasn't talking trash and starting trouble with Islander fans, he had thrown his glove up into the crowd towards a kid wearing a Ranger jersey. Of no surprise, an older female Islander fan made the grab and refused to hand it over. Avery tried to get her to pass it along but, unsurprisingly, had no luck. Either way, it was a nice gesture by him.

Causin' Chaos: Sean Avery On The Island

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